New Hope

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Y/n's POV

I saw Peter walk into the room with a bouquet of beautiful flowers. What is he doing?

"Um, y/n, I like you, more than just a friend. I understand if you don't feel the same way, but, would you like to go on a date with me?", he said, looking right into my eyes.

I was speechless. His eyes, were like melted chocolate. He looked so nervous, which, I have to say, is adorable.

" I wouldn't like to go on a date with you. ", I started out.

He looked down. "I would love to go out with you." , I accepted, with a huge smile.

He smiled back, and handed me the flowers. We embraced, and just held each other for a few minutes. Then, we heard a round of applause.

All of the Avengers, including Loki were standing behind us.

"My boy is all grown up.", Tony said, wiping away fake tears.

Peter rolled his eyes. "C'mon. Ned is going to call.", he said, dragging me up to his room.

Right on cue, Peter's phone started yodeling. He picked up, and put it on speaker.

"Hey, man.", Pete greeted.

" Did you do it? ", Ned asked, skipping a hello.

" Why don't you ask her? ", Peter said with a laugh.

" Hi, Ned. How are you? ", I said, laughing as well.

" Yes! See, I told you! Aren't you glad I'm here? I want a thank you. ", he said.

" Thank you, Ned. ", we chorused.

" Well, I already told MJ that y/n said yes, because I knew this would happen.

"What?! What if I had said no?", I screeched.

"Please. I knew that wasn't going to happen. I would love to talk to you more, but I have to go. Bye, lovebirds. ", he said, cheerfully hanging up.

" More like love spiders. ", I said, nudging Pete in the side. He was just groaning.

"He told MJ you said yes? I just told him he was the best.", he complained.

"Well, that means he was confident in us, and that's good right?", I reasoned.

"I guess so."

" We never talked about a date, for our date, Pete. ", I reminded him.

"Oh, yeah. Um, how about tomorrow night?", he suggested.

"Sure! Now what do you want to do?", I said.

"Ooh! I should introduce you to Loki.", he said.

" Loki? Awesome! Let's go. ", and we went down to the living room.

" Hey, Uncle Loki! I want to introduce you to y/n. Y/n, Loki. ", he said.

"Wow! You're Loki! God of mischief! Your helmet is really cool can I see it?", I rambled.

" Mortal, why are you not scared? Kneel, before your king. ", he commanded. I just stood there.

"You're not fooling anyone Loki. Now, can I try on your helmet?", I said, unwavering. The others were laughing at Loki.

"I can definitely see that you are Peter's friend." , he said, as a smile broke out on his face.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?", Peter protested.

"Let's go to the game room now!", Tony yelled.

When we got there, I was in awe. I was just getting used to the luxury of my bedroom. Now, I have to take in this?

It wasn't just a room, it was a whole floor. Ping pong tables, 8 ball tables, a karaoke machine, and a signature Tony Stark full bar and kitchenette. There was also a movie theater. It was by far, the coolest room/floor I had ever seen.

I ran about the room, taking in everything. I saw Scott starting the karaoke machine, so I went to join him. It was me, Peter, and Scott. Everybody else just gathered around for the show.

Scott went first. The song he chose was, Somebody That I Used To Know. (Idk, it's the song that I was listening to). He put on a great performance. He wasn't to bad at singing, and he was dancing too. It was really funny.

Then I went. I sing all the time. Around the house, in the shower, in my head, but I still get nervous in front of people. I let Nat choose the song. She chose Count On Me. (Another song I'm listening too.) My voice was a little shaky at first, but when U saw Peter smiling widely, that definitely motivated me.

Peter sang When I Was Your Man. (I bet you can guess.)  I was awestruck by his voice. He seriously the most perfect guy in the earth. Not only is he selfless, and super hot, he also has the voice of an angel. I think I am falling in love.

For dinner, we ordered pizza. A little civil war broke out too. Team Iron-Man against Team Captain America. The argument was whether pineapple belonged on pizza or not. Tony was with it, and Steve, against.

I give you, the saviors of the world.

They were still arguing when the pizza arrived. I had to go get the pizza, because apparently I'm the only mature one. Who am I kidding? I am so unbelievably immature, just not about toppings on pizza. I opened up the box, and dug in.

"Am I going to get all the pizza to myself?", I asked, already starting my 3rd piece. I have a quick metabolism, alright. Don't judge.

They all looked up at me. "Have you guys finally stopped arguing yet? We don't want another Civil War, do we?", I said, smirking. They rolled their eyes, and dug in.

Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, and I am tremendously sad they are gone, but I am also happy that I've found new friends in the Avengers. Also, I'm going on a date with Peter!

Hey guys. Today was the last day of school, and I am so excited. Thank you for bearing this story for this long. This chappie is shit, but, I never said I was a good writer. Oh well.Until next time...........

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