7. Never have I ever

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It was Merlin's day off, much to his surprise, and he'd wanted to spend it doing something productive. All hope of that crashed and burned as soon as Gwaine stepped into the room, "Merlin! Just the guy I wanted to see!" The knight exclaimed.

"Oh hey, Gwaine. I was just about to head out." Merlin told him, planning on practicing his magic at Avalon.

"No you're not. It's your day off and yer coming with me." He grinned.

"Where?" Merlin asked carefully, already having a good idea of where they might be going.

"The tavern, of course!" His grin widened.
"Look, Gwaine I-"

"No. You are not weasling your way out of it this time. The knights and I are heading to the tavern and you're coming too, I heard that Gwen convinced Arthur to join us." Gwaine tried to persuade him.

"There's no getting out of this, is there?" He sighed, sadly kissing his plans with Freya goodbye. It would be good for him to socialise with people who were able to talk back.

"Don't be stupid Merlin." Gwaine grinned, pulling him out of his chambers.


"Gwaine, that's your sixth tankard of mead. Maybe you should stop." Merlin warned the drunken knight.

"Are ya insane? The party hasn't even started yet!" Gwaine cried.

"You're one to talk, Merlin." Arthur gestured to the tankard of mead in Merlin's hand. It was his third as far as anyone else was concerned, but in actual fact, Merlin hadn't even had a sip of alcohol.

"Merlin's Just been throwing it over his shoulder, haven't you?" Elyan pointed out.

"Merlin ya traitor!" Gwaine gasped and Merlin winced at the wording but otherwise just rolled his eyes.

"I have an idea." Leon announced, "let's play a drinking game." It was obvious he was drunk, Leon would never have suggested it had he been sober, not with Gwaine there at least. "Anyone know any?"

"I do!" Gwaine exclaimed to no one's surprise, "let's play Never have I ever."

"Not again!" Percival declared, vaguely remembering the last time.

"What's 'Never have I ever'?" Arthur questioned.

"Basically, ya have to say 'never have I ever' and then something you've never done but think someone else has. If you've done it then you take a drink. Last one to finish a tankard wins." Gwaine explained and everyone nodded, Merlin reluctantly agreed.

"Who's going first?" Merlin asked.

"I will." Elyan offered, "Never have I ever... been born of noble blood."

"That was aimed." Leon scowled as he and Arthur drank up. What the others didn't expect was for Gwaine to drink too.

"Gwaine, you can't just drink because you feel like it." Percival pointed out.

"I know." Gwaine screwed his face up in discomfort, not liking the situation he'd been put in on the first round.

"Since when?" Arthur cried.

"Since birth, obviously." Gwaine rolled his eyes.

"And you didn't think to mention it? Not even when my father banished you that one time?"

"Didn't think it was important." He sent a glance over to Merlin.

"It would've been. My father wouldn't have banished you." Arthur muttered.

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