Chapter 8

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I walked out of the woods, as I started to walk into town on the main road. It was a cold night, as the sky darkened and the rain was starting to fall from the sky. A slight breeze brushed against my skin, as I shivered a bit. I put my hands in my pockets as I thought about what I was told. "More devils? Did Lindo know about this?" I asked as I walked down the street. The air fell silent, except for cars that passed through to go home.  I sighed as I walked into someone. I looked up at the being as I spoke. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you" I said, as I looked up at the being.  It was a boy, with beating red eyes and pale skin. He grabbed my wrist with cold, bare hands as he spoke. "Well, isn't it the Arlond air's daughter. Here to cause trouble?" the being said, as I fisted my hands. They started to grow cold as I spoke. "Vampire," I said, as he grabbed my other wrist and pushed me up against the wall, making me sit on the ground.  I struggled from his grasp as I pulled and pulled, hoping I could budge out.  I started to panic as I fisted my hands, but the vampire slowly molded his to stop me from hurting him. I pulled and pulled from the vampire's grip as I struggled. The vampire laughed as he spoke. "Awe,  is someone not strong enough to fight me?" he asked, as I looked at him. "What did you say to me punk?" I asked, as I turned my hands around and grabbed his wrists.  Ice formed up his arms, making them unable to move from my grip, which gave me the perfect time to attack. I snapped his wrists back as I chucked him in the street, then got to my feet.  I felt my hands grow cold once again as the vampire chuckled. "Oh just like your father.  You're probably going to help him take over this world" he said, as I felt ice creep up my arms. "You have no business with my family. So just go to where you came from before I make you an ice sculpture" I said, as the vampire smiled. "Oh, the vampire king, Karlheinz would love to have a devil as a pet" he hissed as he lunged at me.  I pushed ice forward as I lifted it up, catching the vampire within it, making it mold into him before he could escape. "I don't think your new king would like me for a pet. I'm very short tempered when it comes to your kind" I said, as the vampire chuckled. "Your just like your dad and every other devil in this world," he said, as he broke out of the ice and lunged at me again.

He grabbed me as he started to choke me, but stopped when we both heard a voice. "Lay off before my dad knows about this" a tired-sounding voice spoke as the vampire and I turned to see the red limo that followed Aaron and me home. Walking in front of it was a vampire, with blond hair and a jacket thrown over his shoulders.  He had headphones on, that was connected to an mp3 player on his neck. The vampire dropped me as I fell to the ground and started to cough air back into my lungs.  "But, she's a devil. Plus she's Rem's kid" it said as I formed ice around my hand and held where he grabbed my neck. "I don't care about your excuse. Now scram" he said, as the vampire bowed to respect this newcomer. "I'm sorry Mr.Sakamaki. I'll be off now" the vampire said, as I watched him leave. I stopped healing my neck as I stood up and watched where the vampire left.  "Um. Thank you for saving me" I said, as the vampire grabbed my wrist.  My eyes widened as he lifted my chin. "Interesting, you can heal yourself. I never heard of a devil that could" he said, as my eyes grew in shock. Quickly, due to being threatened, I formed ice, as I froze him to the ground and made it grow up his body until he was up to his shoulders in ice.  I formed ice around my hands as I prepared for a fight. The vampire shined his ice blue eyes at me, as he spoke.

"This is very impressing. Now, what's within your body to make you form ice?" he asked, as I sighed. "Why do you need to know? Who are you?" I asked as the vampire sighed. "Hm. You're a fighter just like your dad" he said, as hands wrapped around my wrists and a being got behind me to hold me back.  "Hm. What do we have here? A devil by the looks of it" a flirty tone said, as I looked behind the best that I could. I saw a vampire with long red hair and green eyes. He was dressed in a fur coat that warmed him by the looks of it. His hands held my wrists like a pair of handcuffs, devil proof so they wouldn't break. I pulled and pulled against them, as I tried to get away, but nothing worked. "Let me go," I said, as I tried to fight, but couldn't. The vampire pulled me into him as he spoke. "But why? Dealing with you is just so much fun. And I think Shu here would love a devil for an experiment" he said, as a sound of fire crackling entered the air. The fire grew around the three of us as to close us in. Footsteps walked up closer to me as a familiar voice spoke. "Let my daughter go you bloodsucker" dad's voice echoed through the flames.  My eyes widened, as he stepped through, looking the vampires in the eyes. The vampire tightened his grip as I winced in pain. "Oh? Why would the great Kaginuki air possibly have his beloved child roaming around the human world? Did you know your child is wandering around at night?" the vampire asked, as I struggled to look at my dad.  The air fell silent except for the crackling of the fire.  Dad picked up his hand as he pulled it closer to him. When he did, the ring of fire started to come closer towards the vampire and I. I looked in fear as it inched closer to us. I closed my eyes as I heard the vampire scream and his arms fell off me.

