9. Misconceptions of a Kiss

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It has been a month since Guddan entered Jindal parivaar. With her present, there was never a dull moment.
And as of right now, she stood with her mouth hanging open in disbelief at the ridiculous trip Dadi had planned for them, A Freaking Honey-Moon!!

She glanced sideways to see Akshat narrowing his already small eyes, suspiciously at his mother, suspecting some foul play.
"I am not interested", he replied glaring at Guddan.

In response, Guddan glared back at him, "Neither am I, U-N-C-L-E!!"

Akshat didn't miss the extra stress implied on 'Uncle' and gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"I am not asking you, I am telling you", Dadi chided both of them.

She looked at Guddan hopefully and continued, "Rajasthan is a beautiful place, Guddan. You can go and explore their traditions, folk music and dance, and that knowledge can be beneficial in your pursuit of becoming an actor."

Guddan nodded, impressed while AJ shook his head. His mother had bated that idiot!

"I won't be going!" Akshat emphasised forcing Guddan out of her daydreaming of spectacular Ghoomar.

"When did I ask for your company?! I am totally ready to go alone!!" Guddan beamed.

"Great, that settles it then! Let me call the driver, to come and pick you up!" Akshat replied quickly and had opened the dialpad just as quickly. His soul was screaming for the much deserved peace! And peace was where, there was no Guddan!

Dadi glared at Akshat who shrugged them off, pretending to be insensitive. Defeated, Dadi looked at Guddan's face and couldn't find it in her heart to refuse her the trip just because her son wasn't going.

"Alright, Guddan beta...Your flight is at 5 in evening so be ready by 4", Dadi smiled at Guddan and handed her the tickets.

Surprised, Akshat looked at his mother. He totally expected her to force him to go by emotional blackmail!
Brimming with excitement, Guddan hugged Dadi and ran towards her room to pack her luggage.

Later, Akshat entered the room to find the floor decorated with clothes, sandals, trolley bag, Laptop, chips and....Guddan.

"What the hell are you doing?" He enquired annoyed, jumping over the saree.

"Me!? I am eating chips! Can't you see? Uncle, your spects are just as old as you are! Get them changed!" She recommended monotonously, absolutely focussed on the laptop screen.

"I can see that just fine!" He retorted annoyed and snatched the laptop away from her.

"What are you doing!?" Guddan shouted getting up to her feet while her arms flew forward to grab hold of laptop, but AJ was quick and raised the laptop to further height.

"This is MY laptop! How did you open it?" He enquired sceptically.

"It was no rocket science! Anyone can guess your password!" Guddan replied, trying to pull his arm down.

"What?!" He asked, shocked.

"Your wife's name and birth date's combination..duhuhh!" Guddan shouted annoyed and forcefully pulled down his arm, but till then the laptop had been passed to the other palm.

Akshat stopped playing passing the parcel with laptop and stared at Guddan, shocked. Since he was thrown off guard, she quickly pulled down the other arm and had almost snatched back the laptop, when Akshat regained his wits and tried to pull it back. A tug of war ensued as both struggled with the laptop, pulling it back and forth. In this scuffle, Akshat's feet fell on the saree lying on the ground and his leg slipped and he started falling on his back. With him, went the laptop and with laptop, Guddan too went down and both ended up falling on the bed, Akshat underneath Guddan. On reflex, Akshat's hands went around her waist while Guddan grasped his shirt in her fist and both shared an eyelock. Lines of irritation were etched on Guddan's forehead while Akshat felt absolutely troubled by the recent revelation. Both were lost in their own thoughts, when a voice from outside prompted them to move away from each other. It was Lakshmi.

"AJ, we are coming in! Dadi has sent some things for Gudd...I mean Saasu maa" Lakshmi called out, pushing the door ajar.

As Akshat pushed his upper half into upright position, Guddan also started pulling her body away by supporting with her arms. It was when, mistakenly, Akshat's elbow pushed against her arm causing her palm to slip against the bedsheet and she fell forward, right into him.

"Saasu maa, dadi has sent...." Saru paused when the scene unfolded in front of her eyes.
AJ was seated on the bed, leaning back on his left arm while Guddan was seated onto his lap, her one hand fisting his shirt while the fingers of other palm were stretched across his neck and lower jaw. As Lakshmi's eyes raked down their compromising profile, her left palm came to cover her mouth, as an almost crying sound of failure erupted within. AJ's right palm was wrapped around Guddan's bare waist!
As Saru's words reached the duo, Guddan tried to get up but winced and her right palm flew to massage her hair.

"What is it?" He enquired bossily and then looked down to see, few strands of hair tangled with his buttons.

Simultaneously, both raised their palms to untangle the knot and their palms touched. Akshat withdrew his hands, feeling awkward while Guddan leaned close to his face to lessen the tension that was pulling on her scalp. As she struggled to get the knot untwisted, Akshat leaned his right profile closer to her, to provide extra access. But from Laksmi's and Saru's view, it looked like they were kissing! Because both had leaned closer in such a way, that their faces were hidden from their sight.

Lakshmi looked at Saru devastated, her lips turned upside down. While Saru looked at the boldness of AJ!

"Let me handle this!" AJ interjected, getting impatient and removed her hands to untangle her strands. And thus, both AJ and Guddan tilted their faces in opposite direction, making it seem like they were continuing their kiss!

AJ tried hard but failed. The strands were too fine and her wincing at every step wasn't helping much either!

"Waitt" Guddan asked, and leaned her mouth down to the level of the button and taking it between her teeth, pulled it apart.

"Ouch! " Akshat winced as her sharp tipped nail grazed against his chest, which she had used to aid in pulling apart of the button.
Finally done, Guddan jumped away from him and handed him the button.

"Why did you break the button!?" He asked, confused.

"Because....if Lakshmi and Saru bahu would have witnessed us like this for a few more minutes, I am quite sure, their heart would crash, just like their spirits!" Guddan remarked, pointing her forefinger towards the aghast duo.

Akshat looked beyond Guddan to see, their two DIL's standing traumatised.
"Why are you both here? State your purpose?!" He enquired, absolutely not feeling the need to justify the situation apart from the fantasy, their pea sized brains would have cooked.

"Haa..ye..woh...Dadi has sent button to send you both on kiss!" Lakshmi stammered.

"What!?" Akshat scrunched his lips, not getting the point while Guddan tried hard to suppress her chuckle.
It worked just fine. If AJ uncle didn't mind, she could play the game too.

"I understand!" Guddan replied pulling the box from Saru's hands and then whispered slowly, only for them to hear.

"Next time, make sure to ask for permission to enter this room! We don't want you to loose your wits!" Guddan winked and showed them the way out of the room.

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