Chapter 9

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I walked in the house to see Lindo sitting on the couch and Aaron was on the rocker in front of the window. Lindo was sipping a cup of water while he got comfortable on the couch. Aaron was dressed in his pajamas, looking like he was ready for the night. They both looked at me funny as Lindo spoke. "Where've you been? You have been out all night" he said, as I sighed. "Sorry, had some vampire trouble, then ran into my dad," I said, as Lindo looked at me funny. "So that's why your dad's limo stopped by. I was wondering why he was here" he said, as I looked at him. "There's so much happening right now, it's kinda strange," I said, as Aaron put his recliner down.  "Do you need to talk about it?" he asked, as he looked like he wanted to pounce at any moment. I nodded as I walked over and sat on the couch. I huffed as I looked at my feet, wondering where to start. "Ok, so start by telling us where you've been all night," Lindo said, as Aaron crossed his arms. "Please do, I looked everywhere for you. I even checked the old building that we hid in last time." I sighed as I looked at both of them. " I've been with Roen. He needed to talk with me privately. Before I continue, is Ritska's vampire friend here?" I asked as Lindo shook his head. "No. Ritska and Noah went to the Sakamaki's place. Why, is everything ok?" he asked as I shook my head. "No. I went with Roen to see what he wanted. There are more devil children" I said as I looked at the two of them. "And Max is still alive," I said, as both Lindo and Aaron looked at me.  Lindo and Aaron exchanged looks then turned their gazes back to me. "Woah, Woah, wait.  Slow down for a moment. Did you just say there are more devil children?  Please start with that" Lindo said, as I sighed. I couldn't sit anymore, so I stood up and started to pace the room. "Alright, earlier on tonight, when Kanato was over. Roen was the one scratching at the door" I started with. Lindo nodded as he spoke. "I knew that. What did he want?  Where did he take you?" I sighed as I looked down. I looked back up as I spoke. "He took me to Max," I said, making the boys look at me funny. Aaron studied me as he spoke. "Max? Like, Mage's son and my best friend Max?" he asked as I nodded. "Yeah. Roen's keeping him in a special location. He's hurt really badly.  Mage must've done something to him in the immortal world" I said, as Lindo studied me. "What do you mean?" he asked as I leaned up against the wall. "He had on this thing that shocked him every time he spoke about our parents. He also said something like his dad was listening or something like that" I explained.

The boys stayed silent as Aaron looked down. "So, Max is their prisoner. And Roen must've helped out" he said, as I shook my head. "He didn't. But his kids did"I said, as the boys looked at me funny.  "HIS KIDS!" they said together in sync. I nodded as I spoke. "Roen kept it hidden, but he has three kids, two sons, and a daughter.  The boys are tough, tougher and scarier than Max was" I said, as the two studied me in silence. "What are their names, and what were they like? I might know them," Aaron asked, as he sounded more interested in the conversation now.  I took a deep breath as I spoke. "Ok, his sons are named Colt and Tim. His daughter is named Eden. The boys were tough and scary and Eden was what I would call a normal girly girl.  It was weird" I said, as I held my arms where Tim's claws sat. I looked at the floor as I continued. "His boys aren't like him.  Eden was a bit, but not the boys. I have never been so scared in my life" I said, as I sat in silence.  Aaron sighed as he sat back on the couch. "Those boys were nothing but trouble in the immortal realm. He couldn't even control them, which makes me wonder why he brought them here" he spoke with. I shook my head as I spoke. "He didn't say why they were here. I guess our parents are going to be up to no good again" I said, as I went silent. 

The room went completely silent as Lindo spoke. "Thank you for giving us that information. Anything else that we should be aware of?" he asked as I looked up. "On the way home. My dad mentioned me having a brother.  He wanted me to go to his place tonight to meet him. But he said I would meet him in school and to make sure I was at school tomorrow" I said, as Aaron gasped. Lindo and I both looked up at him. "Something wrong Aaron?" Lindo asked as Aaron studied me in silence. I looked at Aaron as I spoke. "Something wrong?" I asked as Aaron clenched his fist. "Why is that jerk here?  Sorry for saying that about your brother Ella" he said, as I shook my head. "I don't even know him.  I didn't know I had a brother at all. I'll be meeting him for the first time" I said, as Aaron sighed. "When and where are you meeting your brother?"  I cleared my throat before I spoke. "Tomorrow at school. My dad told me to go to school. He knew I left that day" I said as I shot my head up. "Oh, and your dad asked about you in school," I said, as Aaron sighed. "I don't want to see him right now. I don't trust them enough to see them.  If I could see Max though, I wouldn't mind that. But, I don't want to be around our parents" he said, as I nodded. "I understand.  Just thought I would pass on the message" I said, with a sigh. Aaron sighed as he spoke. "It's alright. Not your fault their evil" he said, as I decided not to bother him about it.

