1. Merlin's big Brother

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(A/N: This oneshot can also be found in my general oneshots book)

I was in the lower town, just outside the citadel, running errands for Gaius. King Arthur Prat-dragon was in the middle of a meeting with some of the knights about strengthening security, this was mainly due to the fact that Morgana could attack any minute, but also because the Knights are always so easily knocked out or outsmarted when guarding the dungeons. I knew first hand how easy it was to sneak past them, all you really needed to do was roll a coin or drop a sleeping poultice and you were free to walk past and break any one out.

I'd just given lady Lillian her tincture, made up for her migraines, when I caught sight of a familiar face weaving its way through the crowds.

What is he doing here?

His eyes landed on me and immediately lit up with malice, the man began to move faster through the crowds. I contemplated making a run for it but that would only make it worse.

"Merlin! It's been such a long time." His blue eyes glared down at me condescendingly, he was an inch taller than I, his hair the same dark colour but slightly longer and more unruly, his face was muscular rather than slim and defined, his body was also a lot more muscular than mine. He donned a light blue tunic and a silver chain mail, his sword clasped to his side. His big brown boots that covered his feet and calves had long since been polished. He wore a black cloak on his shoulders, drifting dramatically in the wind behind him as he walked.
If you looked hard enough, you could almost tell that we're brothers. Half brothers, anyway. Different fathers, thankfully.

"Kestrel." I ground out, "what a lovely surprise. What are you doing here?" I tried to sound happy about his arrival but I just couldn't. Kestrel was only a few years older than me but even then, he couldn't remember who my father was.

"Well, I got back to Ealdor and mother told me about how you're working here in Camelot's royal household now. Somewhere low in the ranks I expect." He gave a supercilious chuckle and I gulped, "I thought that since I'm better than you in every way possible, I'd come and help you see that." His Father was of nobility in the kingdom of Mercia, Bayard's lands, Kestrel was a knight of noble blood and never ceased to hold that over me as a vantage point. Obviously he didn't know anything about my magic, my mother made sure of that. She knew how jealous Kestrel could be and didn't want him to turn on his family. Little did she know that he already hated me for separate reasons.

"What do you mean?" My forehead creased.

"I'm going to help your precious kingdom see what a fool you are." He told me, "We're also going to get some family bonding time." His words made me shiver, I knew what that meant. He was going to play a little 'game', just as he'd always done. He'd used this excuse as a child, he'd take me into the woods and attack me. I could never use my magic against him so I let it happen, resulting in multiple injuries on my part and a devious grin on his. When we'd go back I was forced to claim that I'd fallen down a ditch or fallen out of a tree, or even that there was some bully in the woods. I could never tell mother that it was Kestrel.

"Sorry, I'm too busy for family bonding time." I snarked, pushing past him, "I have a job to do. Two, in fact." He grabbed my arm.

"Come on, they can't be that important. I've missed our family bonding time." His grip tightened and he glared harder.

"Just leave me alone, you imbecile." I wrenched my arm from his grasp but he clasped his other his hand round my other and pulled me back towards him.

"What did you just call me?" Kestrel seethed, I attempted to take my arm back but his grip was relentless.

"I called you an imbecile." My stare unwavering as I desperately tried to break free.

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