Ch.12• Missing

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*2 weeks later*

Morgana's P.O.V:

Morganne and I were planning to search for the Crystal Cave to see what the future looks like. I know you might be thinking it's kind of a random thing to do now since I have so many plans, but I had to go so that the Crystals could perhaps show me who Emrys is. I'm bringing Morganne with me although I didn't want her to come- it could be too dangerous for her but then at the same time I don't want her to be alone at home, she insisted to come anyways and I couldn't say no. Our horses were ready, and Eila came with us. Whenever Morganne had to travel Eila had to be there. It was around morning when we left, I wanted to leave early just incase it would take a while to us find the cave and get back.

After hours of travelling, we found the Crystal Cave. "Love, come with me" I motioned for Morganne to head in the cave. "Eila, stay out and gaurds out here" Morganne said to her maid. She looked a bit scared, and I think Morganne noticed that. "Scream like a big girl if you need me" my daughter said as we began to walk in "Don't worry! You'll hear me!" We heard Eila say from a distance. "Wow, this cave looks way bigger and better than I thought" Morganne's voices echoed. I saw her look into one of the crystals, unfortunately I couldn't see what she was seeing. I went over to some crystals and looked at them, just when I heard Morganne. "Ah" she said rubbing her eyes as if she couldn't handle what she saw. "What is it darling?" I asked turning to face her. "Nothing I'm fine" she wipes an eye. I sighed walking over to Morganne, putting my hand on her shoulder. "My love I am your mother, you can tell me anything" she nodded her head. "Morganne" I said sternly yet softly. "Its just..I saw..I was taken away from you for days, just like how I got taken away from you for the first time by Hengist. It's going to happen again, but I don't know who is going to take me nor where. All I saw was myself being taken away by gaurds" she was scared- I was scared. I could feel her fear. "This was my fault. I shouldn't have taken you here. If I didn't-" Morganne cut me off. "Then I would be angry with you" she finished. "Mother this was my choice, it was my desicion I'm the one who insisted to come with you. Do not blame this on yourself it's not your fault" her voice cracked just a little, indicating she was very scared. She didn't know what to do. "Well then, we should head back now. I've already got a hint of what the future holds for us, but I still don't have an answer which is fine" I said. "But mother-" "Come on now" I said leading her to the way way came in. "Back so soon??" Eila said. Morganne nodded her head. We jumped on our horses and began our journey once again. At one point, we stopped to camp as it was getting late out. "M'lady let me set up a spot for you and your mother" Eila said to Morganne. She nods her head and sat down on a log. "Darling you've been quiet the whole journey so far, are you alright?" "I'm just..scared. What if the vision I saw was going to happen any time soon? I-" "There you go m'ladies. Shall we rest now?" Morganne looked up at Eila "Of course, night Eila" She bowed and quickly fell asleep. Mother was laying next to me with her arms wrapped around my stomach and her forehead resting on my back shoulder blade. "Goodnight my love, sleep well" Mother said. "Goodnight mother, and you" I said quietly, but I'm pretty sure she heard me.

I was still in the same spot when I woke up. It was still dark as it was night. I heard sticks snapping and men chattering. People were here. I tried to escape from my mother's grasp around me so I could find out what's going on, but she was holding onto me too tightly. Wow, even in her sleep she's protecting me. I gave up for a few minutes thinking how to get out. "discopēriet" I said as my eye glow gold. I had loosen my mother's grip and got out. Then i quietly walked over to where I heard the noise coming from. Behind tall, bushy trees I saw a bunch of knights with their horses. It seems to be as if they were going somewhere- or perhaps travelling back home. I stood there, watching for while until I felt something shartp against my back "See anything interesting?" A deep voice said behind me. I stepped back away from the tree and the voice whom belonged to a man turned to face me, this time holding the sharp end of the sword against my throat. "I wouldn't say so" I smirked. I sent the man flying, knocking him out. "Over there!" I heard another man say. All of a sudden, a whole group of knights came running after me with their swords in the air. I ran as fast as I could to my mother and shook on her arm. "Mother, wake up please somethings going on" before she opened her eyes, a knight took me by the shoulders and pulled me away from my mother. He was dragging me to their camp. Just then, I didn't feel hands on my shoulders anymore. I turned around to see the knight on the floor- dead. "Morganne!!" It was my mother. Before I could run up to her, another knight pulled me away. What is it with all these knights catching me every 2 seconds that I'm free from their grasp?? I could see that she was ready to cast another spell, just when Eila came up to her and tried pulling her away from the scene. "Your going to get hurt!!" I could hear her yell. "I don't care about myself I care about my daughter now let me go!!" Mother yelled harshly. "I care about Morganne too but there are too many of them, we'll find another way to get back to her" Eila replied. Before mother could get to me, I was dragged into the tent. I was too exausted to use my magic to defend myself, then I felt a cloth against my mouth that smelled toxic. Next thing I knew, I saw pitch black.  

