008 Numb

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I'm sick and tired of playing games. I look around and people make me think they're all against me. I would say I'm tired and we all are, but I know they would say I don't have any right to say so. They're all quiet but secretly watching every step I take and every single thing I do. I turned around and they would see me differently. They notice some things and I let them know too. But not the real things for sure.

I realized it's been two weeks for not being able to write my feelings here.

On second thought, am I numb?

Just a flinch of a finger and I hope for just a flinch of a finger, everything will be alright. How come they're not tired of hearing the same excuse? Fact is, people want you to be the same as how they met you in the first place. First bad impression and you mess up. If you're good and you make one small mistake or you show them something new, people's perceptions about you will change.

That's just absurd.

As I always say, everyone needs progress, and if they show something unique about them or even become wild, then so be it.

Even good girls want to be bad sometimes.


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