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*Continuation of last chapter*

Morgana's P.O.V:

I broke down to the floor with Morganne trying to comfort me, then leading me to my chambers. Emrys could be the death of me- who knows? I've been over thinking and worrying alot lately, about many things. I rested my head on her shoulder, with Morganne sitting on my bed while I was practically laying. "I have an idea" Morganne suggested, her hand on my back. "Remember a while ago when you took me to the Crystal Caves? We can go back there and see what will soon be born of the future. Then, you can prevent the bad from happening" she finished. "We could, but I wouldn't want anything happening again. You know- almost every time we leave this place, we get attacked or you're always being taken away" What she said was true, and I didn't want the same situation happening over again. "Then why don't we bring knights with us? Oh and maybe Aithusa. She's big enough to kill" "Alright well..I guess we can go. We'll leave before nightfall and bring a few things with us just incase we don't make it home by dark, we'll have to camp" I could feel Morganne smile as I finished. "I'll go tell Eila to start preparing. I will also get about 5-10 knights with us, just in case. You'll never know when you'll need many of them" With that, Morganne got up and left the room which left me waiting. Eventually, I ended up taking a short nap.

"Mother!!" I heard a voice yell for my attention which was slowly waking me up from my nap. "Mother wake up" The voice got closer, suddenly I felt someone shaking my arm. "Hmm?" I mumbled. I slightly opened my eyes seeing Morganne infront of me. "Yes sweetie?" I said sitting up to the outer side of my bed. "So I told Eila to pack everything and I announced that we need as many gaurds as we can get, a maximum of 10. I also tried feeding Aithusa and getting her prepared" "Oh good. We'll leave in less than two hours, first we should have dinner because you'll never know if when we'll be back home to eat" I said as we headed downstairs for dinner.

**Skip to the trip**

"Alright so can I get all you knights surrounding the three of us here?" Morganne announced to all the knights that came with us. They quickly formed a circled around Morganne, Eila and I, obeying my daughter's orders. "Mother how long will it take to get there again?" Morganne asked. "About an hour, maybe less" I said. My stomach began to feel as if there was a heavy stone sitting there, it's probably just my imagination. Throughout the trip, Morganne and I just talked while the rest were minding their own business. From time to time Eila would look back at Morganne laughing at the funny things she said, but she'd still never make eye contact with me. Was she still afraid me? I sighed at my thought. Everyone is, it's not surprise. Except for my daughter. Of course shes not afraid-she's the only person I can trust with my life.

We stopped our horses as we reached the cave. Morganne held her hand up as a sign for everyone to stay out- everyone but me of course. Once she got off her horse, she ran towards the cave, entering it. "Be careful hun!" I yelled loud enough for her to hear me from a distance. I quickly walked after her, seeing many crystals slowly appearing in my view. I kept walking in to find Morganne in the center of the cave, gazing in awe. "It feels like this is the first time I've seen the cave, but really it's not" I continued walking up to her as she spoke. "You know everytime I look at the crystals, my eyes would hurt" "That's how it is for some people. It's nothing to worry about" Morganne turned to me and said "Alright then, let's see what the future holds for us" just then, she moved up to a huge crystals the size of herself. Before she looked into it I warned her "sometimes the future can be frightening, you wouldn't want to keep looking- but you'll have to" Morganne sighed and looked into the crystal. I watched the scenes in the crystal- Morganne and Aithusa playing around, Morganne and I laughing over seemed pretty normal to me until I saw a few unpleasant scenes. Emrys standing infront of me with Morganne between us, my old friends from Camelot and Gwen who's sitting beside Arthur around the round table. It seemed as of they were planning something. I flinched and looked away, my arms wrapped around my stomach. I stood watching Morganne's reactions, not paying attention to the views in the crystals. Just then Morganne's eyes widened, she took a step back and put her hand on her head looking down as if she's trying to think. "Morganne love what's wrong?" I said rushing up to her. She just looked at me. "What did you see?" I asked putting both my hands on each of her shoulders. "Y-you..I saw you.." "What about me?" Now I'm starting to worry, for both of our sakes. "You were laying on your bed at home, looking pale as if you were sick. I was sitting next to you, crying" I was in complete shock. What if I was becoming sick? I pulled Morganne into a hug, assuring her everything will be okay although we might be going through a tough situation anytime soon. "Come on, we've seen enough. Let's go back" I said taking Morganne's hand, leading her out. "But you haven't found the answer to your questions" "I will soon enough darling. You're more important" Morganne sighed and followed after me. "Oh looks like it's dark already" I said. "Alright everyone let's camp by that small area over there" I ordered. The area was actually like a room split in two if you really think about it. There was a small spot made of stone 'walls' shaped in a large square, while there was another smaller spot behind a fountain with stone 'walls' around it which Morganne, Aithusa and I took. We layed our blankets and pillows on the flat surface, close to each other and layed down on them. "I don't really like camping much" Morganne stated. "Neither do I. But it doesn't seem as if we have a choice, does it?" I laughed. "We should be getting some sleep now" I said moving closer to put my arm around her. "Goodnight love" "Night mother"

I woke up the next morning not feeling too well as my stomach began to ache again. We all got back on our horses and headed home. Just when my feet hit the ground, I felt like I was loosing my balance. Fortunately for me, Morganne noticed and came rushing towards me. "Mother are you alright?" She said holding me up. "I feel a little..drowsy" I answered. "Let's take you to your chambers and figure out what's going on" All of a sudden, I was lifted off the ground. "Morganne!!" I said in shock.

Morganne's P.O.V:

Mother couldn't keep her balance so I decided someone should carry her to her chambers. I don't trust anyone to carry my mother, so I decided to carry her myself with the help of my magic. "Morganne!!" She said in shock. "Sorry I have to" I quickly walked to mother's chambers laying her on her bed. "M-mother what's going on? Are you okay?" I said before the gaurds bursted in.

To be continued...

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