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Morganne's P.O.V:

I was sitting on a log in the woods, watching the sun rise. I used to do this alot back at my kingdom- sitting out my balcony every morning and night. It was very early in the morning, my mother was still asleep. I tried to not wake her up, knowing she had a peaceful sleep that she hadn't had in years because her breathing was normal and she was smiling a bit..perhaps she had a good dream? After all, she had nightmares before she found me. But once she did, it seemed as if they were never there in the first place. That's what my mother told me. Oh, and last night she mentioned to me she wanted to attack Camelot soon. That's where she used to live, where her brother is and all her 'old friends' are. I've been reflecting for hours now just waiting for the sun to rise. As the time came, I heard a twig snap as I someone stepped on it. Following that I heard heavy breathing. Was someone there? I stood up and spun around to see my mother, looking very scared. "Morganne! What are you doing? I was worried sick! The moment I woke up and couldn't find you I thought you got kidnapped or hurt in any way! I ran out and started looking for you using my magic to detect your traces." As she says this shes running up to me. "I'm sorry mother, I just came out to watch the sun rise as I always used to do. It's just a habit of mine, I promise this will never happen again." I say. She puts each of her hands on my shoulders, saying "I'm just glad you're okay. Next time, be sure to tell not sure if I can handle another heart attack." I let out a small laugh. "Of course mother" I grab her wrist and take her towards the spot I was sitting at. We sat down on a cliff, but far from the edge of it just to be on the safe side. We had the best view of the sun rise here, and Camelot. As we were watching, my stomach makes a loud noise wanting food. My mother looked at me and said "why don't we head back and have some breakfast? After all it seems your hungry. Then, we will be heading somewhere to gather some warriors" I shot a look at my mother- my face expression looking as if I don't know what she's talking about. Which I didn't. "We will be attacking Camelot tomorrow morning." "right" to be honest..I don't even know if I want to help attack. My uncle is the one whim my mother is after. I don't even know what he looks like, don't even know his personality or anything about him. All I know is that he is king and had married a serving girl, who was once my mother's maid. But, I decided to help attack anyways. I don't think I had a choice anyway. Mother would be expecting me to help her.

On our way back, we talked a lot. Once we got home, we had breakfast and headed straight to Cendred's kingdom on our horses. That's where our men where. Before Morgause passed, she made our army immortal so that we would have a better chance of winning the battle and so that none of our warriors would die. We walked into the throne room where we found Cendred sitting on his throne. "The Lady Morgana Pendragon" I heard him say. Mother told me that he never liked anyone as friends other than Morgause and Morgana. "And who may this be?" He said walking up to me, taking his sword and pointing it to my neck. Wow. I never knew he hated other people that much. I look at him with disgust, knowing he wouldn't do anything to me. "What do you think you're doing? If I were you I would never do that" I heard my mother say in a very cold tone. As she said this, her eyes turned gold and the sword Cendred was holding flew to the side on the floor. Cendred looked at Mother, then at me. "Who is she? Why is this girl here!?" He said with annoyance in his voice. My mother walked up to him slightly stomping, then stopped inches away from his face saying "she is my daughter, Morganne. I suggest you treat her with respect before I will be the last face you'll ever see" Mother said angrily. "Morganne Pendragon, I see.." he comes closer to me and nearly tries pushing away my hair from my face, but not fast enough before I said "Don't touch me, you pig" taking a few steps away. "She's got your attitude, Morgana" My mother smiles at this and looks at me, then looks back at Cendred. "We are planning to attack Camelot tomorrow. Morganne here will be helping us." "And what will she be doing?" "She has been very well trained with a sword..part of being me teaching her, and she has very powerful magic. I'd say she is be very helpful." "Very well, I'll have our warriors prepared by tomorrow before sun rise. Then we shall meet in Camelot- by the Citadel that is" Mother nods her head then signals for as to leave, just when Cendred said "Perhaps you could stay a while? If you don't mind" my mother looks at me and I nod, saying it's fine.

We spent all day here taking about the attack tomorrow. I'm sort of excited because I've never been to Camelot before and I've never seen my uncle. I wonder what Camelot is like. What my uncle is like. My mother believes to think that he is no different from Uther. He was evil, and mother believes her brother is the same.

Morgana's P.O.V:

We've finally arrived home. I could tell Morganne was a little tired but is forcing herself to stay awake because her eyes were half open. "Darling you seem to be tired, you can get some rest early if you want" "No no I can last a few more hours, it's okay" "Are you sure? I don't see any reason for you staying awake, unless you want to I don't mind" "I was actually hoping if you could teach me some spells, so I could be more prepared for tomorrow." That was a great idea. From what Morgause told me, my daughter can do some crazy things with her magic that no one else can do. But she does not know of this. Morgause also warned me that sometimes her magic will be used by accident, meaning that Morganne might me in a mood where she ends up smashing all the windows just by her scream- what I did when I was back in Camelot when Morgause was hurt. "Of course dear" she smiled.

We spent the rest of our night conjuring spells and enchantments as well as playing around with our magic for fun. Morganne had done some things I never thought anyone could do. I trained her of self defense. I threw an arrow in the air a she would make it fall into a million pieces. I asked her if she could enchant any weapon to make it do as it's told by their possesser and she succeeded. So far, Morganne now knows how to turn things into pieces, enchant weapons, possess people under her command, (which I wish I could do) speak to people using her mind, make anything appear in her hand, and my favourite- ripping people's hearts out. Yes. I wish I could do as much as my daughter. "You've learned many things today, my love. Now, it is time for you to rest. There is a big day ahead of us" I tell her. As she hops in bed a walk over to her. "Goodnight darling. Sleep well" I say kissing her forehead. "and you mother" Now, we wait and see what tomorrow offers us.
Hey guyss comment I'd you like this book or not so I know if I should continue writing it. I hope you all like it! This story is based on fantasy and adventure. I like to write in alot of detail so you will all know how Morgana and morganne's mother-daughter bond is like. Ty for reading please comment what you think and maybe vote? 😇

P.S: I also just realized I've been spelling Cendred's name wrong the whole time. It's not Cendred it's Cenred. I also just found out that Cenred's Kingdom is called "the castle of Fyrien". Wow. I'm actually dumb XD

PPS: In the tv show, Cenred should be dead around this time but in this book he does not die yet..hehe I gave it away oops

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