Painting A Not So Pretty Picture

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Yo was absolutely devastated to learn his mate had gotten someone else pregnant. If the pain of rejection wasn't enough to kill then this was the final straw. Although Pha hadn't officially rejected him it was only a matter of time, especially since he now had a pregnant wolf to take care of. Yo was not looking forward to the day when Pha says those words I, future alpha of the Blue Lagoon pack reject Yo as my mate. The thought terrified him. All his life he's been waiting for his mate to take him away from the hell he was living but all it did was cause more heartache. As he sat on his bed crying, once again ,there was a knock on his door. Yo hadn't realised he was cooped up in his room for hours, missing out on lunch and dinner.

Yo sat there on his bed quietly unsure if he should let the stranger in. A small part hoped it was Pha telling him that he didn't get someone pregnant and only wanted him but he knew it was too good to be true. Before he could even react the door was pushed open and in walked a young man, who couldn't of been much older than Yo himself. The male was carrying a tray laden with a variety of foods for him. Yo took one look at the food and his stomach grumbled loudly. He was clearly hungry, his earlier crying session made him forget all about it until now. 

The stranger then looked at Yo before speaking "Hi, my name is Kit. I am an omega of this pack just like you and I brought you some food since you skipped your last 2 meals." He then walked over and placed the tray directly in front of Yo. Despite his growing hunger Yo didn't rush towards the food, he was too heartbroken to eat anything at the moment even if his stomach disagreed with him. Kit could sense Yo's uneasiness and spoke softly "Future alpha Pha told us everything about you. How your last pack used to abuse you and then tried to force you to mate with the alpha's son even thought he wasn't your mate. I'm so sorry it had to happen to you but you are safe here and free to find your true mate."

At the mention of mates Yo broke down into tears again. He had already found his mate but was instantly rejected not to mention the fact he had knocked someone up. Just the thought of Pha's rejection was caused him so much pain that he began to shake. Kit picked up on Yo's discomfort at the sound of mate. Was it possible that he had already found his mate but was rejected Kit thought to himself. He then slowly crawled next to Yo on his bed and hugged him tightly. "It's ok. Everything will be fine. I'm sure it will all work out in the end." This just caused Yo to cry even louder. He snuggled deeper into Kit's warm embrace, just glad to have someone comfort him in his time of need. 

Yo had only just met the man but there was something about him that made Yo feel like he could trust him. If he knew Kit was Pha's best friend then maybe he would of kept his mouth shut but at the moment he felt the need to tell someone. Yo took a deep breath before he began to speak in a soft manner "I have already found my mate." Kit was surprised and happy at the same time until he saw the look on Yo's face. He had tear stained cheeks and his eyes looked so empty and lifeless. Kit then burst out a little angrier than he anticipated "Who was the idiot who rejected someone as cute as you?" Kit has always been told he was cute but compared to Yo he was nothing. Yo jumped at Kit's tone and tried to back away from the man. "I'm sorry Yo I didn't mean to sound so angry I just couldn't believe someone would reject you." 

Yo began to easy up a little before he continued his story "Well the future alpha of this pack clearly doesn't have the same views as you do. I mean he even got some other wolf pregnant." Kit was mortified at what Yo had told him. The only person Yo could of been talking about was Pha since he had no other brothers or sisters and was the only heir to this pack. He still wanted to be 100% certain so he asked "This is Pha we are talking about right?" Yo was in too much pain to say anymore so he just nodded his head. Kit couldn't believe Pha would do such a thing. This pack always talked about the importance of mates and never in the history has a mate been rejected (not in this pack at least). His parents were going to be livid when they find out Kit was sure of that.

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