"Wake up" someone said. I was being dragged again into a castle, into the throne room seeing an old woman with orange-ish hair sitting on the throne. I'm assuming she's the Queen. "Queen Annis, we found her lurking in the woods" one of the knights said. Hm, her name was Annis..okay. The Queen looked at me with a confused look. "You look familiar" she asked. "I'm sure we haven't met before" "Yes, yes but I've seen a face like yours before..I just don't remember who's" she was probably referring to my mother- she's the only one who looks like me and I'm the only one who looks like her. "What were you doing lurking in the woods?" "Nothing" "You must've been doing something wondering around late at night, young lady." "I heard alot of noise so I went to go find out what it was" "How do I know if you're lying? Did you see anything interesting while you were spotting my knights?" "No your highness, I was just curious to find out what was going on" she looked at me with that very confused look again. "Why do you look so familiar to me? Who are you?" If she says I look 'familiar' to her, she must know my mother. They must be enemies then. Anyone who knew my mother either despised her or was afraid of her. I decided to not give her my name. Well, at least not yet. I shook my head in response. "Take her to the cells" "What!?" "We will speak again tomorrow. You must answer my questions" she says from a distance. Ugh. Great.

Morgana's P.O.V:

"I saw one of the knights take a cloth from their pocket as they were walking in. Morganne could've been knocked out" Eila said. It had been a few hours since we last saw Morganne. "Those knights..I recognize them. I just don't remember where from" I thought for a long while after bringing up a name "Annis" I whispered. They were heading west. It must be her. "I'm sorry m'lady, who?" "Queen Annis. I visited her a long time ago before Morganne was born. I asked if she would help me bring Arthur down as they had a battle. Unfortunately in the end, she betrayed me. She said I was consumed by bitterness and that it spreads within me like a disease. She also said I'm more like Uther than I realize, which I don't believe one bit. I am who I am not whom others think I am. I'm my own person, Morgana Pendragon not Uther Pendragon. Anyways, those knights looked like her men so I need to make make a plan. I need to disguise myself so she won't recognize me because if she does she'll have me out. We'll head for her kingdom tonight. "I have a plan" I told Eila.

                      *   *   *

"Pretend your my maid" damn my voice sounds so different. I took an aging spell so I'd look different. Eila and I walked into the castle and into the throne room with gaurds beside us. "What business do you have here?" Annis said. "We have a request" Eila said. "We were attacked by bandits and they ransacked our camp. Your kingdom was the closet place we could go to stay. We are asking if we could stay for two days, your highness" she continued. I heard the Annis allows random visitors to stay in her castle, so we just came up with the most simple excuse. "And who are the both of you?" The Queen asks. Oh great. We had discuussed names but not titles. I hope Eila comes up with reasonable titles. I knew I was forgetting something. "This is my royal friend's mother, Hilda. I am her maid, Eila" Eila didn't need a false name, she was just a serving girl anyways. "Very well, two days it is. I will have some gaurds escort you" "Thank you, your highness" Eila said. We both bowed. I don't like bowing before others, but for this time I had to.

It was morning and we were back at the throne room, standing at the corners of the walls. Annis had as prisoner that she had to speak with and she asked for everyone to join, to help her decide is what she said. Eila and I hadn't found Morganne yet, we only had one day left. The doors swing open revealing what seemed to be a young lady wearing black with her hood up and her hair dangling on the sides. Wait..was that who I think it was? "Welcome back" the gaurds were holding her arms and then pushed her down from the shoulders so she would kneel before the Queen. The gaurds forcefully took her hood off, revealing a pale face looking up to Annis with an angry look. Wait. Was that..was it..? It was Morganne. Woah woah, how dare she got pushed down to kneel before a queen. The thought of that made me ball up my fists from anger. Yes I know I might be over reacting but that's unacceptable. I looked at her, trying to make her notice. Wait I forgot, either way she wouldn't notice who I am because I'm in disguise. Great.
...To be continued XD

Morgana Pendragon's Daughter||BBC MerlinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz