Date Night

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We arrived at a popular burger joint.

"I've never been here.", I said.

"You'll love it.", he responded with a smile.

We entered and grabbed a table.

"Hello, my name is Ally. What can I get you to drink?", our waiter asked.

" I'll just have some water. ", I said.

"Me too.", Peter requested. "

Ally came back with our drinks, and we ordered our food. We both got cheeseburgers.

" Has Flash stopped messing with you yet? ", he asked, with a concerned expression.

I raised my eyebrows, "You don't know the answer to that? The real question is has he stopped bugging you?"

He rolled his eyes, " Of course not. I hate him. He is such a jerk. Can't you see that we don't want to talk to you? Go away and stop being annoying."

"I know right! I mean, we get it that you think you are popular, but please, leave us alone. I wish I could just beat him up, but you know, that would probably kill him. I don't think I would mind that actually.", I said.

" You don't really wish you could kill him, do you? ", Peter questioned.

" No, I just wish that I never met him. "

"I think we all feel the same.", he said with a laugh.

We finished our meals. Pete insisted on paying, saying "it was his responsibility".

Whatever. It was cute. He called Happy to take us to our next destination.

" So, where are we going? ", I asked.

He pretended to zip his lips up, and throw the key away. What a dork. But it was still adorable.

5 minutes later, we arrived at the movie theater. I gave him a big smile. "

Yes! I love the movies.", I exclaimed.

"I know.", he said with a smile.

We went inside to buy tickets. The movie was called Five Feet Apart. (Haven't watched it, just know that it is super sad. There is also a book. I haven't read it either.)

We bought popcorn and drinks, and entered the dark theater. We had come a little early, so we watched some previews. There was some movie called Captain Marvel. It looked kind of boring. (I promise I don't think it is boring. I loved it.)

"Please turn off you devices, and keep your voices down.", the screen said. The movie started playing.

I placed my hand on the armrest, letting Peter know it was okay to hold my hand. It took him a couple minutes, but finally his hand met mine. His skin was soft and smooth. I relaxed a little. I had been waiting for this for forever.

When it got to the sad part, I started to tear up. I looked over at Peter to see him tearing up as well.

" Are you tearing up, Pete? ", I said with a giggle.

"What? No! I just had dust in my eye.", he defended.

"It's ok. I think it's cute.", I said shyly.

Even in the dark, I could see his cheeks flush. I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder. He tensed up, then relaxed.

When the movie finished we gathered our trash, and stood up. I almost fell down because my legs had fallen asleep. Luckily, Peter caught me.

"Thanks. ", I said.

"Just being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." , he said with a wink.

We called Happy, and got home.

" Thank you Pete. I had a wonderful time. ", I said.

Then, I took a deep breath, and kissed him on the cheek. I pulled away to see his cute face turn bright red. I spun around, and headed to my room.


The next morning, I woke up and got ready for another glorious school day. Except, I was late. Whoops. There was a major robbery at a jewelry store at 3 in the morning, so you can't blame me. I woke up 1 hour late. Peter did too. I'm not sure why no one woke us up, but whatever.

Happy was busy doing some security thing, so we changed into our suits, because it was way faster than taking a bus.

On the way, we had a group of little kids screaming at us. We stopped to see what the problem was. Turned out they just wanted autographs. Oh well.

Once we got to school, we changed and called Tony

" Hi, Tony. I'm sorry if you're busy, but we need you to give us an excuse for coming to school late. "

"Why were you late?", he questioned.

" There was a robbery at 3 in the morning, and nobody woke us up, so we slept in. ", Peter explained.

I could practically hear him rolling his eyes from the other side of the phone.

" Fine. Now go to school before Pepper yells at me. ", and he hung up.

Fortunately, we got to skip all of our first class.

The rest of the day was fine. Flash even left is alone. Oh, wait. I spoke to early.

"Well looks who it is, the orphans.", he said, using totally new material.

I grabbed Pete's hand.

"Go away Flash.", I responded.

That just made him laugh more. "Ooooh. Are you two dating? That's even better! The two orphans! You are really made for each other.", he said, gasping for breath.

" Good to see you noticed. But we don't really care. We know that you think you're popular or whatever, but We.Don't.Care. When will you realize? We have made it pretty obvious. Or are you really as stupid as you look? I wouldn't be surprised. ", I sassed.

He opened his mouth, then closed it.

"Whatever l/n. This is not over.", he sulked back to his laughing friends.

"Whatever you say honey ."

"Oof! She totally crushed you man! What do you have to say for yourself? Look at the crowd!", his friends said.

He looked around with wide eyes at all of the laughing kids.

" Yes! He will definitely leave us alone now! ", Ned exclaimed.

"Thank you! I'll be here all week!", I bowed, and blew a kiss.

Happy drove up, a corner away.

"Bye guys, got to go!", I said.

" You did a great job back there. I'm proud of you. ", Peter said, once we were in the car. He gave me a hug.

"I felt a lot braver with you by my side.", I said.

"Ugh.", Happy gagged, closing the divider.

I stared into Peter's eyes. His eyes flickered to my lips. They went back to mine, as we leaned towards each other. My lips met his, and I melted into his soft lips. I could feel his smile against my mouth.

We pulled back for a breath, and smiled. This was definitely one of the best days of my life.I

Ugh. The cringe is real. Sorry. Who gonna seen FFH opening night? Not me! I don't think I will be able to see it, cause I've already seen Captain Marvel and Endgame. Anyways, thanks for sticking around this long. Until next time................

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