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Lily was peering into the crib, staring at the sleeping baby with wide eyes. Lucian couldn't hide his smile, it was too damn cute seeing how fascinated Lily was with her niece. He held Violet in his arms who was more fascinated about his tie.

"She sleeps all the time," Lily whined.

"Babies sleep a lot, sweetheart."

She turned to look at him, "Can we watch a movie now?"

He chuckled, she didn't understand why he thought her question was funny. She lost interest so fast he couldn't help but laugh. She pressed a finger to her lips, trying to shush him.

"You'll wake the baby."

She wasn't wrong, Jasmine did steer in her sleep. She made soft noises but never opened her eyes. He was glad she didn't wake up, his wife would get so upset with him. Their fussy baby fell asleep only a few minutes ago. Scarlett wanted a few minutes of peace.

Baking with Olivia in their kitchen gave her peace. Their love for sweets and baking brought them together. They couldn't remember a time where Olivia openly let them know she didn't like Scarlett. They were close friends now.

Lily grabbed onto his hand and dragged him with her. She was done staring at the baby and wanted to watch her favorite movie now. Scarlett did mention making them some popcorn. When they reached the living room, Lucian grabbed the remote to put the blinds down. Lily got excited, sitting down on their navy couch and settling in. He threw the grey fluffy blanket at her, smiling when she laughed and covered herself up. She laid down, curling up in a ball, ready to watch her movie.

He didn't want to keep her waiting so he quickly started the movie and settled in beside her. Violet sat on his lap, resting against him while she focused on the screen too. She held onto his tie, tucking it from time to time to make sure he was still there. Scarlett walked in, bowl in hand and handing it to Lily.

"Careful, okay?" She whispered.

Lily sat up, holding onto the bowl her eyes darting from Scarlett to him as if she was asking permission to eat her popcorn.

"It's all yours." He reassured her.

Violet pointed at the bowl, then she tried to reach for it. Repeating the word pop over again in her small high-pitched voice. Inching away from his lap to grab it. Lily looked conflicted, wanting to share but knowing Violet couldn't have any. Lucian got up, running his fingers through Lily's hair.

"That's yours, sweetheart, I'll get Violet a snack."

Scarlett held out her hands to Violet, "Up?" She asked.

Violet who was distracted from the popcorn, didn't reach for Scarlett right away. She was considering it and when Scarlett repeated it in a sing-songy voice she decided to let go of him and go to Scarlett.

"Let's get you a banana."

She repeated the word banana, a smile being heard in his wife's voice when Violet tried to parrot the word banana. It wasn't quite right, 'nana' and 'pop' two words she kept saying over and over again. While his wife took over, giving Violet her snack he settled on the couch again. Lily snuggled close to him sharing her popcorn with him.

It was nice having the girls over and spending their Sunday afternoon relaxing, watching movies and having great food together. Noah and Kim needed some alone time. It had been a while since they shared a moment together. He made sure his brother and his sister-in-law could spend their weekend together doing nothing. Noah texted him a while ago to let him know how quiet their days had been without the girls around. He didn't doubt that.

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