Ch.1• A child!?

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Uther's P.O.V:

"What!? No that's impossible!" Uther yelled. "Her name will be Morganne and she will be born in 9 months time. Uther Pendragon there is nothing you can do. Morgana will have a child." said the sorceress that gave Uther his son, Arthur. (Let's just pretend her name is Aura). "This cannot be!!" as I said this, Aura vanished in a blink of an eye. "Is everything alright my lord?" Morgana said as she walked in to the throne room. "Morgana! Yes, yes of course everything is alright I assure you" I said without hesitation so she would believe me. Morgana already knew she was going to have a child but she never knew the gender or that if it will have magic or not. "Then I must go, I'm going to check on Gwen. She has a fever." "Very well" I said as I watched my only daughter walk out of the room. I sat on my throne, thinking to myself about her daughter. I cannot believe what Aura said. This cannot be!! I will not allow this child to be within the walls of my kingdom, especially that she has magic. She will ruin everything I have worked for. She will ruin Camelot and I will not let that happen.

After a long while of thinking to myself, I came up with an idea. A brilliant idea. I will send Morganne away to a kingdom far away from Camelot. But wait, Morgana will not allow this. She must forget about this child but how? What if...I got Aura to put a spell on Morgana to make her forget about her child? Yes! Once Morgana gives birth and falls asleep, my plan shall begin and all will be well. Morgana shall never know about this child.

Morgana's P.O.V:

I only had two things going through my mind at the moment. My child whom is yet to be born, and my maid who has a fever, Guinevere. But she goes by Gwen. She may be my maid, but she is more than that. I like to look at her as a trustworthy, loyal and caring friend. Gwen is always there for me, and for that I must return the favour and be there for her. Last night she wasn't feeling well so I told her she should go take care of her self before she could take care of me. It's morning and I haven't seen her since then. She hadn't come to my chambers to make my bed and help me get ready for the day ahed of us, but I didn't mind for as I knew she wasn't feeling well. So I decided to get ready myself and leave my bed as it is. As I sped down the halls and quickly yet carefully made my way down the stairs out of the castle into the village, I was greeted by the guards, a few knights who passed by me and many villagers. As I managed to make my way through the crowds of people, I was searching for Gwen's house as I finally found it after what seemed like forever. I knocked at her door and expected Gwen to open it, but no one did. I knocked again, no answer. "Is Gwen still sleeping?" I thought to myself. I pushed the door a little to see if it was open, and it was. I should remind Gwen to lock her door next time, after all it is dangerous to not lock your door. I looked around and couldn't find Gwen anywhere. Where could she be? I walked out and closed the door behind me just in time to find Gwen's father walking towards my direction (Gwen's father was not yet executed during this time). "My Lady" he bowed and greeted me. "Goodmorning. Please there's no need for bowing, and call me Morgana." He nods his head as a sign that he understood. "Have you seen Gwen? Last night I told her she could take the night off because she wasn't feeling well, and she was not in my chambers this morning either." "My Lady, I m-meant, Morgana, I believe she left to do her duties" he said. "Oh did she? She should've stayed home to rest. Thank you though." He nodded and I smiled as I watched him walk away. There was not as much people walking around so I got back to the castle earlier than I thought I would. I made my way to my chambers to find Gwen making my bed. I slowly walked in trying to not make a sound. "Gwen" I said sternly as I stood near her. "M-My Lady, I am so sorry I am late. I slept past the usual time I wake up at for as I had a slight head ache." she said quickly, thinking I was angry at her. "Gwen, there's no need to be sorry. You should have stayed home until you felt better to do your duties. And yet here you are making my bed while you are still sick. Please you should go and rest, take the day off." I couldn't let her do this while she is not well. "It is my job after all my lady. I'm sure I will last the day" Gwen managed to say as she was coughing. "Please, Gwen? I can take care of my self I assure you." I tell her. "Of course my lady, thank you." "Get well soon" I said as she walked out of my chambers. I sat at my stool looking in the mirror thinking what kind of mother I would be to my child. He or she will only have me as their parent. No father. I don't even know the gender of my child yet and I am very excited. Everyone already knows I am carrying a child and they are all happy for me. I'm not so sure if Uther knows though, perhaps Arthur told him.

Gwen's P.O.V:

I walked out of Morgana's chambers feeling very tired. I caught the cold from my father, he was sick for about a week. At the moment, I felt dizzy and as if there was a stone sitting in my head. I am glad Morgana let me have the day off to get well. I am also grateful that I work for her and no other royal for as I know there are some who wouldn't even care about their maid.

Yass this chapter may be a bit short but it is a starter of the first chapter of my first book!! I hope you liked it:)

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