6. Ive got a headache and for once it isn't Arthur.

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(A/N: No evil Mordred! :) Yay!)

Merlin ran through the halls of the castle as fast as he could, he had to hide. He'd been playing tricks on Arthur all day, no magic was used but it was still funny nonetheless. Merlin thought he was a genius. He'd put itching powder in Arthur's armour, he'd put beetles in the knight's shoes, he'd rubbed every item of clothing Arthur owned with fish oil so he stank all the time (even more so than usual), his final prank, however, was what got him caught. Maybe using the sticky adhesive he'd found as one of Gaius's experiments to stick Arthur's hand to his bedpost while he was sleeping wasn't his best idea.
"I promise you, Merlin, when I get out of here, you're dead." Arthur had threatened as he'd woken up while Merlin was snickering to himself, admiring his handiwork.
Merlin had taken off in a sprint, knowing that it wouldn't take long before Arthur would free himself as the adhesive hadn't fully dried.

He'd been so preoccupied with getting away from Arthur that he ran straight into Mordred, making them both topple over.
"Mordred! Sorry, I was just trying to get away from Arthur."

"It's fine, Merlin. What did you do this time?" He laughed.

"I stuck his hand to his bedpost." He snickered, earning a chuckle from Mordred.

"The almighty Emrys is running from a king because he stuck his hand to a bedpost. That'll go down in history." Mordred smirked, speaking telepathically.

"Make sure to tell the grandkids of my mighty adventures." Merlin joked back.

"I will be sure to tell them of Emrys, king of the druids, the most powerful warlock to ever walk the Earth, protector of the king of Camelot and master of pranks." He laughed out loud at his own joke and Merlin joined in. The servants passing by gave them odd looks as they began laughing over seemingly nothing.

"I wouldn't say that, I got caught. Remember?" Merlin said out loud, earning more strange stares from the other servants.

"But you weren't caught doing magic, Emrys. Honestly, it's like everyone is completely oblivious."

"You can say that again." He mumbled out loud.

Suddenly a pain erupted in his head and he gasped as he collapsed, Merlin could vaguely see Mordred doing the same out of the corner of his eye. It felt like a banshee or a mandrake root screaming straight into his ear. Merlin attempted to cover his ears to block the sound but to no avail, it was literally all in his head. Servants were shocked at the out burst and promptly ran away, great help they are, Merlin thought. The sound didn't let up for another five minutes, blood was trickling from his ears. When it finally did, he looked up from his spot on the floor to look at Mordred, blood was dripping from his ears too.

"Emrys?" He reached out to Merlin's mind, his head was still aching but he answered anyway.

"Mordred? What was that?" Merlin asked.

"I don't know. It sounded like a banshee." Was his response.

"Or mandrake root." Merlin sighed looking up at him.

"Morgana?" Mordred gasped and Merlin nodded.

"It must be." Merlin pursed his lips before laughing a little, "Oh god, I have a headache and for once it isn't Arthur." He projected to Mordred who managed a small chuckle.

"MERLIN?!" Came the voice of Arthur, "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"Never mind." He sighed, propping myself against the wall, Mordred did the same opposite him.

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