Lindo sighed as he spoke. "Are you still having that weird feeling Ella?" he asked, as I nodded. "Yes, I am.  And I think your vampire friends are going to make everything worse.  I don't even know anymore" I said, as I started to pace around the room. "Ever since they came back, this whole week has been messed up from the beginning.   And now, I think my dad can get into my mind" I said, as both Lindo and Aaron looked at me funny. "WHAT!" they said together in sync.  "Like, he can control you or something?" Lindo asked as I shook my head. "No. More like talking to me in my head.  It happened a few times during school" I said as Aaron looked at me funny. "Why would your dad go into your head during school hours? Are you sure it isn't someone else's voice?" he asked as I shook my head. "Nope. It's my dad's" I said, as I put my hand up to my mouth in thought. "Unless it's my brother that no one heard about," I said, as I looked down in thought.   Lindo sighed as he sat back. "Maybe we all need a good night sleep. This is just starting to get weird" he said as I looked up. "What about Ritska? Don't you have to make sure she's ok?" I asked as Lindo sighed. "She's with the Sakamaki's. I trust them enough to let her stay, as long as they don't mind it" he said, as Aaron sighed. "And that's another discussion," he said, as he looked up at me.  I nodded as I spoke. "Agreed." Lindo looked back and forth between us again. "Something wrong?" he asked as Aaron sighed.

"Noah sat with us at lunch. And when Ritska and her friend Azuna went to get lunch, he stayed with us. Asked us what were a couple of devils doing in the mortal world.  It sounded like he wanted a fight" he said, as I spoke before he could say anything else. "He sounded like he was up to no good. Like how the vampires were like when their past vampire king was alive" I said, as Lindo watched us in silence. "Ok, I understand that you don't like Noah or any other vampires. And I understand that your parents didn't like Nesta.  But ever since Karlheinz took over, things with the vampires have been different. I should know. I'm a half vampire" he reminded us with. I sighed as Aaron spoke. "Ok. But that doesn't really help with the whole devil-vampire thing. Devils and vampires hate each other.  Ever since King Nesta and Ella's grandfather. Who knows what changed when Karlheinz took over?" Lindo sighed as he spoke. "You might have a point there."  I sighed as I spoke. "And back to the whole, 'I have a brother' thing.  According to Aaron, he sounds dangerous. Why is he here? Is he here to help plan some crazy thing with our dad's?"  Lindo raized his hands as he spoke. "Alright, you both need to take a deep breath. It doesn't sound like your parents have anything to do with harming people. It sounds like just a family reunion" he said, as I shook my head. "I don't think that's it. They tried to take over this world last time. Who knows if that's still their plan. And do we even know why the Sakamaki's came here as well?"  I asked as I looked at Lindo. He sighed as he sat back. "I see your point now.  I have no clue why they came here. And I think the Mukami's came as well."

"Is one of the Mukami's named Kou?" I asked as Lindo nodded. "Yeah. He's a celebrity in the moral and immortal realm. Why you ask?" I sighed as I spoke. "He gave me a creep grin when I left that day. Scared the daylights out of me. If there weren't so many people, I would've frozen him" I said, as Lindo sighed.  Aaron looked at me in silence. "Maybe we should pretend to be humans. Lay low so no one gets suspicious. Until we figure a little more out. The town won't be helpful if they found out there's a bunch of immortals around town." Lindo sighed as he spoke. "Aaron's right. Before you both came to the moral realm. People found out about your parents and tried to kill them. Now that their's more devils and vampires roaming around town, it won't do anyone any good. I suggest we let this sit for tonight and just relax. You both should be preparing for school tomorrow anyway" he said, as I nodded. "Lindo's right. Maybe we're all just tired" I said, as I looked around the room.   Lindo sighed as he stood up. "Alright, who wants some supper?" he asked as he walked into the kitchen. I watched him leave as I looked out the window again. I huffed as I sat on the floor. "I'm scared to see what's going to happen," I said, with a sigh. Aaron nodded as he spoke. "Same here. But we have Lindo on our side unless we end up going against his vampire friends" he said, as shifting entered the kitchen. "I went against my own dad. So I understand what it's like.  Trust me. It's hard but we'll get through this together" he said, as I peeked my head into the kitchen. "Whatcha making?" I asked as Lindo put his apron on. It wasn't his mothers this time. He bought himself a red one with a blue flame on it. It kinda reminded me of my dad.  "Lanzania," he said as I looked at Aaron. He cracked a smile as he spoke. "DIBS ON FIRST PIECE!" he said, as he jumped over the table and went into the kitchen. I sighed as I got up. "I'm going to do homework," I said, as I left the boys to do the cooking.

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