Im breaking while youre falling asleep

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when I finally relaxed I laid my back against Justin's chest, in the now cold, blood stained water, while he played with my hand

"I want it to get out of my head...I want it to end...", I furrowed my eyebrows, he took a breathe and continued

"I try my hardest to fight so why do i drowned? I don't want to hurt you...",

"You saved me", I mumbled

And with that, That conversation was over. We got out of the freezing cold water and put on new clothes, Justin put on black sweats and I put on a pair of spandex and a flannel.

Justin laid down in bed and I laid next to him, wrapped my arms around his waist and molded my body to his

"I wanna quite crime for you...i can see us in the future, in a White House with a white picket fence, a red door, and blue shutters...maybe the pitter patter of little feet", I smiled into his back as a response

"If we ever have a daughter I wanna name her Kelly", he said in a husky voice, and with that I went to sleep.

The boy with the grey eyesWhere stories live. Discover now