Scarlett's Thoughts

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Seated on their bed Lucian was focused on the spreadsheet before him, his eyes narrowed and a frown on his face which made him look serious as hell. Scarlett found it hilarious watching him try and burn holes into his laptop. They were going on a date and while she got ready he managed to go right back into work mode. She honestly wondered if he could turn it off.

"I think you have a problem, Mr. Starr."

He glanced up from his laptop, dazzled by the sight of Scarlett in her long silver dress which hugged her curves perfectly. The slit at the side which showed off quite some leg was daring, but he liked it. Setting his laptop aside he motioned for her to come closer.

She knew what would happen if she did so she shook her head at him, smiling cheekily when his look darkened.

"You promised me dinner at a fancy restaurant. The offer is so very tempting though."

He got to his feet, straightening his shirt and tie with quick motions which had her biting her lower lip. It was routine for him, he didn't even need to look in the mirror to know when his clothes were fine and everything was in place. He grabbed his jacket, shrugged it on and checked to make sure he had his essentials.

"Laptop." She reminded him when he looked ready to leave the room with her.

He closed it and then flickered his eyes to her, "You have everything?"

She held up her clutch, "Yep, ready when you are."

"I'll call the driver."

While he was on the phone she followed after him, watching the way he moved. Noticing the little habits he had such as trailing his fingers over his tie as he listened to whatever the driver was telling him. She also noticed how he often glanced at her to make sure she was still there.

She couldn't help but smile at him, the warmth spreading in her chest getting too much to handle. Not once did she wonder if she made the right decision to marry him. She loved this man and she knew he loved her too. He often told her and when he couldn't say the words out loud he definitely showed her that he loved her.

"I'm looking forward to this dinner."

Lucian glanced at her, "I can tell. Should I take you out to dinner more often?"

He was always making sure she got what she wanted. She loved that about him too. There wasn't much she was doing in return. Opening her heart to his family was easy, she loved the girls and she got along well with Noah and Kim. She knew his brother and sister-in-law were trying really hard to make her feel part of their family.

His parents were good people, sure she clashed with his mother quite often but Emma needed time to get used to her. Lucian quite often told her it was because they both had a temper. She knew it was true but she still glared at him for even daring to say it out loud.

She was aware of how similar she was to his mother but she didn't need him to say it. That was awkward.

"You're doing fine, I'm just excited about tonight."

She shouldn't say too much, Lucian was very sharp. He'd figure out why she was so excited about tonight, it would ruin the surprise. She needed to play it coy and maybe say less and smile more. So she stepped to him, ready to distract him with a kiss.

As she leaned in he met her halfway. The kiss was soft but oh so sweet. She reminded herself that they needed to go out and have this dinner date. There was nothing wrong with having sex and then order take-out afterward but she wanted tonight to be special.

She needed to be strong and not let Lucian tempt her.

"You're acting weirder than usual." He kissed her cheek, pulling away to head to the front door and hold it open for her, "After you Mrs. Starr."

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