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jennie: unni you're dating suho?

irene: what? how'd you get that idea?

jennie: jisoo unni said she saw you having lunch with him

irene: not everyone who has lunch together are dating 🙄

jennie: aw :( you two'd look exceptionally great together

irene: we're not dating thoooo

jennie: jongin said you two talk everyday

jennie: not dating but flirting huh 😉

irene: no we're not goshh

irene: people keep assuming we're together because we're good friends :(

jennie: i didnt know you guys were even friends

irene: we became friends around a month ago? i dont really remember

jennie: a month and you're this close?

irene: i know, i was surprised

irene: even the first time we met, it felt like ive known him for years

jennie: this is fate

jennie: marry him

irene: 😂😂😂

irene: you're too funny

jennie: so? arent you gonna tell me how you met?

jennie: you barely have any guy friends, well, except for baekhyun

irene: true

irene: infact, it was him and seulgi who set me up with him. its a long story.

jennie: you agreed to go on a blind date?

irene: no, i was told i was meeting seulgi but he showed up

jennie: weren't you mad?

irene: a little, but atleast i got a friend out of this haha

jennie: well thats a great thing!

irene: i guess?

irene: i just hope he doesn't take this friendship the wrong way

jennie: but if he does, i suggest you try dating him unni

irene: what?

jennie: he's a really nice guy and you said so yourself that you two match well

jennie: i really want you to live your life and date someone

jennie: the worst thing that can happen is breaking up

irene: i know and i will, but not now though

irene: dont worry about me

irene: i'm happy with the way i'm living now :)))

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