Ch.16• They Wanted What?

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**Part of this chapter is based on the episode where Arthur and Merlin escape out the castle to meet Morgause I think it was, im not sure XD instead, this time it's Morganne and Eila escaping to find 'these people' the same way Arthur and Merlin did**

Morgana's P.O.V:

"We believe there are people coming after us, more specifically, your daughter" the knights said while I was sitting at my throne. Morganne was out hunting. She loved doing things knights or any man would do. She didn't like how her role was just to be the girl in the background clapping her hands. "And do you know how these people are?" I am so angry and worried right now I probably look so intimidating. Well that's not anything new is it? "Not exactly m'lady, we heard from villagers around Camelot when we were heading back from our journey. Apparently there's not just one person alone, but two" "Find Morganne and bring her back, orders from me" "Yes your highness" Why would anyone want to go after Morganne? Unless she's done any wrong. For all I know those people could have found her lurking in the woods.

Morganne's P.O.V:

I saw a few gaurds from my castle approaching me. Was I introuble? Mother knows I'm out here with Eila, I told her. "I'm sorry my lady we have to take you back. Orders from your mother" "What's going on now? Why does she want me back" they didn't bother to answer me so Eila and I hopped on our horses and headed back. Once I got off my horse, Eila had gone to put them away. I walked into the entrance seeing mother running up to me with a worried look on her face. "Morganne I was so worried about you" she said hugging me quickly and then pulling away. "What's going on?" "Come, we'll talk inside" we went to my room and sat on the long stool infront of my bed. "The gaurds warned me about people coming after us" Mother began. "Okay? It seems to be that everyone is after us these days" I said slightly shrugging my shoulders. "Not just us, Morganne" she said putting her hand on my arm "These people are after you" "What why!?" "We don't know why or who they are. It was a rumour" "Do you know what they look like?" "No, do you have an idea of who they might be?" "Not exactly. I can't say anything for sure.."

* * *

Days went by since I've heard about the rumour. My mother is so worried now she's not letting me out of the castle infact- not out of my room most of the time. Can you believe that? My door is to remain locked with my mother having the only keys to it, and she put gaurds infront of my door too. This is ridiculous. Why would anyone come after me? I really don't understand. Seconds later, the door opened revealing Eila. "How did you get in? Only my mother has the keys" "She opened it for me" "Oh.." "If I may ask why are there gaurds outside the door and why is it locked?" Eila whispered. "My mother has locked me in my chambers because appretly there are people going after me" "As in..?" "As in to kill me" "Well, I brought you some food" Eila said setting the food on the table. "Thank you. I need to find who is going around town looking for me tonight" "But your mother will be very angry and worried when she find out your not in your room" "I need to find out so I can settle this" "So I take it as we're going?" "Your smarter then you look " I said standing, putting my dagger away from spinning it around from boredom. "Okay I'll get some supplies" Eila says rubbing off "Oh and Eila? Find a way to get me out of here" she nodded and left my room. I know mother will be very disappointed but I'll just tell her that I was really determined to find these two people and that I wanted to settle things. I know I'm risking my life since these people want me dead but.. I just have to do this. I began pacing for a good half hour, what will mother think? She'll loose it I know that but at the same time she'd be worried. I don't want to do this to her but it's the only way to settle things. If I don't get to talk to these people myself they'll just come after me. "Took you long enough" I said as Eila walked in with the doors closing behind her.   "Is it my imagination or are you getting fat?" I said pointing at her stomach. Eila looks at me and pulls out a rope from her apron.

