Sweet and Gentle

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Kim didn't disappoint. He managed to buy a ring which he thought Scarlett would like. A sparkling ring as Lily would call it. A simple white gold band and a white oval diamond. It would match well with a wedding band which they'd wear after they got married.

He pocketed the black velvet box, hearing the tell-tale of her high heels clicking away.

Greeting the curious looking Scarlett with a smile, Lucian pushed away from his desk and walked up to her, kissing her without warning. Her eyes widened in surprise, he rarely did show affection when they were at the office.

He didn't think it was professional and she agreed to it.

"You do know that Friday is my day off, Mister Starr."

"I'm aware."

She pressed her hand against his chest, looking up at him with eyes full of wonder, eyes beautifully framed by thick black lashes. He had to resist the urge to kiss her again. It would lead to things he didn't want to do at the office.

His office.

He closed his eyes when he felt her lips press against his jaw, soft fingers brushed over his hand. She was teasing him like she always did. Along the way, though, he got used to it. Her little games didn't affect him anymore. If anything he looked forward to it, wanting to know how much she'd push to see him squirming.

Not that he'd squirm.

Opening his eyes he faced Scarlett with a smile spread across his face. He placed his hand on her lower back and pulled her in. Her little gasp of surprise was cute as hell.

She squirmed.

"Thank you for being here." He told her, brushing his lips against her jaw, "Are you ready for a weekend at the beach house?"

She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned in close, gently hugging him and wrapping him up in her warmth. The subtle scent of lavender was relaxing, he couldn't help hugging her back.

"Aren't you two getting cozy in here."

The teasing of Noah made him smile while Scarlett groaned and faced his brother. These two were getting along even though Noah got on her nerves most of the time. Noah did it to him too at times, but somehow he felt like it was his brother having his back.

Noah knew how Scarlett could push him at times.

"We were just leaving." Scarlett beamed at him.

Lucian chuckled, flickering his eyes to his brother, "You needed me?"

Noah pursed his lips, "I almost forgot about your weekend away." That was a lie, his family knew he had been planning this for a while now, "It's okay, you two just get out of here and enjoy your weekend."

He felt like Noah had been checking up on them to make sure he wasn't going to back down. He wouldn't back down though, he was certain about this. About them. Scarlett was the one who'd be wearing his ring.

"You sure?" Scarlett, of course, had no idea what was going on. Always the perfect assistant she was ready to step aside and let them discuss whatever matter Noah thought was so urgent to walk all the way to his office and look serious as hell, "I'm sure I can find something else to do."

"I'm sure." Noah flashed her his charming over the top smile, "Have fun you two."

He walked away, leaving them to stare at each other. The confusion on Scarlett's face made him sigh.

"I don't know." He shrugged, "If he says it can wait then I'm sure it's nothing too serious."

Scarlett smiled, "Just an older brother checking in to make sure you're leaving on time?"

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