Company Plans

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Scarlett was in the living room talking to Violet who was for once awake and watching his wife with big eyes. Occasionally she made little noises, it was cute hearing her little sounds fill the room. Lucian made them lunch, his wife asked for something fresh and light. He didn't know what to do with that so he decided to make a chickpea salad.

Scarlett walked to the guest bedroom, putting Violet in her crib while he set the table. It was a relaxing Saturday afternoon, he didn't expect Violet to be in such a good mood today. She didn't cry much, only when she needed a diaper change so far. He was worried about tonight but Scarlett assured him that they'd manage.

He took care of his nieces, but it still felt different taking care of a baby without Kim or Noah there. Scarlett was doing great though so maybe he didn't have to be worried at all.

His wife sat down across him at the table, taking in the food he made. It was nothing too exciting yet she looked like she was going to have a meal at a five-star restaurant. He was flattered, but either she was trying to make him feel better or she was really hungry.

"It's nothing special."

She flickered her eyes to him, frowning at him being dismissive of his effort to serve them amazing food for lunch.

"Nothing special?" She asked, "It looks great." She grabbed her fork, took a bite and smiled at him, "Tastes amazing too."

He chuckled, she always made him laugh even when he was stressed. She was in a good mood and he wondered if it was because of Violet.

"Violet is behaving so well, you can hardly tell we have a baby with us this weekend."

She agreed, "She didn't make a fuss when I put her down either. She's too cute right now."

It filled him with happiness hearing her talk so fondly of Violet. Scarlett loved that little girl and she didn't hide it either. These past few days Scarlett had been smiling more. He knew their decision to start expanding their little family had a lot to do with it.

"We should look into buying a house. This apartment won't suffice if we're going to have a big family."

"You're right." She was focused on her salad, not looking like she was paying attention to what he was saying. It was amusing that he did have her attention, "Our kids deserve their own space and we can afford it so why not look for something a little bigger?"

"I'll look into it. When I find a few options we can go through it together."

Scarlett finally gave him his full attention which took him by surprise, "How about I look into it and when I find some options we'll go through it together?"

It was so like Scarlett wanting to take charge, he didn't mind her suggestion at all. He trusted her judgment she knew him well and she was the perfect assistant. Scarlett working for him should be weird and awkward at the office yet he liked having around.

She didn't let her professional mask slip and he respected her for it.

"I'll leave it in your capable hands then."

Her eyes gleamed, "Are you trying to flatter me now, Lucy?" She asked the playfulness which made her Scarlett slowly seeping in, "You better not start something you can't finish."

"I'm not trying to start anything."

She raised an eyebrow at him, "You're not interested?"

He knew where this was going and he still fell for it. He knew that he'd probably always fall for it. She managed to catch him off guard and play with his emotions.

The Billionaire's Assistant to Beजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें