22. Uther's Observations

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[Set just after S3 E8: the eye of the Phoenix. — This is completely Uther-centric because I realised that most of the Uther fanfics are Uther/Merlin and it actually makes me want to cry. Like I think it has mentally scarred me. And the ones I could find of  Kind-of-Good!Uther  were all about Merthur and not magic, and I decided I'd give it a shot. So yes, unfortunately this is not Merthur, buuuuut I hope you'll enjoy anyway! It's a long one so buckle up!]

It was the middle of the night, the full moon lit up Camelot with an almost ethereal glow, and Uther Pendragon couldn't sleep. Arthur had returned from his seemingly impossible quest with the golden trident that morning but Uther had been plagued with nightmares since the morning Arthur had left. Many people had gone to the perilous lands and very few had ever returned, especially not in one piece. The relief that flooded through his veins at the sight of Arthur home safe had been immense, even if he had not shown it. Arthur's safety had not been enough to stunt his night terrors, however, as in his dreams he watched as his son suffered terrible, terrible fates as a result of his solo quest.
The king sighed, there was no way he'd be getting back to sleep anytime soon. He slipped on a modest robe and exited his chambers, opting for a nice stroll instead.

Uther took a deep breath as he wandered across the courtyard, coming to a quick stop when he heard hushed and angry voices. He dove behind a pillar with a growl, guards weren't supposed to be in this area at this time, nor were they supposed to talk on duty, therefore it could not be his guards. He peered round the pillar and found himself looking at two figures that were around ten feet away, only just illuminated by the moonlight. He recognised one as his son's manservant, 'what's the boy's name? Mathew? Marvin? Merlin! That's it.', but could not place the other. Uther was about to go over to reprimand them and order a punishment for the following day, but stopped himself when he heard just what they were saying.

"I'm warning you." Merlin growled, making the King startle at the tone, "Stay away from Prince Arthur and the King." This serving boy was threatening the man in defence of Camelot?

"I said step out of my way, boy, before I kill you where you stand." The stranger hissed, glaring at the servant. The man was in his forties, around six foot tall with a strong build, dressed completely in black clothing that looked fit for a sorcerer - perhaps that's what he was.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Merlin's voice was surprisingly calm - strong, in fact. Uther couldn't help but be unsettled by the boy's glare; it was piercing and unwavering, not unlike his own. This was not the bumbling idiot of a servant that everyone knew the boy to be, no, this was someone else... something else. Uther couldn't quite understand why the skinny boy didn't back down, whether it was blatant idiocy or sheer bravery, he didn't know.

"Is that right?" The stranger snorted, purposely ignoring the glare he was being given, "And I suppose you're going to stop me?" He sneered.

"Yes, I suppose I am." Merlin squared his shoulders slightly as Uther raised a brow, he really should have stepped in then but curiosity got the better of him as he stayed in the shadows to watch how this would play out.

"And how exactly are you going to do that?" The man scoffed. Merlin did nothing but cock a brow and Uther watched as the man's resolve seemed to crumble immediately. "You... you can't be." The man stuttered out, "I am so sorry, my Lord, I shouldn't have come! I had no idea!"

Uther felt his breath hitch at that, 'my Lord?' He thought to himself, 'This serving boy couldn't be of nobility, could he? No, he would have claimed it already!' Uther watched as Merlin seemed to scowl at the title, 'perhaps he's in hiding, a war criminal!' But Uther knew that couldn't be right. The boy's build was all wrong, he was all long limbs and sharp edges - certainly not the build of a knight. Besides, the boy was clearly defending Camelot.

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