Christmas Dinner

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Entering the lobby to Scarlett's apartment building, Lucian stopped in his tracks when he noticed the guy who Michael showed him in his little research about Scarlett. The guy known as Elliot was arguing with security, demanding to be let in because he was here to see his girlfriend.

She was not his girlfriend anymore, Elliot was delusional.

Lucian approached the desk, catching the attention of both the security guard and Elliot. The man eyed him up and down as if trying to see if he was worthy of his time or not.

"Good afternoon, Mister Starr." The guard greeted him, already familiar with him after he paid Scarlett a visit or two, "I'll let you through." The guard avoided using Scarlett's name, knowing the guy he was arguing with would latch onto that and probably cause more drama.

"Thank you."

Walking past Elliot he was about to enter the hallway to grab an elevator but Elliot stopped him.

"Lucian Starr?" He asked.

Lucian turned and eyed Elliot the same way he had, "Yes."

Elliot approached him with careful steps, "The CEO of Starr's hotel business?"

"That would be me." He answered calmly yet inside he was boiling over.

Elliot nodded, "I see." It was clear the man was contemplating his next move. The smile which spread across the man's face worried Lucian, "How was the Christmas party?" He asked.

The photos which spread of him and Scarlett probably caught this man's eye. He was obsessed with Scarlett, still calling himself her boyfriend when it was clear that Scarlett wanted nothing to do with him.

"It was memorable considering the company I had."

Lucian was aware that would set off the man completely, but he needed to know when to back off. He was the one in Scarlett's life now and he wouldn't tolerate Elliot claiming a person like an object.

The man nodded, "You here to see her?" He asked.

"Sir?" The security guard tried to catch his attention, "You can go up, we've got this handled."

He was referring to the situation, Lucian was aware that security had it handled. Elliot tried to harass Scarlett before but he didn't get to see her then either. Scarlett was safe for now but he knew he needed to make things clear to Elliot for him to actually back off.

"Elliot." Lucian could tell the security guard was getting nervous, he heard him calling for backup but he focused entirely on Elliot, "It's best that you leave her alone now. She moved on, so should you." He approached the man who was glaring at him but kept his words to himself knowing it was bad to start a fight with someone who had more influence than him, "If you hurt her in any way, I'll come after you with everything I've got. You don't want that, do you?"

Elliot looked torn between punching him and walking away. The man did make a career for himself so he knew Elliot was smarter than he seemed in this situation. He scowled but didn't make a move.

"Threatening me, Starr?" He asked.

Lucian nodded, "I didn't try to hide it, did I?"

If looks could kill he'd be dead by now. For a minute it seemed like Elliot would throw his career away, letting his anger get the best of him. The man, however, changed his mind and turned around. He walked away which was something Lucian didn't think the guy would do.

Lucian stepped to the desk of the security guard and took out his card from his inner jacket pocket. He flipped the card over and nodded to the pen. The guard handed the pen to him which Lucian took and to scribble down the number of his head of security.

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