Michael's Skills

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Noah was predictable. When Lucian made his way into his office his brother was right on his heels. Noah followed him in and closed the door behind him, depositing himself in the one-seat before Lucian's desk and grinning at him as if he won the lottery.

He might as well think he won the lottery by winning their bet. Noah and Michael were competitive like that.

To be fair Scarlett thought Noah did an excellent job and he agreed. He had to suck it up and face the consequences. Something told him though that Noah didn't want to talk about their bet. The glittering in his eyes made him roll his eyes and suppress an annoyed grunt.

This was about the Goddess of teasing. Miss Scarlett Archer herself.

His mind wandered to their quiet night out. She needed that, he couldn't help but to wonder why. It had something to do with the guy who got dragged away from her apartment building. She lost her spirit then. She looked almost frightened.

He had to be patient with her, pushing her to talk didn't sound like a good idea at all.

"The lovely Miss Archer isn't in yet."

He noticed, usually she greeted him with a bright smile when he entered the office. She was late which was unlike her. She might have had a rough night if she was frightened about that guy. He wouldn't give her a hard time. She was good at her job, she could catch up easily.

"I'm sure she'll be here soon." He casually stated.

Noah narrowed his eyes on him, analyzing him as if he was the trickiest math problem he ever came across.

Noah smiled, "You've opened up to her completely." He stated, "I'm glad you have someone around you can trust." His brother sounded genuine, all humor left his eyes. The seriousness of it all made him uncomfortable.

He did trust Scarlett completely but even though he was slowly accepting that things between were becoming serious he didn't want it to pointed out. He wasn't ready for that yet. It went against his principles. Never to blur the lines of his professional and private life. Scarlett made him forget about those lines but he needed to slowly flow into it.

He didn't need his family to push him.

"Don't mess things up with her." Noah got to his feet and straightened his navy tie and then brushed his hands over his pinstriped navy suit, "I have a good feeling about her. I think she's what you need."

"You don't know that." Lucian glanced at his door when it cautiously opened revealing a shy looking Scarlett, "Morning." He greeted quietly, smiling to show her he didn't mind her coming in later than usual, "Noah was just leaving."

Noah glanced at him, smirking and trying to hide his amusement from Scarlett. He failed miserably. His assistant noticed and for the first time looked really flustered. She didn't look put together like usual. Whatever happened last night threw her completely off her game.

"Can I get you anything?" She asked, "Morning Noah."

"Morning." His brother greeted back, "I was just leaving so you can have my dear brother all to yourself." Noah joked, quickly leaving the office knowing that Lucian would skin him alive for that joke. It was too much.

Scarlett watched his brother leave the office, she then closed the door behind her. She stood by the door, keeping her distance from him. That was unlike her as well. She looked hesitant and almost out of place. She lost her confidence, something he rather liked about her.

"You okay?" He asked her.

She didn't meet his gaze, her eyes lingering on her lap while she fidgeted with the hem of her white shirt. It was unlike her and he didn't know how to approach this. He knew not pushing her was the way to go but he wanted her to know that he was there for her.

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