Ch.17•Clearing Up

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Morgana's P.O.V:

"Eila!! You're here, where is Morganne?" I said worriedly. "She's alseep m'lady" she said carrying a plate of food, then walking over to the dining table. If Morganne is asleep, I'll just wait until breakfast. 

"I'll go get Morganne" Eila said. About 10 minuets later, Eila came back with Morganne following behind her. Time to talk. "Morganne where were you I was worried sick!" I began quickly walking up to her. "I'm sure you heard that I went out to find the people who were after me. They're druids you know" she said eating her breakfast.  "Morganne you could've been badly injured or even worse, killed! Why did you go when I clearly told you not to!?" My voice got louder every time I spoke. Morganne looked me in the eyes and finally said "I had to find out who these people are and why they wanted me dead. I'm sorry I disobeyed you, mother. I had to go"  I sat down on the seat infront of her and said "You shouldn't have gone. What else did they tell you?" "They were after me because I killed the woman's husband.." "Since when??" "When I was 13, the woman's husband was about to kill me but then I stabbed him. I didn't mean for him to die" Morganne said finishing her food, then stood up. "Morganne you have to be careful. Do you know how many people are out there after us-? After you? Please, if this happens again it won't look pretty" I said almost yelling. "These people could've killed you, and you know how much I can't risk loosing you. We only have eachother Morganne" I finished and stood up. Morganne looked at me with sad eyes, and began walking out the doors. Just then I realised wha I did. Why was I yelling at her so much? Life's too short for that. "Morganne wait!" I said walking after her as she kept walking. I finally caught up to her and grabbed her arm which caused her to spin around, facing towards me. "No, mother" she said harshly pulling away. "Listen, if you say I can't go anywhere to figure out my own problems then what can I do? I'm not just going to wait for things to come to me just like that" she said as she snapped her fingers. Surprisingly, she wasn't full-on screaming at me. Its more like she was talking with a hint of anger in her voice. "I know you worry and care about me alot but I need to learn somethings on my own. You can't keep yelling at me about the risk that I could've been's just not going to work" Morganne finished. Then she walked away, leaving me to think about what she said.

Morganne's P.O.V:

"..its just not going to work" I finished. About 5 minutes ago, mother was lecturing me about why I had left last night. To be honest, I've never seen mother so angry before besides all the times she's tried to put an end to her brother. But this time, she looked angry as ever. Mother looked very scary and that's the first time I've said that. Her eyes were widened revealing her bright green eyes, her skin was very pale and most scariest of all- her voice was loud and bitter. So, I decided to leave the room. I'm not gonna let her yell at me anymore, I don't need it right now. I feel bad for what I did but it was unintentional. I went outside to let out my anger on a punching bag which I got Eila to hold so it wouldn't go flying. "Lady Morganne I think you're going too harsh you might scrape your fists" with every word she spoke I threw a punch at the bag before she could say her next one. But what she was saying didn't make sense- at least not to me. I punched the bag a few more times  before I got a small scrape on my knuckle, which was bleeding. Well, looks like I was wrong. "Your mother has been watching you almost this while time you know. She's standing near the gates" I didn't bother to look back. I punched the bag one last time with my other fist, which lead the chains at the top holding the bag to break and Eila falling with it on top of her. I didn't feel like talking, if I did I would've said sorry but I'm pretty sure she knows I am. I quickly walked away to head inside to my chambers where I hopefully won't be disturbed by anyone. I plopped on my bed, saying a spell to stitch my skin together which left light, small blood stains that I cleaned. I was staring at my ceiling which was yes very interesting indeed. *note my sarcasm* I didn't know what else to do so I walked up to my window to watch my view which was a yard filled with knights practicing and mountains and tall, bushy trees around the far back. It was a nice view I'd say. As I was watching the men fight, I heard my door open and felt someone's presence. I thought it was Eila so I kept looking out the window and said "Eila take my clothes basket in the corner behind the screen and wash then for me please?" But I was wrong. I heard the sound of a heel from every step the person would take, from this I knew it wasn't Eila. She wears flats where as my mother- she's the only person who wears heels other than myself. Great, was she here to lecture me again? "Morganne" she began. I kept looking at my view. "I know I shouldn't have yelled at you. I was wrong, whereas you were right" she sighed. "I understand now why you went and why you disobeyed me. I should've thought before I could react, and for that, I'm sorry my love" I looked down from my view, thinking about what she said. Then I looked back up and turned around to gave my mother. Once I did, she looked at me with hope in her eyes. Hope that I would forgive her. I kept my serious look plastered on my face. After a few seconds of staring at my mother, I went to hug her. She hugged me tightly, spinning me side to side and breathed out heavily as if she was holding her breath this hold time. My head was on top of her chest, with her chin on my head so I could feel her chest raise and fall rapidly. That's how worried she was and I felt bad. I hope this never happens again. "I'm sorry as well mother" I looked up at my mother seeing a tear escape her eye. "Don't cry" I wiped her tear as she let out a small laugh, laying her hand on the side of my face. "This will never happen again. I promise" she said

We sat and talked for a while. Mother asked me more about Aleck and his mother. She told me to be careful with whom I'm around with, that's one of the reasons why mother doesn't let me 'socialize' I guess. But that's fine I don't really care, I understand why.

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