20. Dopplegänger (part 2)

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After two hours of riding around the darkling woods and, much to Arthur's irritation, several tavern stories, Gwaine spotted a flicker of movement in the shrubbery. "Princess!" He whispered, "I think there's something here."

Both men dismounted their horses and unsheathed their swords; Gwaine's was positioned and ready to fight while Arthur's was held straight out in front of him in order to distance any possible threats that could spring from the bushes.

"Merlin? Is that you?" Gwaine called but got no response.

"Declare yourself!" Arthur demanded but also got no reply.

"Reveal yourself by order of the king!" Gwaine shouted again but still no answer. The two turned to each other, confused. They held their ground for another few seconds before there was more movement. The bush rustled and rustled, playing on their nerves slightly, until finally out hopped... a rabbit?

They looked to each other in embarrassment, "We shall never speak of this." Arthur coughed, sliding his sword back into his scabbard.

"Agreed." Gwaine replied, mirroring the king's motion.

"Let's take the longer route back to Camelot and If Merlin is not there then we shall wait another night for him." Arthur explained, mounting his horse again, "If he is just skiving then I shall make him polish all the weapons in the armoury."  He growled under his breath, concerning Gwaine a little.


The next day, Arthur met with Gwaine after there was still no sign of Merlin."Should we ride to Ealdor?" Arthur asked Gwaine, mounting his horse.

"Why would we go to King Lot's kingdom?" Gwaine questioned curiously as he mounted his.

"That's where his mother lives and where he grew up. Did he not mention it to you?" Arthur creased his brow. The pair seemed almost inseparable - sparking a little jealousy on Arthur's part, considering he was not allowed such a friendship with a servant, despite marrying one - and so it surprised him that 'Merlin' had yet to mention it to Gwaine.

"He spoke of his village, as well as both his mother and his father, but he never mentioned the name of it." Gwaine shrugged before riding ahead.

"His father?" Arthur muttered to himself, "I thought Merlin didn't know his father." He made a mental note to ask Merlin about it later before riding to match Gwaine's speed.

"Arthur!" Gwaine exclaimed just as they got through the exit gates, grabbing the King's attention, "Look!" He grinned, pointing to 'Merlin' who was wandering down the track ahead.

The two dismounted and rushed to greet 'Merlin' immediately, Gwaine being slightly faster in his stride. "Merlin! Where've you been?" Gwaine cried as he approached.

"You had us worried! I thought I'd be stuck with that George as my manservant." Arthur said with an amused smile.

"I'm sorry, Sire, I was visiting my mother, I thought I'd notified you. I must've forgotten." Not-Merlin said respectfully, causing Arthur to cock a brow.

"You didn't tell Gaius?" Gwaine asked, confused.

"I could have sworn I told him, perhaps it slipped his mind, M'lord." Cain offered.

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