Chapter 4

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I followed Azuna to the nurse's room just as she suggested. She kept looking back at me to make sure that I was still following behind her. She looked back, as she smiled. "It's going to be ok Ella. We're almost there" she said, as I nodded. I looked up ahead of me as I thought to myself.  The school ended up getting a new nurse this year, which I haven't met her yet. I realized that Azuna kept going faster as we ran.  She really needed me to go to the nurse's room.  We slowed down as she stopped at a door.  I studied the door, seeing it a little different. It was a solid black door, with a dark purple bat on it.  I cocked my head as I backed up. "What's wrong Ella?" Azuna asked as I looked at her. "Why is there a bat on the door?" I whispered as Azuna looked at the door. "Maybe the nurse has a theme," she said, as I sighed. "Or the nurse is a vampire," I said, as I looked at the door again.  Azuna huffed as she spoke. "Just go in there and see what the nurse thinks you should do. You might be coming down with a cold" she said, as I sighed.  I stood up straight as I crossed my arms, studying the door. "Your right. This could be nothing sketchy" I said, as Azuna nodded. "That's it.  Just keep thinking that" she said, as she knocked.  The air went silent, except for typing that came from inside the room. Azuna sighed as she knocked again, which stopped the typing. "Come in" a woman's voice spoke from behind the door. "See Ella, this is going to be normal," she said, as she opened the door and I followed behind her.

The room didn't look different, except that the bed was bordered up by a removable wall. What was behind that? I looked around to see anything different, but there wasn't. At the desk was a woman that was absolutely beautiful. She had long, purple hair that draped down her back. She had bright green eyes and red lips.  She wore a blue gown, with three red roses going down the side shoulder.  "Hello. What can I do for you?" she asked, as I looked at Azuna. Azuna looked at me as she mouthed you'll be fine. She looked at the woman as she spoke. "Sorry to interrupt your day. My friend is kinda getting sick and we were wondering if she could lay in here for a while" she explained.  The woman looked at me, as I studied her.  Her eyes were an emerald green, that glowed even though the light didn't hit them. She had nothing on her arms and hands, showing pale skin and blood red nails.  "You do look a little pale," she said, as she walked up to me.  She put her hand on my forehead as to feel for a fever.  "You must be getting stressed. Why don't you lie down and I'll see what I can do" she said, as she pointed at the blind from across the room.  "I'm going back to class, Ella. Get some rest" Azuna said, as she walked out.  I looked at the nurse as I walked back with her.  She patted the bed as she spoke. "Jump right up here and lie down. I'll see what I have" she said, as I did what she said.

I walked up to the bed, knowing that I couldn't run at the moment.  I studied the girl as I sighed.  She didn't seem so bad. Maybe she wasn't a vampire.  I jumped on the bed as I lied down, getting comfy.  The nurse looked back as she started to speak. "What's your name?" she asked, as I looked at her.  She went into a draw and started to pull out different things.  "Ella Kaginuki," I said, as the girl turned back to me.  "Are you related to Rem Kaginuki?" she asked, as I nodded. "Rem's my dad," I said, as she looked at me in shock. "Really? So you're a devil?" she asked as I gulped. "Yep," I said, feeling weirded out by the being.  I looked up at her as I spoke. "Um, sorry if this is rude to ask, but I didn't get your name," I said, as the woman turned around, with a thermometer in her hand.  "Sit up. My name is Cordelia.  My three children work in the school as well" she said, as I sat up.  I winced when she stuck something in my ear.  "Calm down. I'm just taking your temperature" she said, as I heard the thermometer click. She pulled out the thermometer as she looked at it.  "Hmm. Your getting stressed out.  Anything weird happening during school?" she asked, as I looked at her. I studied her as she put away the thermometer and washed her hands. She looked at me, darting a nasty glare at me like she was ordering me to speak. I quickly jumped off the bed as I turned around and prepared for a fight.  Cordelia looked at me as she glared. "Just like your dad, aren't you?" she asked, as I felt my hands growing cold. "Stay right there, I'm am nothing like my dad. My dad hurts people, I don't" I said, as Cordelia looked at me more.  

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