chapter 1

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I awoke to a bright sun that sat in my face.  My curtain was up, showing the outside world.  I covered my face as I blinked a few times, now hearing my alarm clock dinging as the time hit.  I rolled over as I seen that it was time to get up. I huffed as I rolled back in bed, listening to the alarm.  After five minutes, I huffed as I sat up and slapped the alarm off. "Fine. I'll get up" I told myself, even though their was no one else in the room with me. I took a stretch as I got up out of bed. I walked over to the window to look out, seeing the same limo that followed us home last night.  The sun blazed on it, making it a shiny blood red that peered on it.  It was parked directly in front of the house, with all the window's cracked a bit. "Who is that?" I asked, as a knock came on the door. "Ella" a cheerful voice said as I turned around. "Come in here, Aaron" I said, as he opened the door and walked into the room.  He was a little older since we last fought our dad's.  That being said, we both were older now.  He didn't change much, just his wings were more blue than black. The blue stretched until a couple of inches before his wings met his back.  His bangs hung strait in front of his left eye, with the end died blue to match his wings.  Aaron walked up to me as he spoke. "What is it?" he asked as I pointed out the window. "That's the limo that followed us outside, right?" I asked, as Aaron nodded. "Yeah. But Lindo said it was friends of his" he said, as I looked at him.  "But it's not my dad. Who else could be driving a limo?" I asked, as Ritska peeked through the door. "Breakfast is ready" she said, as she walked back out the door.  I looked up at Aaron, as I looked out the window.  I watched as the front door open and Lindo waved. Strait after that, the limo honked and left the curb completely. I looked up at Aaron as I walked away from the window and we both walked out to join Lindo and Ritska.  

Ritska helped Lindo set the table up. Lindo made homemade french toast, with a side of eggs.  Lindo put down another batch of toast as he looked up. "There you are, sleepy head. You like being late to school?" he asked, as I sighed. "Not really.  Lindo, who was that limo that you waved to?" I asked as he sighed. "Oh, that's just a vampire family. I'm friends with them through the immortal world" he said as I looked at him shocked. "So, there's more vampires now?" Aaron asked, as Lindo nodded. "Their dad is the new vampire king, Karlheinz. He is rivals with my dad" he said, as he shut the stove off and put his pan on the back burner.  Aaron looked at him as he spoke. "Karlheinz, is their dad?" he asked, as I turned to him.  I noticed that his fork was shaking, bouncing back and forth within his hand. I looked at Lindo as I sighed. "Who's Karlheinz?" I asked, as Lindo sighed. "Oh yeah. Karlheinz is the new vampire king.  He took over right after Nesta died.  He put order back and opened up the vampire life to humans and in your situation, devils" he said, as I gasped. "So, Karlheinz knows that Aaron and I are devils?" I asked as Aaron dropped his fork.  Lindo nodded as he spoke. "He does. But he also knows that your against the air, just like he is.  He actually told me he felt bad for you Ella.  He knows your grandfather, just like his kids knows your dad."  I looked at him as I spoke. "So, does his family hate me?  Is that why that limo keeps driving by?" I asked, as Lindo sighed. "No. They do it because their trying to protect you and their kids" he said, as I looked at him. "Kids?" I asked, as Lindo nodded. "Yeah. Karlheinz has grandchildren of his own.  And their  in the same grade as you and Aaron."  I looked over at Aaron as he looked at me.  "Ok, so we're going to school with vampires now?" he asked, as Lindo nodded. "Yep" he said, as Aaron sighed.  His fork pinged the plate as he spoke. "I'll be off to school now" he said, as I looked at him. "Aaron" I said as he sighed. "I'll see you at school Ella. I need to cool down first" he said, as I sighed.  I nodded as I let him go, watching him leave the room. I looked at Lindo as the door shut.

"He's going to hate them" he said, as I sighed. "What?" I asked as he looked at me. "The Sakamaki's and Mukami's. Their a big family and their vampires, all of them."  Lindo looked at the door again as he sighed. "Aaron grew up hating vampires because his dad did.  That's how he was raised" Lindo said, as I looked at him.  "How do you know that?" I asked as Lindo looked at me.  "Because his dad told me when he first arrived.  Both him and Max hates vampires" he said as he looked at the door again. I sighed as I looked up at Lindo. "So, do they hate you? Your half vampire" I said, as Lindo put his finger to his mouth to shush me.  He looked out the window as he sighed.  "They don't know that" he said. I looked at the door as I sighed. I watched as Aaron finally walked off the porch and left for school.  Ritska walked into the kitchen as she was tightening her uniform. "Where did Aaron go?" she asked, looking around for him.  I sighed but Lindo spoke before I could. "Aaron had to go see a teacher.  He said he will meet you there" he said, as he winked at me.  I cracked a smile as I nodded to thank him.  Ritska took a stretch as she sighed. "Do you have everything Ella?" she asked as I nodded. "I do" I said, as I picked up my bag and took a last bite of my meal. "Thanks for breakfast Lindo" I said, as Lindo looked at me.  He put his hands on his hips as he spoke. "Ella, you don't have to thank me after every meal. I did tell your dad I would take care of you" he said, as I sighed. "I know. But I just feel like it's the proper thing to do" I said, looking down. Lindo smiled as he rubbed my head. "Good girl.  Now, get to school. Your going to be late" he said, as I nodded. "I will. Thanks again" I said, as Ritska and I walked out of the house.

