8. Arguement of Understanding

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As the clock struck 2, Durga leaned back and was having a peaceful moment with her novel , when a noise disrupted her peace. Groaning, she lifted her ass off the sofa and stepped out of the room, only to hear AJ chanting her name.

"Yes, AJ!" She asked, leaning over the railing.

"I have forgotten the Merger contract' file on my bed, bring it to me!" He replied, looking up.

Durga nodded, helpless as ever and started dragging herself to his room.
'He has a wife now! Guddan can do atleast this much! Or forget about being a mother-in-law, Guddan can't even become a decent maid to AJ' Durga thought annoyed as she pushed open the door of AJ's room and found the file lying on bed.

As Durga descended down the stairs, lost in her own frustrations, Guddan rushed past AJ like a toofan mail and their shoulders brushed, or she barely survived having her clavicle displaced.

Guddan turned around, shocked and glared at AJ, who, as expected, didn't feel a thing. AJ had been staring at his watch trying his best to ignore those 'bin-baat-ki' glares but he knew better, unless and until he responded, she was going to continue with the routine.

Raising his head, he turned his face in her direction and made a confused expression at her.

Guddan's eyes widened. In response, she raised her left eyebrow as her lips twitched a centimetre and raised her forefinger at him.
'Don't try to act smart with me!'

Akshat shook his head hopelessly.
'You were the one who was running like Chennai express'!

Ha So!!! My wish!! Who told you stand in the way like Mogambo ?!'

'Seriously! When are you going to grow up and accept your mistakes', AJ raised both his brows in reponse.

'Ha, Ha...I am the only one who does mistakes! Don't you have better things to do?!You are forever after my life with your ear piercing lectures! Gimme a break! And if your interest to lecture people is as thick as your head, then by all means become a teacher and bore students to hell!' Guddan recommended.

'You are the one whose tape recorder won't shut up 24*7 and you are saying that I torture your ears!' AJ pointed feeling ridiculous, nodding his head.

Meanwhile Durga stood on the steps, as her eyes moved between AJ and Guddan who had been exchanging looks for the past 10 minutes. Lakshmi could have mistaken these looks for 'glances' but she knew better. A silent conversation was going on, and not a pleasant one for sure, she deduced.

'So!!What else am I supposed to say?! Who was the one who jumped at the opportunity of screaming at me and grilled me with lectures last night?' Guddan asked.

'Oh! So it's about that! Listen, tumhe kal bhi bola tha aaj fir keh raha hu, I was just telling you to keep away from Parv!'

'Toh! I Wasn't the one who approached him to say Hii!!' Guddan emphasised.

Durga looked at AJ as he massaged his temples. He was getting exasperated and so was she, if only they would turn up the volume! This whole decoding thing was going over her head!

'I know!!! But what was the need to go towards pool, that late at night. That area is secluded!'

'And so you expect me to stay cooped up in the house!! You want to restrict my freedom!' Guddan accused.

'I didn't mean that! Why do you always twist my words?!' AJ asked, no more able to feel surprised.

'Ha, toh should I hire a bodyguard?! Or are you interested in taking up the position, Pati Dev!' Guddan smiled, dripping with honey.

AJ clapped his palms in front of his face in defeat, ' Spare me the drama! It was my fault for trying to teach you!'

Durga's eyes widened. Was AJ admitting defeat?!

Guddan smirked triumphantly, 'I hope you've learned your lesson well! I am not your daughter-in-law who you order around, I am your Wife!'
At this Akshat looked at her surprised and then only Guddan realised, what she had thought. This time their gazes locked, and the moment went still.
Durga looked at the duo, Guddan looked genuinely confused but AJ, his eyes were unreadable yet there was this unexplainable feeling. What was even happening?!

Guddan quickly glared at him and pouted, in defiance.

AJ shook his head at her antiques.
'Make as many faves as possible! You won't be getting anymore reaction out of me!'

'Acha ji! There is nothing in this world that Guddan can't do!' Guddan raised her finger defiantly.

And soon Durga's eyes widened like saucers, What the hell was Guddan doing??!

AJ raised his brows, feigning to be impressed as Guddan stuck her tongue out and rolled her eyes around in comical ways. As she stole a glance at him, AJ showed her a thumbs up and then turned it down.

Huffing, Guddan racked her brains for anymore strategies. As a bulb lit over her head, she clicked her fingers in realisation and as she raised her head, AJ went still. She was flashing her incisors by biting her lower lip and pressing her upper lip towards inside and then danced her brows alternatively.

Shaking his head, AJ spoke, "Are you going to keep on standing, Durga bahu?"

This startled Durga and she jumped up, "Ji AJ!
'AJ knew that she was here witnessing the whole drama and yet he engaged in childish antiques with Guddan, at the expanse of his important work!'

As Durga handed AJ his file, he glanced back to see Guddan throwing tantrums in defeat. She was murmuring to herself, as always. As her final funny face popped up in his brain, he suppressed a smile and murmured, "Pagal ladki!" and left from there.

While Guddan convinced herself that she had not failed, that AJ's facial muscles were just suffering from joint pain due to old age, Durga stared at AJ's retreating form feeling tensed.

"Since the time Guddan has entered AJ's life, he had started doing things, he could not even think about. True, Guddan may not be able to organize his life but it doesn't feel farfetched to think that she may be able to make him appreciate a disorderly life with unpredictable situations", Durga spoke to herself as the scene from previous morning resurfaced in the back of her head. How openly AJ was flirting with Guddan in an open display of affection!

Bells of understanding are starting to get louder and louder. Before this understanding promotes to something else, she needs to oust Guddan from AJ's life or AJ, probably, would end up getting a wife but she, saru and Lakshmi will continue to be the burden bearers, their entire life....

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