12. A manservant's exhaustion

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(The above clip has nothing to do with the chapter, it's just Merlin being a disaster <3 Also, this one is a little short :/ sorry)

"Get up." Merlin mumbled as he pulled Arthur's duvet from his bed, exposing him to the crisp morning air. Merlin didn't care much as Arthur sent a string of obscenities his way, he was too tired to register any of it; Not even the pillow that collided with his face only seconds later could shake him out of his stupor. Merlin only continued to carry on with his work, not wanting to waste what little energy he had left on talking. He hadn't slept for around three days and the last time he'd eaten was two days prior at around noon when he'd managed to slip a couple of grapes into his mouth as he collected Arthur's mountain of a lunch, before that... well, Merlin couldn't remember. He helped Arthur dress, muttering a quick "Food's on the table." as he started on making Arthur's bed.

Arthur didn't seem to notice Merlin's somber mood and slow movements, and proceeded to stuff his face. Whilst he was eating, however, Arthur did not fail to notice the lack of mindless chatter he was usually subjected to. Once finished, he decided he'd mention it, "Merlin, you're being unusually quiet. Normally you're droning on about some utter nonsense by now." Arthur's tone was joking but it didn't seem to resonate in Merlin's brain.

"I'm sorry that I irritate you so much." Merlin snapped, "There's no pleasing you is there? You tell me to shut up one day, then the next you're complaining that I'm not talking enough! Maybe George would do a better job, at least then you wouldn't be so inclined to act like such a prat! Get your head out of your royal backside for once in your privileged life!" Merlin was furious, he hadn't known where the anger had come from. He didn't know whether it was from stress, fatigue or maybe just his subconscious mind but he regretted it almost instantly.

"I beg your pardon?" Arthur was shocked. Never - not once - had he seen Merlin this angry, ever. He wasn't even sure how to respond to it. Bewildered, he looked up at his manservant and took note of the dark circles under his eyes and how his skin was much paler than usual, and how he looked skinnier than the last time he'd looked at him properly - it had been around four days ago. Arthur had been too busy with sorting out another peace treaty to notice his servant, but that didn't stop him from giving the boy many, many chores. He hadn't noticed the toll it had taken on the boy until now.

"I-I mean- sorry, I-" Merlin stuttered out, "I don't know what I was thinking- Sorry." A look of fear flashed through his eyes before he fled the room.

"Merlin?!" Arthur had called after him but the servant was too far away to have heard. He cursed under his breath, deciding he should run after the servant.

Arthur raced out of his chambers, silently thankful that he'd changed before breakfast instead of after that morning. Footsteps could be heard pattering to his left and so that's where Arthur followed. Soon enough he lost him.

"Leon! Did you see which way Merlin went?" Arthur asked urgently.

"He went that way, Why are you chasing him, Sire?" Leon creased his brow.

"No time to explain, follow me." Arthur yelled as he took off once more. They rounded a corner and spotted Merlin, he'd run down one of the dead ends.

"Merlin!" Arthur yelled: the boy turned to face him, fear clouding his features. Merlin swayed lightly before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he dropped to the floor. "Merlin!!" Arthur's eyes widened.

"What happened?" Leon questioned, lifting Merlin from the floor.

"We were in my chambers and he was being unusually quiet but when I commented on it, he snapped. He yelled at me and then ran off. I think it's because he's tired, and just look how pale he is." Arthur looked uncharacteristically worried, startling Leon slightly.

"We should take him to Gaius." Leon looked down on the boy, "He looks like he hasn't eaten in days."


Gaius' door flew open with a bang, startling the old physician from his work.

"What on earth are yo- Merlin!" Gaius cried, "Place him on the cot and tell me what happened."

After a quick explanation, Gaius sighed wearily. "You stupid, stupid boy. Why do you always do this?" He muttered, his eyes focused on the fragile body on the patient's cot.

"What has he done? This has happened before?" Arthur blanched, suddenly feeling sick.

"Yes, I hate to say he does this rather a lot. He neglects sleeping and eating in order to get all his chores done; between working for you and working for me, as well as taking on other chores around the castle, I'm afraid it's too much for him." Gaius replies sadly.

Arthur hadn't known that Merlin did so much, and he had forgotten that his manservant also worked for Gaius, he'd also forgotten that the man was only human. A sense of dread overtook him as he realised that it was mainly his fault that Merlin suffered this way. Had he not piled chore upon chore onto the lad for being 'incompetent' -which apparently meant exhausted- Merlin wouldn't be in this state.

"Gods, Merlin. I'm sorry." Arthur breathed, sitting beside the frail manservant.

After several hours, Merlin finally came to and let out a loud groan, "Ugh. What happened?" The boy clutched his head, his eyes clenched shut.

"Merlin!" Arthur yelled, earning another groan from servant. "Sorry." He muttered.

Merlin blinked his eyes open, squinting slightly in the brightness, "Arthur? What happened? Where am I?" He attempted to sit but was hit with an abrupt wave of nausea and immediately lowered his head back down to the pillow.

"I'm not sure." Arthur pursed his lips, "This morning you were in my chambers, you yelled at me, then you ran and collapsed down the hall. Leon helped carry you here, he's attending to his duties at the moment. And Gaius is in the lower town."

"Oh... uh... sorry about that. And Thank you." Merlin laughed sheepishly, "That's never happened before, I don't kno-"

"Don't lie to me, Merlin. Gaius said this has happened many times before." Arthur narrowed his eyes disapprovingly.

"Did he now?" Merlin's pursed his lips, "Well he shouldn't be spreading confidential information. Client - patient privileges still stand." He scoffed.

Arthur sighed, "Why didn't you tell me before? I don't mean to work you this hard, especially if you're just going to neglect sleeping and eating to do it!" Arthur cried, visibly distraught. Merlin was just staring at his master's display of emotions, eyes wide. "You have to sleep! One day you're going to end up working yourself to death and it'll be my fault because I didn't notice how tired you were. And I will get you to eat at least every morning if nothing else." Arthur declared. Merlin slowly lifted himself into a seated position and immediately began to check Arthur's vital signs.

"What on earth are you doing?!" Arthur exclaimed, reading back slightly.

"I'm checking for enchantments or any signs of sudden sickness or delirium, obviously." Merlin stated as if it were obvious.

"Shut up, dollophead." Arthur rolled his eyes, "I'm perfectly fine."

"That's my word." Merlin humphed.

"Oh yeah? Well It suits you rather nicely." Arthur chuckled as Merlin scoffed.

"Prat." He muttered.

"Idiot." Arthur shot back.

"Simpleton." Merlin smirked.

"Hey!" Arthur cried indignantly; although secretly, he was just happy that Merlin was alright.

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