We started to walk down the street as the cars passed by. The sun was burning brightly on the sidewalk, keeping us warm as we walked.  Ritska and I walked in silent as she looked around. "Hey Ella, where do you think Aaron went?" she asked as I sighed. "Knowing him, he spread his wings and flew himself to school" I said, with a huff.  Ritska sighed as she spoke. "Doesn't he know not to use his wings in public?" she asked as I sighed. "Probably. But Lindo aggravated him with mentioning our parents then vampires."  I huffed as I sighed. "He doesn't like your parents does he?" he asked as I sighed. "No. Him and his dad fight all the time. I'm the reason why Aaron and Shiki get along" I explained.  Ritska looked at me as she spoke. "Well no. Have you met Shiki?" she asked as I sighed. "All I'm going to say is Aaron is nothing like Shiki."  We kept quiet the rest of the walk to school. I looked up as I saw the school in our view.  It's sturdy walls stood up surrounding the school. Students walked into the perimeter as well as the building. We stopped when we saw Ritska's best friend, Azuna standing by the door.  I was friends with her too, but we only hung out once and Ritska was with us.  Azuna turned her head as she ran towards us. "Hey girl" she said, as she hugged Ritska. Ritska returned the hug as she spoke. "Hey, it's a beautiful day out" she said, as Azuna pulled away from her. "I know. It's so nice out" she said, as she turned to me. "ELLA!" she yelled as she pulled me into a hug. "Hey, what's up" I said, as she pulled back towards me. "What's up with your boyfriend?" she asked, as I spoke. "What are you talking about?" I asked, weirded out.

"Aaron. He didn't look happy" she said, as I sighed. "Ok. So Lindo aggravated him. He's a little angry because theirs more vampires out there. Let him be and he'll be happy Aaron again" I said, bringing up the tone in my voice. Ritska sighed. "Yeah, Aaron seems to be that kind of boy" she said, as I sighed.  I huffed as I looked around the hallway, seeing students speaking to each other, having conversations before school started. "Ok, should we go to class? It should be starting soon" Ritska asked as I nodded. "Sure" I said, as we started to walk down the hallway. I looked ahead as I scanned the hallway for Aaron, but didn't see him anywhere.  I walked into someone, as the sounds of papers falling echoed in the hall. I looked seeing a girl with short brown hair and glasses. "Oh my. I'm so sorry, Ms. Kaginuki" the girl asked as she bent down to put papers back together.  I sighed as I put my bag down as I helped her out. "It's fine. Wasn't the first and it's not the last" I said, as I helped her out. I handed her the papers as I sighed. "By the way. Call me Ella" I said as the girl looked at me and we both stood. "But your" she said, as I stopped her. "It's fine. I go by Ella" I said as the girl sighed. "Alright, Ella.  Thanks again for the help" she said, as she ran. "Your welcome" I said, as I waved to her.  Azuna sighed as she spoke. "Ella, your nothing like your dad" she said as I looked at her. "What?" I asked as she spoke. "Your dad would discipline that girl in a second" she said, as she laughed.  I sighed as I spoke. "Well, that's his job" I said, as we started to walk again.

We took a left as we started up the stairway, on our way to the next class.  I sighed as I thought of the limo again. I sighed as Azuna spoke. "Hey, have you seen a red colored limo lately?" she asked, as Ritska nodded. "Yes, it was in front of our house this morning. It's Lindo's friends" she said, as I sighed. Azuna nodded as she spoke. "Oh, because it followed you yesterday" she said, as Ritska nodded. "We know. It's fine, their safe" she said, with a smile.  I sighed as we stopped at my locker.  I opened it to put some of the stuff that I wouldn't need in a while in it.  I turned my head quickly as I noticed some girls talking and pointing at me.  They saw me looking as they looked away and walked out of sight.  I sighed as I looked back at my locker. "Ritska" I said as I put my head in my locker for embarrassment. "Yeah. What is it Ella?" she asked as I spoke. "Why do I feel hated here?" I asked with a sigh.  Ritska sighed as she spoke. "I don't know, but we're going to be late for class. Come on" she said, as I sighed.  I shut the door as I followed her out of the hallway, ready to attend the class.

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