Violet Starr

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Scarlett was seated across his desk, comfortable in the one seat as she told him about his schedule for the week. She was focused, her eyes narrowed on her tablet as she informed him. She was straight to the point and not leaving him room to protest.

They were both so focused on his schedule for the week that his phone ringing made them jump.

Scarlett glared at the device, he held up his hand in an attempt to calm her and reached for his phone. It amused him to see how serious she took her job. It was sometimes forgotten due to their relationship. When he did tend to forget how amazing Scarlett was at her job she pulled him back in, showing off her skills.

He was so lost in Scarlett's professionalism that it hit him harder when he focused on Dawn's name flashing across the screen of his phone causing his heart to sink, he immediately answered, noticing how Scarlett rose to her feet and looked at him with worry in her eyes.

The person on the end of the line wasn't Dawn. The woman spoke clearly, making sure to inform him without trying to worry him. He thanked her for her call and lowered his phone, meeting Scarlett's curious eyes.

"Dawn's in labor."

She stared at him, letting the words sink in, "What?"

The words didn't sink in at all, that was okay because he wasn't processing it either.

"Lucy?" Scarlett called, bringing him back to earth.

"Dawn is in labor." He repeated word for word, hoping it would finally hit him and make him do something other than staring into space.

He was always a man of action yet he couldn't make his body do anything. He had no control whatsoever at this moment, too many emotions were going through him, overwhelming him. Scarlett walked around the desk and grabbed his hand, giving it a supportive squeeze. He flickered his eyes to her, smiling at her knowing he wasn't alone in this.

"Thank you for notifying me." He ended the call and pocketed his phone.

He was on the move, hearing Scarlett making calls behind him as she followed after him. She called a car, let Noah know they were leaving the office due to Dawn being in labor. Without her, he would have drowned in the panic which started to raise.

He was going to become a dad and right now he felt like he wasn't truly prepared. So many concerns floated inside his mind. Scarlett noticed and she didn't let him get consumed by it. She sat beside him in the car, holding tightly onto his hand.

"It's going to be okay, right now you need to be strong and be there for Dawn."

He glanced at their linked hands, grateful he found someone so perfect. She knew exactly what he needed and when he needed it. He leaned in and kissed her. The kiss so sudden it completely caught Scarlett off guard.

"Thank you." He whispered to her.

She looked flustered as he pulled away, "O-Of course. I'm always here for you."

He knew that she was genuine about that. Grabbing her hand he raised it and kissed her pulse, "I'm always here for you too." He lowered their hands, flashing her a radiant smile, "Spending the rest of my life with you is a blessing."

She looked completely beyond herself, she didn't know where to look or what to say. Catching Scarlett this off guard was very rare.

He treasured them knowing he was one of the few people who could manage to get her into this state.

"S-Stop." She warned him, "No trying to charm my panties off right now. We have more pressing matters at hand."

He chuckled, "I'm not trying to. I'm merely speaking from the heart."

The Billionaire's Assistant to BeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang