Turning the Tables

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After work Lucian gave Scarlett a ride home, she tried to convince him to stay the night. When he mentioned he needed to pay his parents a visit she didn't push him anymore. He knew she wasn't someone to back off easily but meeting his parents now that they were officially a couple might make her feel uncomfortable.

It worked out for him since he needed to speak to his parents without Scarlett present. The conversation would go a lot smoother that way.

He was greeted by his mother at the door, she hugged him a little tighter than usual. That scared him a little but he kept his poker face on and followed her into the living room. His father wasn't seated in his usual chair.

"Dad's not around?"

His mother beamed at him, "Your father is preparing dinner tonight."

That scared him even more.

"Will it be edible?"

He gasped when he felt a smack against the head. It didn't hurt, but it did make him stare at his father who sat down in his usual chair.

"Of course it's edible." His father told him looking ready to pick a fight with him.

"There isn't much you can do wrong when making pasta." His mother muttered.

Now, who was picking a fight? He kept quiet while his parents were staring at each other. He was waiting for the bomb to drop, but it never happened. The way they looked at each other actually made him roll his eyes.

He didn't want to witness that.

"Did the test results come in yet?" His mother asked.

The playfulness faded and the tension slowly started to build. He sat straight, fixed his jacket and shirt and made sure to look her in the eyes.

"We'll receive the results by the end of the week, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. I'm sure that this is my child."

Emma sighed, shaking her head at him, "I don't understand why you're so calm about this but at the same time I understand since there is nothing you can do about it." She leaned back in her seat, looking defeated, "I suppose she signed the contract?"

"She did."

"Well, that's something." She wanted to get up, he could see that she was done with this conversation already, but he wasn't.

"There is actually something else I wanted to discuss with you."

"Sure, go ahead." His mother gestured, "Wait, do I need another drink for this?"

He chuckled, "Well, I think it's great news but you might not agree so you might want a drink."

She shared a look with James, it was awkward at how close his parents were right now. He tried to ignore that, clearing his throat and continuing on with the subject so they could have dinner and leave all the awkwardness behind.

"I proposed to Scarlett." I started, testing the waters. His mother didn't look like she'd pass out so he continued, "She accepted, but it wasn't a big romantic gesture and I think she deserves that."

His mother sighed, "She's not Kim, but then again she's staying with you despite you having a child with another woman so she might be a saint." His mother was reluctantly accepting Scarlett which was something, "Guess, I won't be needing that drink."

"Mom." He chuckled, "You have no idea how much you remind me of Scarlett at times. It's creepy but at the same time it makes perfect sense that you two clash at times."

James threw him a warning look, mouthing not to go there.

His mother surprised them by not commenting at all. She tried to keep her words to herself, but her eyes gave her away. She was annoyed with his comment. The twitch in her jaw and the way she clenched her fist just said it all.

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