9. The voice of an angel

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(A/N: Hiya! You've probably read loads of fics like this but I love them so much that I thought 'hey! Why not do it with one of my favourite songs?' So I did. And here it is. I don't own the song, it's 'Your guardian angel' by The red jumpsuit apparatus. The song is above to play along!)

"When I see your smile,
Tears run down my face
I can't replace..."
Arthur was making his way down the halls with his knights after coming back from some late knight training but stopped as he passed the armoury, never in his life had he heard such an enchanting voice (and that's saying something, he's literally heard an enchanting voice). Leon sent him a questioning glance at the abrupt stop, Arthur shook his head and signalled for the other knights to follow him, eager to find the source of the angelic male voice.

"Now that I'm strong I have figured out
How this world turns cold
And it breaks through my soul and I know
I'll find deep inside me
I can be the one"
Arthur turned the corner, keeping himself hidden. He almost coughed up a lung when he realised who the voice belonged to. He made sure to stay quiet, wishing to hear more of the beautiful song. He'd never heard of it before and so he was sure that the man had made it up. Never in his life had he thought that Merlin could sing, yet, here the boy was: sat with his back turned to the men, polishing Arthur's armour with a steady hand as his voice echoed throughout the old stone walls of the room. Arthur supposed it was one of his 'many talents'.

"I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven."
Merlin's words shook Arthur a little, Who did Merlin care about so much that he was willing to die for? Was it just a song? Or was it something more? He couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the prospect of Merlin loving someone so dearly.

"It's ok" Merlin sang out, 'no, it's not.' Arthur thought desperately, wishing he could scream it at the man for thinking it would be okay for him to die for someone.
'It's ok" Merlin repeated, 'No it's not.' Gwaine thought sadly, wishing the same.
"It's okayayay" Merlin sang a third time, 'no, it's not.' Thought the remainder of the knights, but none dared to speak it aloud, not yet at least.

"Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and
Stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one" 
Merlin's voice was like that of an angel; smooth, enchanting, beautiful. The knights couldn't help but stare, much like Arthur, however, There was a different look in the King's eye, his eyes were drowned with longing and despair, so deep that not even the tallest mountain could reach the bottom. They swirled with so much emotion, such ferocity, it was almost saddening. Arthur was staring at the man he loved, the man he could never have, the man who was singing a song that was not made for him, a song that conveyed emotions for another. The king was in pain, and yet, he could not bare to look away.

"I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven" 
'I would never let that happen.' Arthur smiled a very sad smile.

"'Cause you're my
You're myyy
My true love
My whole heart
Please don't throw that away"
'I wouldn't.' Arthur's mind pleaded desperately at the man.

"'Cause I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and
Please tell me you'll stay"
The group of men blinked in sheer shock at the power behind the serving boy's voice. It seemed to grip their hearts and shake their very souls, Evoking so much emotion that it managed to prick tears in the knight's eyes. A tear slipped down the King's face, although it was not just the song that forced him to slip from his noble charade. Merlin was the cause of it; He always had been, always would be. Arthur would love him 'til the ends of the earth, even if the love would not be reciprocated, for Arthur was not ashamed to love such a man. He was only scared to admit it in fear of losing the only reason his life is worth living.

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