Noah's Footsteps

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Scarlett had her suitcase opened on top of their bed, carelessly tossing her clothes into it. He watched her, leaning against the doorpost with his shoulder and his arms folded across his chest. His wife was always so organized yet she packed her suitcase or their honeymoon like an unwilling child.

"You want to skip the honeymoon?" He asked her.

He startled her. She pressed her hand against his chest and let out a deep breath.

"Don't creep up on me like that!"

He raised an eyebrow at her accusing face, "I've been standing here quite some time." He informed her. He pushed away from the doorpost and stepped to her opened suitcase, scanning through the clothes she tossed in without a care in the world.

"It's not that I'm not excited about it. I want to go on this honeymoon with you."

It sounded like an excuse and they both knew it.

She bit her lower lip nervously, "It's really not that." She repeated, "I just don't have the right clothes for a vacay on an island. I mean what do you pack? Just bathing suits and flowy dresses? I am not prepared for this."

"The villa has a private pool. So you can skip the clothes if it's that hard to find something to wear."

She looked annoyed with him joking about this. But he couldn't take her seriously when her concerns were related to clothes. There weren't many people around on the island. Looking good fashion-wise was not an issue at all.

No one cared.

"You're a guy, you just don't understand."

That wasn't true at all. His brother took clothes and looking good to maintain an image very seriously. He never mentioned how his brother kept reminding him not to hold any babies before their ceremony a week ago.

"I can assure you I know a guy who takes his clothes very seriously."

She narrowed her eyes on him, "Don't even try and bring Noah into this."

He didn't mention his brother to her, he was sure of it. His confusion must have been clear on his face because she laughed at him. She sat down next to her pink colored suitcase with a mischievous grin spread across her face.

"Your brother does have a great fashion style. I know Michael cares about his clothes too."

He sighed, "Fine, do I need to take you shopping? Maybe we can pay Dawn and Violet a visit too."

She got to her feet, excitement gleaming in her eyes. He wasn't sure if he got manipulated, but he sure as hell felt like it. She disappeared into their bathroom to freshen up and put on some more makeup.

He sat on their bed, texting Dawn to ask if it was okay to stop by.

"Tell her we'll take care of dinner too," Scarlett called from the bathroom.

Smiling he let Dawn know that they'd take care of dinner too. He loved to see his little Violet before they'd leave for their honeymoon tomorrow morning. She was growing up so fast. A little over three months. He wasn't ready for his baby to grow up.

But she was going to get bigger and bigger.

Scarlett who was ready to head out stood before him with a curious look in her eyes, "You okay?"

The background of his phone showed a picture of him together with Violet in his arms and Scarlett pressed against his side. He rose to his feet and pocketed his phone.

"Just realizing that Violet won't stay a little baby forever." He flashed her a small smile, "Shall we head out?"

She nodded, "Yes." She agreed walking in front of him, ready to buy some new clothes, "We could always make a baby."

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