Coffee Made With Love

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Friday came around fast. Lucian focused on work and ignored the weird behavior of his assistant. He took Noah's advice and just pretend it was normal. It worked too. He didn't feel awkward most of the time and Scarlett kept her teasing at a minimum. That could also be because they were working several projects at the moment. All of them pressing and time-consuming. They were both just occupied with work. He did notice that they got along great. They worked well together. He didn't want to say it but at this point, it would be ridiculous to ignore it.

Scarlett was even better at her job than Lara.

If his previous assistant ever found out he liked her replacement better professionally she'd have a fit. Lara took pride in her job. She loved working for their company and she made it known how good she was at her job. He never corrected her because it had been true. That was not the case anymore. Scarlett proved to them both that there was someone even better out there.

It was nearing five in the afternoon and he was ready to call it a day. His overnight bag was already tucked away in the car he rarely used. He'd go home with Scarlett so they could pack her bag together. She wanted his advice when it came to her clothes. He understood why though. His assistant dressed provocatively and he didn't mind it that much. It took some getting used to but he was sort of used to seeing the woman's curves and her boobs all the time. It was part of who she was. It was never too much she knew when to play it down. But to win his mother over or at least make the woman back off and accept that he was fake dating Scarlett she had to dress a certain way.

So he'd go home with her.

Acting like it was totally fine like they had been friends forever. Then things would work out just fine between them. He was shutting off his laptop when Noah burst through the door. He behaved so much like his little girls, always letting his presence known. He didn't know how Kim was putting up with this man. He was annoying as fuck.

Still a good older brother though.

Noah closed the door behind him and grinned at him like he was up to no good, "Ready for your weekend away?" He asked he took a seat across him looking like he owned the place.

"I think things will work out fine." Lucian admitted to his brother, "Scarlett and I work well together and I think she might actually pull it off."

"It takes two to tango." Noah reminded him, "You will pull it off as well." His brother smirked at him, looking as smug as ever, "Aren't you glad I made this happen?"

"Modesty is not your thing, is it?" Lucian asked.

He closed his laptop and shoved it into the perfect fitting bag. He would be taking that with him because the weekend away still sounded like hell to him and focusing on the running projects would help to keep his mind off things. Mom wouldn't like it but she just had to deal.

"It just feels good being right all the time."

"You are not right all the time." Lucian pointed out, "This stupid marketing event is being dragged on forever and no real decisions can be made since sales and marketing disagree about fucking everything and I don't see finance clearly stating that some things are not within budget. So the stupid event has been revised so many times at this point we'll be throwing a Christmas party in July."

Noah didn't look happy about that. Prideful people rarely did like it when people pointed out their mistakes. Lucian didn't care though, sometimes things needed to be said to keep the business going. He wasn't looking forward to a Christmas party in summer.

"How about you focus on your fake relationship with Scarlett over the weekend and I take over this project?" Noah suggested, "I will be stricter, I promise."

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