New Knowledge

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The week went on, and I slowly began to get used to my abilities. Let's just hope that my parents don't look at my bedroom ceiling. I can just imagine how that conversation would go.

"Hey y/n, why are there footprints in your ceiling?"

" Uh, I don't know. I just felt like walking on the ceiling a little bit. "

Yeah, right. Maybe I should be more careful. Another thing I've noticed is that I get a lot of tingling feelings when danger happens. I can tell before it's happened that Flash is gonna try to punch Peter. Luckily, Peter has good instincts, and ducks, which just makes Flash more angry, but whatever.

I also get a lot of mind-splitting headaches when it is loud. I've noticed that Peter gets them too, but since he just walks it off and ignores it, I do the same.

I have gotten more comfortable with Peter too. MJ and I bonded pretty quickly, both with our sarcasm and all. Ned was just really easy to get along with.

I'm not saying Peter isn't, but I just get so nervous around him. He is really cute, and super smart too. I stutter a lot around him, and I think I might (read, definitely) have a crush on him.

-----time skip brought to you by, "not a hug"-----

Peter and I were currently walking over to Ned's house. It was are regular meet up spot.

"So, where do you live Peter? Not in a stalker way, just a general location."

"Oh, I live in Manhattan.", he replied.

"That's cool. It must be a bit of a drive thought.", I said.

" Meh, it's not to bad. Are you excited for the weekend?", he asked me.

"Um, yeah! I hate school. I'm so glad that it is"

Suddenly he pushes me out of the way of a laser blast. He pulls me into an alley, as he takes a red and blue suit out of his backpack.

"Okay, y/n, you keep in going to Ned's house. Tell him that I had to do something for the internship.", he instructed me.

I just stood there jaw wide open as he puts on the suit over his clothes.

"You're Spider-Man?", I whisper-scream. "Oh, yeah. Yes I am."

"Wait, what powers do you have?", I question.

"Um, super strength, speed, I can climb any surface, and I have spidey sense, which gives me a tingle in my head, that lets me know when there is trouble. I heal faster than normal, and I have a faster metabolism. I have heightened senses too. Anyway I have to go so please tell Ned, alright? Don't tell anyone in Spider-Man though, please?", he says sheepishly.

"Of course. Please don't get hurt, Peter.", I yell at him as he swings away. He looks back with his mask still off, almost in surprise. I just give a shy smile, and look down.

"Don't worry, I'm Spider-Man, remember?", he winks and swings away.

I shake my head in surprise, and start walking towards Ned's house. I mean, wow! My friend/crush is freaking Spider-Man!  I text Ned saying that Peter can't come because he has to do something for the internship.

As I continue to walk to his house. I feel a strong tingle in my skull. I remember what Peter said, " me a tingle in my head, that lets me know when there is trouble." Well, I guess I have Spider-Man powers, that's great.

y/n:hey I'm sorry ned, I can't come I have to go home
Ned:it's ok

I have to go help Peter. I can tell that my spidey sense is tingling because of him. I sprint as fast as I can to get to where he is. When I get there it is absolute chaos. I can see Spider-Man fighting a villain with huge wings. He has some sort of big alien looking gun in his hands.

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