1. A Showery Night

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Akshat massaged his head worried. His life felt like a scandal gossip direct out of Page 3, all because of one woman, no, one impulsive, thick headed, nonsensical, immature entity wearing garb of a woman. She was no woman, more like an annoying bratty kid hiding in a woman's body.
As a banshee like scream echoed through the entire Jindal House, Akshat sighed in defeat. After all, he had intentionally thrown his leg on axe, more like, the axe had fallen right onto his head.
"What happened?!" He asked irritated, knocking on the bath's door.
No response.
"Have the courtesy to reply at least!" He hissed, furrowing his brows.
"Uncle, help!" A low voice came from inside when he was about to go away.
"What exactly happened?!Is it a lizard again!"He asked half expecting her to spill her entire dictionary of limited threats out at him. But none came, except the wetness he felt against his sole.
Looking down, he saw water flowing out of bath, into the room.
"Guddan, are you fine?" He asked getting worried. It was highly possible for a clutz like her to drown in a bath tub.
"Damnit!" He cursed and pushed with full force against the door.
"Guddan, are you alri.." His words of worry died in his throat at the sight that greeted him.
Guddan was pressing her both palms against the wall as water jumped out in all directions from in between her fingers.
Why did he even bother?!!
"Why the hell is tap broken?!Were you wrestling with it!!!? He half barked, when a spray of water came and wiped his glasses clean.
He wiped the water off quickly and exasperated, called out to her.
"Hold it for 5 more minutes. I am calling the plumber".
"What are you saying? Don't murmur within your head. I can't hear you!" Guddan shouted closing her eyes against the high pressure water jumping right into her.
Leaning a little closer, but out of water's reach, Akshat spoke yet again.
"I am saying that hold the tap..."
As her ears picked up some slightly decipherable murmurs of 'i am saying..', she moved a step or two in his direction as her press against the pipe hole loosened.
Too involved in trying to decode his speech, she had just removed her one hand to keep it against her ear, when water jumped out with full pressure directly onto Akshat.
"What the hell are you doing?" He gurgled as water hit him.
Her eyes widened and thus she removed the other hand too, in her desperation to explain the reason of her actions.
Realization came too late, as water sprayed out in all directions drenching her and Akshat from head to toe.
She turned away from the tap's direction to protect herself against direct hit of water.
He turned around too, and removed his glasses, massaging his eyes to remove the blurriness.
"Dont turn away like an idiot, close the hole!!" He ordered.
This offended Guddan. How dare this brand new husband of hers try to order her around!
"Why don't you use your swelled arms?!"
"What?!"He thundered but she cut him.
"It really is swelling!?Has the side effects of old age started showing up, you arrogant geezer!", she retorted.
"How dare you?!" He turned around snarling when the water showed its prowess, forcing Akshat's eyes shut yet again.
"You won't be able to do it, uncle!" She smirked and turned around to cover the hole when a 'bulky' hand shot out and pulled her away. Before Guddan could process the situation, Akshat swiftly moved closer to the wall and rammed his super-wide back against the hole, with Guddan safely tucked in his embrace.
She struggled in his embrace but to no avail. He was strong.
And suddenly Akshat pulled her closer, flushed against his wet body, shocking Guddan.
She looked up ready to give him a piece of mind when he leaned his head down too and their faces stopped inches apart from each others.
"Nothing is impossible for AJ!" He announced with an almost smug look on his face.
Guddan couldn't retort. In that moment, her barely holding processor had crashed down.
It was when, he pressed her close yet again, she regained her non existent senses and started squirming again.
"Let me go!" She hissed trying to push his hands away.
"Are you a retard?! If pressure against the water decreased, water will throw up in all directions and in this position, you might as well end up kissing the ground with me on top. And I am quite sure that I'll still be very much fine", he explained, as they glared daggers at each other. If these daggers could materialize, it would have been a bloodbath.
The bahus and sons came shouting, when saru shouted about how water was flowing out of AJ's room, into hallway.
"What the..." Lakshmi (second DIL) barely completed her words when the scene in front put her in a state of comatose paralysis.
Saru (Third DIL) looked on wide eyed as her saas(MIL) and sasur(FIL) were locked in a passionate embrace.
And Durga (Eldest DIL)glared at guddan. She had the audacity to make a mess, even after the drama she did!
"Dont stand like a fool! The pipe's broken, cut off the water supply from tanker!! Akshat shouted as one of the son rushed out quickly.
Few minutes later, as Akshat felt the pressure against his back relax, he loosened his hold on Guddan and awkwardly,both moved away.
"Papa, I have called the plumber but all this..."
Akshat looked on confused as the son turned his head to the other direction. AJ turned to other one and he did the same.
As he turned to his side, he found Guddan standing clueless as ever, as her suit clung to her form like a second skin showing a little more than necessary.
Quickly he pulled a towel from the cabinet and wrapped it around her.
Guddan looked up only to see his face turned away.
Mr. AJ is a complicated man.
"Badi bahu, get Mrs Jindal into a set of dry clothes immediately. I dont want her to catch a cold and spread it to me".
Nope, definitely an akdu ( arrogant man) with no saving.
Guddan pouted at him as the bahus ( DIL) took her away.


Bonded by Fate *Completed*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin