2. Merlin's secrets (part 1)

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(A/N: This twoshot can also be found in my general oneshots book)

Merlin's POV:

"Rise and shine!" I yelled to the King as I pulled open the curtains, I only received a groan in response. I scoffed lightly, rolling my eyes, "You need to wake up, you clotpole!" I pulled his bed sheets of him and almost immediately, a chalice was flying towards my head. I swiftly ducked out of the way and arose to a furious Arthur.

"Why can't you just let me sleep, Merlin?" He seethed.

"You have to be ready for the weeks patrol with Knights, Sire." I emphasised the word 'Sire' sarcastically, I've always hated it, "You're supposed to leave at first light. You're already late."

"Very well, where's my breakfast?" He scowled.

"Are you sure you need it? We don't want to be poking another hole in your belt now, do we?" I grinned and received a pillow to the face. I must say, I've gotten much better at controlling my magic. If he'd done this when I first arrived in Camelot, my instincts would have taken over and I'd probably be dead already.

"I am not fat." Arthur glared.

"Whatever you say." I sighed with a small smile, I could feel his eyes boring into the back of my skull as I turned to retrieve his breakfast from the table I'd placed it on.


"What took ya so long?" Gwaine asked as I mounted my horse.

"The prat refused to get up." I smirked and he grinned. Just then, Arthur rode round the corner, face like a smacked bottom.

"Are you alright, Sire?" Leon asked, concerned. Percival, Gwaine, Lancelot and Elyan turned to face the king, stealing curious glances at his sour expression.

"I'm fine, Let's go." He muttered, still grumpy about being called fat. I stifled a laugh.

We rode through the large woods, sticking to the path. The shrubbery grew thicker as we neared the heart of the forest. So far, there was nothing out of the ordinary, Gwaine was telling stories, I was poking fun at his royal prat-esty while he was returning the favour, the other knights butting in on occasion.

"Merlin, can you do something for me?" Arthur asked, cutting off my small rant about trees.

"Yes, my Lord, I can do whatever you wish." I told him.

"Shut up." He sighed.

"Yes, I can do that. Right away, Sire. Silent as mouse. You won't hear a sound out of me for the rest of-" "Merlin!" He growled out and I chuckled.

"Why are we on patrol for the whole week, shouldn't you be running the kingdom, Sire?" Elyan questioned.

"Gwen is perfectly capable of running the kingdom herself, besides, who better to look for Morgana than Camelot's best knights?" Arthur boasted.

"Did you say Morgana?" I blurted out, eyes wide.

"Yes, did I not mention it before hand?"Arthur looked at me, mocking a quizzical stare.

"Funnily enough, no. You didn't." I pursed my lips.

"Well, 'e told us." Gwaine looked over to me in concern, "you alright, mate?"

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