Hot Chocolate

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Lucian made sure Scarlett was safely in the passenger seat while he put their bags in his trunk. He was inwardly celebrating to leave the damn beach house behind. He wouldn't be visiting it anytime soon. His mother had only herself to blame.


He closed the trunk and turned to face his father. His father flickered his eyes to Scarlett who was in the passenger seat and then looked back at him. James smiled kindly at him, it felt like a form of apology. His father didn't need to say more. He didn't have to apologize for his mother's behavior anymore.

"It's fine dad."

His father brushed it off, "Tell Scarlett that I'm sorry the weekend didn't go as planned. I will talk to your mother about her behavior when we're home. It was unacceptable what she did here if she won't listen to you due to her pride she might listen to me."

Lucian sighed, "I'm sure Noah will let her know too."

His father smiled, "I'm glad you boys still share things like this."

He stepped forward and pulled his dad in for a quick hug, "It was nice seeing you again." He gave his father a firm pat against the back and pulled away, "Do come by the hotel soon. Noah promised me he'd turn it into a Christmas wonderland."

His father's eyes glittered amusingly, "But you doubt that."

Lucian shrugged, "How can he pull it off in two days?"

His father folded his arms across his chest, throwing him a knowing look, "Noah can achieve unbelievable things in a short period of time due to his connections. So I wouldn't brush his promise off just like that. He might surprise you."

Dad was right. Lucian forgot how well connected his brother was. He blamed it on the fact that they grew up together and saw parts of each other that often made you forgot how skilled they were professionally.

"Well fuck." He muttered, "I guess Noah might have turned the lobby into a winter wonderland."

His father grinned, "That might be the case."

"Then I owe him." He glanced at the car, "We need to head out." He flickered his eyes back to his father, "So when you have time come and admire Noah's work."

"I will, I'm sure your mother would love to see it too."

Lucian rolled his eyes. At the moment he didn't care what his mother would love and what not. He was too pissed to care. He probably needed time to get over this stunt she pulled. Time and an apology.

"Lucy." His father warned, "It's not good to hold grudges. If your mother wants to behave like a child you show her you're the bigger person. She'll feel guilty knowing her child is handling the problem on a more mature level than her."

"So I need to guilt trip her?" He sighed, "Dad, just let me know when you're coming to the hotel. We can have lunch together."

He walked up to the driver's seat and settled in, Christmas music blasted through the speakers the while Scarlett grinned mischievously at him. As he drove away the woman started singing along with the songs. The trip back was as similar to the trip to the beach house a few days ago. Yet he didn't feel as excited and cheerful as he did back then.

He really did need time.

"You know what will cheer you up?" Scarlett asked him, pulling him away from his depressing thoughts.

He glanced at her but didn't question her.

She smiled warmly, "Seeing the winter wonderland your brother created. We should drop by the hotel before going home." She suggested, "It will make you feel better, drinking hot chocolate with me by the Christmas tree."

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