The Wedding

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Noah stepped into the room, Rose on his hip while he closed the door behind him. Rose was dressed in a fluffy light blue dress looking like a princess. She stared up at her father's face with wonder. She then flickered her eyes to him and flashed him a wide smile.

She looked like the happiest girl on the planet.

His brother walked up to him, his eyes flickering from his perfectly gelled hair to his shoes. Noah nodded in approval. An inviting smile spread across his face.

"You ready?"

That was a silly question, he was ready months ago. He knew Scarlett felt the same way. Today would make things official between them. A ceremony to show the world that they were in love. He poked Rose's chubby cheek and watched her giggle away. She reached for him but Noah didn't hand her over.

"You can hold her after the ceremony." Noah informed him sternly, "You know she's drooling all over the place right now. I won't let you ruin your tux."

"It's just a tux." He reminded Noah, "I don't mind it."

Noah narrowed his eyes on him, stepping back when he reached for Rose again.

"You don't mind but I do. Just try and look perfect for a few minutes, okay?"

He rolled his eyes at his brother, "You are so demanding, you know that?"

Noah didn't smile, instead, he nodded once more, "Yes, I am aware. I take control when I feel like those around me are behaving like idiots."

That wasn't exactly the truth, he remembered Noah running away when he wanted to confront their mother about the wedding. Like a coward, his brother slipped away making up excuses about checking up on his girls.

The look in his brother's eyes told him Noah knew exactly what he was thinking.

"I know you well, Lucy." Noah's lips curled up to a smirk, "Dealing with mom is a different story. You know that."

He knew very well how terrifying it could be to confront the headstrong Emma. He wasn't going to make things easier on Noah though. His brother was overprotective and sometimes overbearing but he could also be mischievous and playful.

He'd give Noah a hard time since he rarely got to do that. His brother always teamed up on him together with the girls. Noah was aware the girls were his soft spot and he wasn't afraid to use them to torture his younger brother.

A brother's love was tough at times.

"What I know is that it was a moment you were supposed to shine with your mad skills but instead decided to walk away because mom scares you." He narrowed his eyes on his brother when Noah opened his mouth to protest, "Mom scares me too but I still stood up for Scarlett because it was the right thing to do."

Noah sighed, looking tired of the conversation.

"Fine, you're right, I ran because mom scares me. But just listen to me, okay? Let's keep your tux drool free for the ceremony. That means that Violet stays with her mom too. It's twenty minutes max. I did tell the minister to keep it short. We don't want the kids to get annoyed and ruin the moment."

At the office, he was strict, so strict that his brother and his soon to be wife always made fun of him. But when it came to this wedding he didn't mind it going off schedule. All he wanted was to marry his Goddess but she probably did want things to go according to plan so he'd go along with his brother's strict rules.

"Fine, no toddler or baby cuddles for now." He leaned in and kissed Rose's chubby cheek. She slapped her little hand against his cheek, all happy and smiley. Pulling away he met his brother's gaze. Noah looked relieved with his decision, "So are you ready?"

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