New Friends

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This has nothing to do with the story, it's just funny :)😂

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This has nothing to do with the story, it's just funny :)😂

"Finally! That was one of the longest weeks of school ever!", Ned exclaimed. "Don't celebrate yet, you only have two days until it happens all over again.", MJ said in true MJ spirit.

"You didn't have to remind me. Way to bring down the mood.", Ned pouted." Hey you guys wanna come over today? ", he said, changing the subject. Various yeses( a/n idk how to spell it😂) were heard.

"I can come over, but I promised my mom that I would help her with something.", I answered.

"That's okay. I'll text you my address.", Ned said.

" Alright! Bye, see ya later. "

I had finished helping my mom, and I was going over to Ned's house.

y/n: okay im done and coming over now.
Ned: alright here's my address
y/n: k see ya in 10

"Bye, mom I'm going to Ned's house now!", I yelled.

"Do you want me to drive you?", she replied.

"I'll be fine, it's not too far.", I responded.

" Okay just stay safe honey. ", she said with concern.

I rolled my eyes, "I'll be fine mom."

Even though I had been here for a week, I hadn't really seen much of Queens. I had been to busy with school, but it was nice to walk around without having to think about education.

Suddenly I was pushed into an alley. "Put your hands up and give me all of your valuables!", a man shouted. I turned around to see a gun barrel pointed right at my head.

I started panicking. Of course this had to happen after my mom told me to stay safe. Now she would probably never let me out of the house again.

"Did you hear me? Let's go! We don't have all the time in the world here!", he said, startling me back to reality.

I started to empty my pockets. "Put it in front of you.", he commanded. I put the things on the ground. "Don't thing that I see you trying to hide your earrings.", he said.

"But they are an heirloom!", I cried. "Does it look like I care!", he yelled, putting the gun to my temple.

"Haven't your parents taught you to never disrespect a lady?", a man's voice said.

I looked to see a man in a red and blue suit on. It had a black spider right on the chest. I wasn't able to see who my savior was, because of a mask with 2 white ovalish shapes for eyes.

I jumped out of the way as the man shot webs out of his wrist. The robber didn't even have time to react as the web things glued him to the ground.

" Are you okay, miss? ", the man, more like boy, asked.

"I'm okay now. Thank you.", I say picking up my belongings.

"Good.", he shot a web, and started to leave.

"Wait!", I shout. He looks back. "What is your name?"

" Call me Spider-Man. ", and he swung off.

I was definitely more alert as I continued to Ned's house. I finally arrived to his house, and knocked on his door.

"Finally! You took forever! What took you so long y/n?", he said, dragging me to his bedroom.

"Long story, actually."

" Well, we have time, so tell", MJ said, joining the conversation.

"While I was walking to your house, somebody tried to mug me. He had a gun and everything. Before he got away, a guy named Spider-Man came and saved me.", as I recounted my little story.

I saw Ned give a not so discreet glance Peter. Peter just ignored him as best as he could before elbowing him in the side.

" Wow, you got saved by Spider-Man! That's pretty cool especially since you've only been here for a week. ", Ned talking really loudly, and facing Peter.

"Do you like him Peter?", I said wondering why Ned was being super weird.I

"Um, yeah I guess so. I mean, I think it's cool how he helps Queens be a safer place. ", he said scratching the back of his neck.

" C'mon guys! Let's go watch a movie. What do you want to watch? ", Ned said, swiftly taking the attention off Peter.

"How about Star Wars?", Peter suggested.

"You losers are so obsessed with that.", MJ said rolling her eyes.

"Please?", Peter pleaded, making the most adorable puppy dog eyes ever.
Well, those chocolatey brown eyes definitely made up my mind.

"I haven't watched Star Wars in a while. Let's do it.", I said, siding with Peter.

" Whatever ", MJ answered, heading downstairs.

We followed, and I sat on the very right of the 3 person couch. MJ took the other side, and Ned claimed the comfy looking recliner. That meant that the only spot left for Peter was next to me. He sat down and Ned started the movie.

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..........."

I didn't hate Star Wars, but I was so tired that I started to fall asleep. Of course with my luck, I fell asleep right on Peter's shoulder. The last thing I remembered was Peter playing with my hair, and Ned and MJ taking pictures.


"y/n! Wake up!", MJ shouted right into my ear. "I'm up!", I said, jumping 5 ft in the air. Ned and Peter were laughing so hard they were snorting next to me.snorting

Wow, what great friends.

"What time is it?", I said with a yawn.

"Seven. That's why we woke you up, your mom texted you, and she wants you home.", MJ answered.

"Okay, thanks. See you on Monday!", I said walking out of the door.

When I got home, I made sure to steer away from any questions about my walk to Ned's.

"Why didn't you answer right away? You should have your phone hear you at all times!", my mom asked me.

See, this is why I didn't want to tell her about my little mishap.

"Mom, I answered after like, 5 minutes. I just fell asleep.", I said.

"Oh, okay."

I rolled my eyes and went upstairs.

Well, that was certainly a very interesting day.

I saw Captain Marvel. It was so awesome! I loved it. Comment down below what you guys think. Until next time.........

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