16. Of time and magic.

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(Chapter warnings: mentions of attempted suicide and also Merlin gives a brief history lesson on the witch trials in England.
The above video has nothing to do with the chapter, I'm just obsessed with MIKA (and his music) and I think you should be too. Also, if you're upset or in a bad mood then it may help to cheer you up :) Love you guys, enjoy!)

Arthur's breath caught in his throat as the wave of glittering light was sent hurling towards him, a barrier that would soon consume him. He looked for an escape, only to find none, his knights did the same. Arthur gripped Guinevere's hand tighter, knowing that there was no chance of avoiding the blow.  His eyes flickered towards Merlin, who had just entered the room from behind the cackling Morgana, just a split second before the spell hit. His face was contorted in shock, fear, despair and anger, but most of all... was that... determination? Arthur gave his most loyal friend a sad smile. Merlin began to run, his hand raised in front of him, "NO!!" He yelled and it was the last thing Arthur heard before everything faded into darkness.


Arthur awoke with a strangled gasp, he immediately sprang upright. His eyes flitted around, trying to recognise his surroundings, they were in a field. His gaze fell upon Gwen and he let out a relieved sigh as he saw the even rise and fall of her chest. He stared at the other bodies that littered the ground around him, they were his knights; Leon, Gwaine, Elyan, Percival and Lancelot.

They were no longer in their chainmail and armour, and they'd been stripped of their weapons, he suddenly felt rather vulnerable. He realised they were wearing an odd material now, their breaches were now made of a rough, dark blue material, and their tunics were now an assortment of colours and a much more comfortable material. Gwen donned a short lavender frock, Arthur flushed at the show of her legs and arms in public but did not question it. Arthur looked around again, searching for a certain dark haired boy, he bit his lip when Merlin was nowhere to be found. That wasn't right. Merlin was always by his side. Arthur tried to remember what had happened and suddenly, it all flooded back to him at once.
Morgana had done something. Something bad. Where were they? Were they dead? Was Merlin okay? What happened to Morgana? Were they safe? Questions swirled around his mind, none were answerable as of  that moment. 

"Guinevere?" He shook his queen lightly, she stirred but did not wake; shaking her once more, he asked again, "Guinevere?" Her eyes fluttered open and she stared up at him questioningly.

"Arthur?" She mumbled, lifting herself from the soft, green grass, "Where are we?"

"I don't know. Help me wake the others." Arthur nodded, worry seeping into his voice. Gwen turned and her eyes widened, as if only just noticing the five knights lying in a heap.

After successfully waking each of the knights, they opted for finding a nearby village of some sort, maybe a town; Somewhere they could ask for directions.

"Do you think it had anything to do with that freaky light wall?" Gwaine questioned.

"I'm 100% sure that it had something to do with that 'freaky light wall', Gwaine." Arthur rolled his eyes, trying to remain calm.

"Do you think Merlin's okay?" Lancelot asked, a distant look in his eyes.

"He's Merlin, he has to be." Arthur responded firmly and Lancelot nodded, seemingly agreeing.

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