Ch.14• The Real Pain

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Morgana's P.O.V:

I woke up earlier than the castle was awake so I could turn back into 'Hilda'. Before I did, I kissed Morganne on her forehead, drank the potion and left to go to my room. I walked in, seeing Eila sleeping with her head down on the table. She must've left the bed for me. I climbed in and quickly fell asleep.

Morganne's P.O.V:

I woke up feeling cold air against my back. I turned around seeing an empty space. Mother probably left to her room so that no one would catch us or will suspect anything. I got ready and as I finished, gaurds walked in taking me. Oh great, time to be put under a spell. One of the gaurds used a cloth which knocked me out, even better. Note my sarcasm.

* * *

"Wake up" I heard I voice say. "Mother" I opened my eyes and got up. "What happened? Actually you know what that doesn't even matter. I'll be in my room if you need me, which, hopefully you wont." I sneered, then I heard her sigh from behind me.

Morgana's P.O.V:

Morganne walked up the stairs to her room. This is going to be tough, living with a daughter who 'hates' me. "Be prepared for all the harsh things she's gonna say to you" I thought to myself. Right, I have to go prepare the potion.

Hours later I finally have the potion done and the sword prepared. "Mother!? Where is my useless toad of a maid? Have you seen her" I hid the potion behind me. I slightly laughed at what she said "Uh no I have not" "Hm. Well of course you haven't why did I even ask" Okay that was harsh. I want this to be over with. But then at the same time I don't want to stab my daughter. She's been like this for about 5 hours now which feels like 5 days. This has to be done. I search the castle, finding Morganne looking out the window in the hallway. "Morganne hun" I made my voice sound sweet, to act like nothing I'd happening so she won't act suspicious. "What do you want?" What should I say? I have to start a conversation to seem as if everything is fine. "I have a question" Okay maybe I shouldn't have asked that, now she's going to be suspicious of me. "Which is?" "How do you feel about me?" This is going to hurt me, mentally. Hearing words from my daughter come out of her mouth even though they ate not hers. She sighed and began ranting. "I feel so many things about you. You're annoying and you never leave me alone. You're always so rude to me! You may be my mother, but you certainly do not act like one. You mistreat everyone and you even mistreat your own daughter" she took a breath and continued. I know for a fact that last sentence were Annis' words. "I hate you so, so much that You cannot begin to know how much I hate you" Those last words struck me hard. I said those exact words to Uther many many years ago. This is what Annis wanted, for me to feel what everyone else does. Betrayed and sad. I couldn't help it, my mouth was slightly parted as my eyebrows curved up and a tear fell down my cheek which I quickly wiped it away before Morganne looked back at me. "But Morganne, I love you so much" I said trying to put my arms around her. "No let go of me! Don't touch me!" She tried squirming out, but that didn't work. I had to hold her so that I could 'kill' her. Woah. I can't believe I just said that. But not actually killing her, it just looks like it. I got my arm to go around her back while my other arm was holding on to the sword behind me. Morganne couldn't see that because she was too busy trying to escape. She kept moving and squirming while I was holding her. Imagine it as if we were hugging; Morganne's forehead was on my shoulder while I had my arm around her back. Once I had her to be still, I put my head on her shoulder, hesitating. "I'm sorry" Before she could speak I whispered a spell and with that she knew something was happening. "What are you doing?" She said in fear. I had to ignore her and kept saying the spell. "Are you listening to me!?" She yelled and began hitting my arm which was holding her, indicating she didn't want to be in the situation right now. Once I finished, I finally pierced the sword into the side of her stomach. As I did this I looked away with many tears strolling down my face. I can't believe I was doing this. I looked back at her, I had to. Morganne was looking at me with pain in her eyes, they were very glossy. "I thought you loved me, m-mother" she was chocking on her tears, then her eyes shut and she lost her balance but I was able to catch her. Right. I quickly grabbed the rest of the potion and poured a drop of it onto the wound. I'm going to have to treat this as soon as she wakes, which will take a while. "sāna" my eyes went gold and returned back to normal. The potion began to spread across the wound, she should be able to wake soon. I can't believe I had to do this. I kneeled on the floor, putting my hand over her chest to see if her heart was still beating, which it was because this shouldnt actually kill her. I could feel it even with just the palms of my hand, because of my magic. Yes, I was that paranoid. I put the sword away and cleaned up everything and waited for Morganne to wake up.
Not too long after, I heard someone let out a small grunt. I quickly turned around, seeing Morganne trying to get up. I smiled in relief "Darling, don't get up yet the potion is still trying to get to you" "Oww this is actually, very painful" "I'm sorry-" "You had to do it mother, it's okay" I walked up to Morganne and hugged her lightly, aware that she's still in pain. "I don't remember anything" Morganne said as she put her hand on her forehead. "Can you..tell me everything I did? I'm just curious" She asked. " were acting like I wasn't worth it first of all-" "Mother do you know how much your worth to me??" She cut me off slightly yelling. I nodded my head 'yes'. I had an idea of how much I'm worth it to her. "You told me you hated me, that I was annoying and that I never leave you alone. You said something that I said to my father before you were born when I kept him behind bars. "You cannot begin to know how much I hate you" I repeated. Morganne stood there, staring at me with her mouth slightly opened in shock. "When i was trying to.." I was looking for a word other than "stab". "Stab you.." I said, hesitating. I tried to hold you but you told me to not touch you. You tried squirming out and-" "Mother" I looked back at her. "Let me tell you this. You are worth so much to me you don't even know. You're not even the slightest to be annoying and I never want you to leave me alone. Most especially, I love you so much you have no idea. Hold me all you want, I won't flinch or try to even squirm out- it won't bother me" a tear dropped down my face after she said this. "Mother don't cry" she said wiping my tear and giving me a sweet smile. "I'm sorry I'm just- your so sweet. I'm very lucky to have you, love" I've never felt a connection so much with another person other than Morgause. Yes, we had a connection but this one..this one was stronger. I don't feel so alone anymore after Morgause passed, and I finally have someone who loves me and doesn't despise me or is afraid of me again. I hugged Morganne, still aware of her wound. "Morganne" she looked at me. "You also called Eila a 'useless toad of a maid' I said smiling. She began laughing so hard. "I said that??" "You did" she began laughing again. "M'lady your back!!" "Yes we were just talking about you" Eila came running up to me and hugged me so tight. " wound.."I managed to say "Oh! I'm so sorry m'lady, uhm, I'll have supper waiting for you soon" I nodded my head. "Morganne darling" "Yes mother?" "If you need anything just call for me, I'll be here in no time" I said as I walked out. I'm so glad she's doing better. I have my daughter back.

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