19. Dopplegänger (part 1)

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[What's this? Two updates in one day? WRONG! Think again! FOUR updates in one day! That's right! This one is a three-parter! Enjoy!]

Merlin's eyes flew open with a start, his entire body was encased in a dull ache and he found that something was limiting his movements. His back rested against a cold stone wall and his arms were chained at his sides, while his feet were shackled to the floor. He could feel his magic pressing against the chains, it was the cause of the ache as well as the light burning sensation beneath the metal. As his eyes began to adjust, he could just about make out a slim figure hidden in the shadows at the other end of the room.

"Hello?" He called out to the figure, his voice carefully calm.

"Hello, servant." a sickeningly familiar voice sneered.

"Who are you?" Merlin asked curiously, "Do you work for Morgana or...?"

"Of course not." He spat, "I am with the resistance."

"The... resistance? I thought Morgana was the resistance." Merlin deadpanned.

"No, fool, she is the opposition." He cried.

"The difference?" Merlin rolled his eyes.

"The opposition is Camelot's obvious competition. We have rebelled from both sides without drawing attention to ourselves and plan to conquer both." The man hissed.

"Yeah, good luck with that." Merlin scoffed.

"I don't need luck, I have you." A low chuckle reverberated throughout the small chamber.

"What do you mean?" Merlin asked a little apprehensively, did this man know of his magic?

"Well, you are the King's manservant. You can go anywhere in the castle, know every secret." Merlin could hear the smirk in his voice, "and now, so can I." The slim figure retreated from the shadows, revealing... well... Merlin.

"What?" Merlin coughed in surprise. He found his eyes travelling to the crystal hanging round the imposter's neck before running back down to the cut on his own palm.

"So you recognise it then?" The fake's brow shot up as he tucked the crystal under his neckerchief.

"It's been used in Camelot before." Merlin pursed his lips thinking back to the two bar thugs that snuck into Camelot, "Why didn't you kill me?"

"I need information. I need to be undetectable if I'm going to get close enough to kill Pendragon." He almost growled, "and you're going to help me."

"I don't even know your name." Merlin muttered in defiance.

"Cain ." He hissed, "and you will help me. Or you'll die." Cain summoned an impossibly shiny silver dagger from thin air and held it to Merlin's throat.
Suddenly, Merlin had an idea.

"Alright, Alright, I'll help you!" He cried in mock fear, this seemed to satisfy the man as he removed the knife from Merlin's neck. "I- I just don't think you can pull it of."

"What do you mean, boy?" He snapped and Merlin found himself marvelling at how weird it was.

"I'm the best servant in the castle. That's why I'm the king's manservant. There's no way you could do it." Merlin had to repress the smirk that was fighting its way onto his face.

"What do I need to do?" Cain asked with a wicked grin - a look that was so completely wrong on the boy.


"Gaius, have you seen Merlin?" Arthur asked, an angered expression etched into his features, as he passed the old man in the courtyard.

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