8. School

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Merlin had been on earth for more than 1500 years and although he loved to learn new things, he'd rather be burnt on the pure than have to go to school. Merlin had been to many schools in his time, sometimes casting ageing spells to become fifteen so he could go to secondary school, other times he'd go in his regular form and attend university. You see, He hadn't aged a day since Arthur died, he knew it had something to do with his destiny but couldn't help but think it some sort of cruel joke. Why couldn't he wait with Arthur? Instead of up here... alone, away from the man he loved. Merlin didn't want to wait around any longer, he hated the silence. He was a people person. Merlin enjoyed being around other people, he'd grieve his new friends as they passed but he had learnt over the years not to take it to heart. It was just the circle of life. So this time, he'd decided to study in university again, he needed to occupy his time somehow. He took history (because he was there for most of it) and Arthurian Legends (for obvious reasons), also English literature and language.

Merlin sucked in a breath and walked into the main office to collect his new schedule. Merlin glanced over his schedule and was glad to be met with 'Arthurian Legends ' as his first class. Merlin was the one who wrote the first ever books on King Arthur and all that happened but over time, stories got twisted, facts got demolished, it was like the worlds longest game of Chinese whispers. In most of the newer versions, Elyan and Leon ceased to exist. Merlin didn't mind so much, maybe a bit annoyed that he was now an old man in all the stories, but he enjoyed reading the new stories, it was a good laugh.

Merlin walked into the class, taking his seat at the back fo the room.

"Alright everyone, take your seats. I am Mr.Collins and this is 'Arthurian Legends'. Before we begin, Can anyone tell me anything about it? I certainly hope so, or it may not be the class for you." The overly cheery bloke chirped. Merlin scoffed and raised his hand, along with most of the other students, others just looked to nervous to raise a hand.

"James?" He asked the chubby, Asian boy sitting near the front.

"Arthur Pendragon was the king of Camelot. There was also the wizard, Merlin." James told the professor and he nodded while Merlin rolled his eyes lightly, continuing to hold his hand up.

"Derek?" He asked a cocky looking boy who was sat a few rows in front.

"There were the knights of the round table." He smirked smugly.

"Mara?" Mr. Collins turned his attention to the girl sitting at the front of the room.

"There was Morgana who was an evil sorceress." She grinned sheepishly, "I learnt that from the sorcerer's apprentice." She was referring to the Disney film starring Nicholas Cage. Merlin sighed.

"Does anyone know anything more detailed?" The teacher looked exasperated but perked up a bit more when he laid eyes on Merlin, "I'm sorry, I don't know your name."

"I'm Merlin." Merlin smiled and there were a few snickers.

"Yeah right, tell us your real name." A red headed girl laughed, mockingly.

"I'm not lying. My name is Merlin. I'd like to answer the question now." He looked back to the teacher who was looking rather hopeful, thinking that maybe the kid named after one of legends would know more about it.

"Arthur Pendragon was the once and future king, destined to reunite the land of Albion. Merlin was Emrys, warlock, dragonlord, king of the druids and sworn protector of the once and future king and Albion. The knights of the round table consisted of Sir Lancelot, Sir Gwaine, Sir Percival, Sir Elyan, Sir Leon and, of course, Sir Arthur. Commoners weren't knighted in those days but Arthur ignored the tradition due to the bravery of the four knights, minus Leon because he was a noble. Morgana was Arthur's sister, she turned on them because she was frightened for her life. Uther, Arthur's Father, had banned magic when he was king. He claimed it was evil because he asked for a son when his wife could not conceive, a sorceress named Nimueh warned him of the consequences but he ignored her warnings and so his wife died giving birth to Arthur. Uther began the great purge, killing thousands of sorcerers, dragons and druids. Morgana was frightened when she learned of her magic and her evil half sister, Morgause, corrupted her. She overthrew the kingdom but it was regained again due to the knights of the round table and the secret warlock, Merlin. Merlin was Arthur's manservant and was in hiding because magic was banned. Arthur was killed by a Druid called Mordred, Mordred was only a boy when Arthur had saved his life but Morgana had corrupted him into believing that Arthur was just like his father." Merlin explained briefly, to the gaping mouths of the other teens, Merlin felt his cheeks flush a deep crimson as he attempted to bury himself into his chair. Merlin had to stop himself from bursting into tears then and there, he had mastered the art of grieving without blame or complete sadness for every friend that passed but with Arthur it was different.

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