"Are you sure you can hold me?" I asked "I'm stronger than I look" she says sounding like a wimp. The only person I trust is my mother and no one else when it comes to situations like these. Either way, the only person I trust is mother. I step on the ledge of the window and slowly walked down the walls on the ouside of the castle. "Lower the rope!" I whisper-yell. "There is no more rope!" Eila said loud enough for the whole kingdom to here. "I-I don't know if I can hold much longer" she said struggling "protēn" I made the rope stretch so that it can extend long enough for me to be near the ground. Once I got to the bottom, I waited for Eila as it was our plan. A few minutes past until she finally got here. "Morganne" she said panting "Morganne" I looked at her, indicating for her to speak but in assuming she didn't understand "Morganne-" "What is it??" I whisper-yelled. "Are you sure this is a good idea? You know your mother she'll go crazy if she finds out your doing this. What is she locks you up or perhaps restrain you?" "And what does that matter? It doesn't. As long as we put peace with these people then mother can whatever she pleases with me. At least I can show her that I succeeded" it was dark so Eila brought two torches with her. We didn't want to bring our horses just incase someone will find out that we've left.

"Why don't we just camp here for the night and find these people later" Eila suggested. "Fine, do you know anything about who these people are just so I can get an idea?" I said sticking my torch into the ground while Eila put out long cloths for us to lay on. "Well..I know that they are druids" "Why would the druids want to hurt us? Druids are peaceful people" "Indeed they are but, some say they are after you because of your accusations" she said laying down before me. "What accusations?" "Don't know. They have a symbol on their wrist and apparently they seem to be a mother and a child" "Child? How young?" "Around your age" Eila said yawning. "Come on, we want to get home before morning. We'll rest for a few hours"

It had been an hour and I'm still awake. I thought I heard something in the woods which creeped me out. Seconds later I heard a twig snap. Great, someone's here. I pretended to be asleep while I felt the presence of someone behind my back, I stood up and raised my sword at them. "Reveal yourself" the person just stood there as a taller person came charging for me with a sword. I blocked their attack and took them under my grasp with my sword near their neck. "Reveal. Yourself." The person slowly takes off their hood and looks at me. Its him. "Please don't hurt my mother she's the only person I have left" "And how would you think my mother would feel if you killed me? Why are you doing this?" He just looked at me with pain in his eyes "Aleck, answer me" I said raising the sword closer to his mother's neck. "I-I didn't want to, please believe me I didn't" "Then why are you doing this?" "For my mother, I was doing this only for h-her" "Why do you want me dead?" His mother replied before Aleck could. "You killed my husband!" She yelled, I could feel her tears on my arm. She was right, I did. "He was going to kill my guardian for no good reason, I had to" "Please Morganne, let her go" Aleck said with a singe tear dropping down his face. I slightly pushed the woman over to Aleck. "I'm willing to do anything besides killing anyone for something in return. I'm sorry about the past'" I said putting my sword down into the ground. Aleck and his mother looked at eachother and then looked back at me. "You let my mother go, which I didn't think you'd do since... you're a Pendragon. We wish no revenge nor harm to come to you anymore. We're sorry" Aleck said "I should be sorry, and I am. Although, you're lucky it was just me. If it were my mother she would've had your heads" they slightly chuckled. "Im telling you, do not return to my kingdom. Next time I might not be able to help you" they nodded and left. Hm, it was that easy. I thought there would be more of a commotion. Guess not. "I will see you again m'lady" I slightly jumped, frightened of the sudden voice in my head. It was Aleck, he mind linked with me. "Is evrything alright m'lady??" I turned my head, seeing a panting Eila heading  towards me. "I found out who the people were. Come on, we must head home before my mother wakes. The sub will rise soon". As we headed home, I told Eila everything- the whole story.

"Right, so how are we supposed to get back in without anyone catching us?" I asked Eila "Well.." she began "Got it" I interrupted. My eyes turned gold as a rope appeared hanging from inside my chamber since my window was left open. I climbed in first with Eila following behind me. Once I got into my chambers, I realized it was early enough for my mother to have been awake. My doors were open, meaning someone came in. Damn it, there's a 100% chance mother found out. Looks like things didn't go as planned. "Be prepared to face and angry Morgana Pendragon, we all know what that's like" Eila said throwing herself on the bed with her feet hanging down the side touching the floor. "Im always prepared. Either way, she's my mother and I know for a fact she won't hurt me. She will most likely just lecture me, I'll just talk her into it" I said folding my arms. "Well, you should get some rest while I go prepare your breakfast" Eila said walking out, I layed on my bed and quickly fell asleep. I was very tired after all.

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