Chapter 33

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Jaimins pov

Well to say I feel uncomfortable is an understatement as I took small nibbles of my sandwich.

leya and Ameera glared at each other, Brendan was talking to Kyra about the time he snuck into the girls changing room and she looked at him in discreet disgust, Kyra's parents were feeding each other grapes, leyas dad was on his phone oblivious to everything around him, leyas step mum was picking her neon pink nails, Ameeras parents were totally ignoring each other and gabe took jay over to the swings with iniko following like a lost puppy.

"Where's acel?" I asked no one in particular.

Leyas head snapped to me "dead for all I care"

That made everyone stop what they were doing and stare at her. I took a deep breath "don't say that about one of my best friends"

She smirked "why not? I'm just saying what we're all thinking"

My eye twitched "no! You're not!" I stood up "you need to get your head out of your ass! He never meant to do what he did and you know it! Maybe if you let go of your pride and sorted it out he wouldn't be going out with sadden minimus!"

Her eyes widened at that "sadden?"

"Struck a nerve did I?" I said then marched off. "Don't follow me Kyra I want to be alone!"

I heard her sigh in sadness then her retreating footsteps. I marched into the forest and quickly shifted into my wolf before running off.

I don't know how long I ran for until I reached the pack border I stopped just before crossing over. I sighed shifted back. This place.

I remember this place.

"Jaimin run! He's gaining on you!" I heard acel scream in terror, I picked up speed on my small legs as I could feel the rouges breath on my back.

Acel watched in fear from where he was perched on the tree frozen, Brendan stood next to him whilst drefan had his hand outstretched to help me up once I get to the tree.

Drefans hand was getting closer and closer until I face planted the floor. A weight was placed on my back and an angry growl vibrated in my ear.

"Jaimin!" Drefan shouted

I remained frozen in fear as the wolf continued to growl at me. It then slowly got off me. I gave a small sigh which quickly turned into a scream of pain when the wolf chomped down on my left leg. It shook its head, making my screaming more loud and pain filled. I tried to find anything to get away from him.

Next thing I knew the wolf staggered back and gave a small whimper. I looked up as a shadow appeared over me. Acel stood there one of his hands clutched a rock, I'm guessing he threw another one at the rouge.

"Acel run!" I screamed

He stubbornly stayed where he was " no!" He snapped "your my best friend and I'm not letting you die on me"

The rouge growled at acel this time and leapt for him this time a giant wolf from the side knocked the wolf away. The rouge staggered up and growled at the new wolf.

The wolf in return released a powerful growl that made the rouge instantly submit.

"An alpha" drefan said in both amazement and relief. It felt like forever since I've seen an alpha.

Next thing I know the rouge was surrounded by more wolves.

"Jaimin?" Acel asked as my head spun.

I heard footsteps approached me "poor boy, He looks my daughters age. Marcus take him to the pack doctor"

I shook my head of the memory when a twig snapped, I quickly turned around to the pack border, a familiar figure stared right back at me "your that vampire I saw the other day"

"Names kelelm, omega" he replied back and put his hands in the pockets of his trench coat.

I scowled at him "names Jaimin, vampire"

He chuckled "you're confident for an omega, I like that" he smirked, his fangs standing out. "Maybe that's the Luca status"

"What do you want?" I questioned my patience thinning.

"Nothing from you" he tilted his head to the side "But killing you might send Kyra a message"

Before I could blink I was pinned against the tree "and then she won't be able to access the power she's intended to have to destroy me"

"The fuck are you talking about?" I chocked out

"But then again it wouldn't be fair game" he tilted his head to the side "but when have vampires ever been fair?"

Then he tightened his grip on my neck. I started struggling "don't worry Jaimin you'll be with Kyra again soon enough"

With that I felt myself about to have one of those black outs that have been freaking me out lately. But before that could happen a small wolf pounced at kelelm.

I fell to the floor gasping for air. I watched as kelelm flipped in the air and landed on his feet. He glared at the wolf, then looked at me "another time then"

The familiar wolf growled lowly. Kelelm chuckled again "see you around omega" then he was gone in a flash

I felt myself start to drift off as the familiar wolf shifted back to his human form. He then ran over to me.

"Jaimin are you okay?" Acel asked just before I passed out. Kinda ironic that he's saved me twice by this tree.

 Kinda ironic that he's saved me twice by this tree

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