I  opened my eyes as I turned around. The vampire was on the ground, wincing as his arms were burnt to a crisp. My eyes widened as the flames grew further around me.  I backed up as the fire ring shrunk, just making room for dad and I.  Dad walked out of the ring as he walked up to the two vampires. "How dare you put a hand on my child?" he growled at the vampire, as the vampire backed up. The second one stood in front of the first as he spoke. "How dare you burn my brother" he growled at dad.  Dad smiled as he spoke. "Were you looking forward to using my daughter as an experiment? Would I dare harm your nephew?" The vampire narrowed his blue eyes at dad as he continued. "What were you planning to do with my daughter? Who told you to touch her?" he asked as the vampire looked at him. "I'm sorry that Laito touched your daughter.  We'll be taking our leave. Come on Laito" he said as the other vampire looked at me.  He cracked a smile as he followed the first one into the night.  I started to shake in fear as I lowered my head into the flames. I closed my eyes as the crackling stopped and footsteps walked up to me. "You ok Ella?" dad's voice spoke as I looked at him. "Yeah. I'm fine" I said, as I got up off the ground.

Dad brushed the hair from my neck as he looked at it. "He didn't bite you, did he?" he asked as I shook my head. "No, just chocked me a bit," I said, as dad sighed. "At least he didn't take blood. I'm sorry they harmed you" he said, as I shook my head. "It's not your fault. I appreciate you stopping them before they did anything else" I said, as dad pulled me into his arms. My eyes widened as he spoke. "I'll always protect you. That's a promise" he said, as I looked at him.  He pulled away from me as he spoke. "You want a ride to Lindo's?" he asked, as I nodded. "Sure," I said, as I followed him to the limo. The driver opened the door as we both got into the car, then shut the door behind us. "Good thing your brother wasn't here," he said, as I looked at him "Brother?" I asked as dad nodded. "Sorry, I didn't tell you before.  You have an older brother, which he's at the mansion with Roen right now" he said, as I looked at him. "I don't remember you mentioning a brother," I said, as dad turned to me. "Sorry. I kept a secret for a long time. He's a tough devil" he explained. I sighed as I looked around, but kept silent.  "If you want, you can come home for the night to meet him. That way I can make sure you're alright" he said, as I looked at him. "I want to go back to Lindo's.  I need to be there right now" I said, as dad sighed. "Alright. You had a rough night. I won't pressure it on you" he said, as he knocked on the window behind him.  The window went down as Dad spoke. "Stop at the Tachibana residence before you take me home," he said, as the driver nodded and the window rolled back up.  I sighed as I looked out the window as we drove on.

I looked behind the car as we continue to drive in silence. "Ella, tell me," dad said, as I looked at him. "What?" I asked as dad sighed. "What happened at school the other day?" he asked as I sighed. I knew he was referring to when I left early.  I sighed as I spoke. "Sorry. I had a bad day that day. I just couldn't handle school at that moment" I said, as dad huffed. "What did Lindo say about it?" he asked as I sighed. "He didn't really say anything, just asked me why I was home so early," I said as dad nodded. "Alright, I just wanted to know," he said, as I looked at him. "Why you ask?" Dad looked at me as he spoke. "That was the day you were going to meet your brother," he said, as I nodded. "Oh sorry. I haven't been in school since that day. Lindo's letting me calm down before trying again." Dad nodded as he spoke. "I understand. It's good that you calmed down. You've been fighting well and your ice seems stronger" he said, as he closed his eyes. I looked at him as we turned on the road that I currently live on. "Why you ask?" I asked as dad looked at me, his eyes shining bright green. "Just curious," he said, as I just stared into his eyes.  I couldn't look away from him.  I felt hypnotized in his stare as I felt him coming closer.  "Dad?" I asked as dad shushed me. "Just calm down. You're fine" he said, as I stared into his eyes more.  I gulped as I just watched his eyes fall back to normal. "We're here. Thank you for the chat" he said, as I looked at the house. I started to move as I looked at him. "Thank you, dad," I said, as he spoke. "Make sure you come to school tomorrow and don't miss too much," he said, as I nodded. "Alright. Thank you for the ride" I said, as I walked out and shut the door. The limo pulled away from the curb as I looked at it. "Brother? What?" I asked as I walked into the house.

Imprisoned by the devil 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora