New Allies

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I woke up to FRIDAY yelling me to get up.

"I'm up! I'm up! Goodness gracious FRIDAY." I brushed my teeth and changed my clothes.

When I got to the kitchen, Tony was getting coffee and Peter was eating a quackson(any hollanders?), I mean croissant. I sat down next him and grabbed a quackson,I mean croissant for myself.

"Hey guys.", I said tiredly.

"Well you look excited for school.", Tony said smirking at me.

"Oh, I am so excited to be bullied at school today.", I said sarcastically. The smirk on his face immediately dropped.

"Do you want to skip school?  I'll tell them you're sick.", he said compassion in his eyes.

" Thank you, but I might as well get it over with now. ", I answered.

"Well, Happy is going to take you two in like, oh nevermind, he's here. Bye kids.", he said.

"Bye, Tony.", I said. Before I got in to the elevator, Tony grabbed my wrist. He held me by the shoulders and looked at me with sorrow. Then, he pulled me into a bear hug.

" Good luck. Remember that I am here, so is Pete, and the other Avengers. ", he said encouraging.

"Hey! How come she gets a hug?!", Peter complained.

I stuck my tongue out at him," Because I am more likable them you, and just over all, better. ", I responded.

"She's not wrong Underoos." , Tony said, playfulness in his eyes.

"Whatever, let's go now.", he sulked. I got on the elevator laughing.

"C'mon Peter, we're just joking.", I said putting an arm around him. His face turned bright red. I took my hand back super fast.

"Sorry.", I mumbled. "It's ok.", he said, scratching his neck.

We were super quiet for the rest of the way until we got to school.

-----time skip brought to you by," you should've gone for the head "-----

I climbed out of the car once we arrived at the prison, oops, I meant school. We walked into the building, and spotted MJ and Ned at their lockers, conversing.

" Hey guys! ", I greeted them. MJ turned around with a sad smile. She gave me a hug and said,


 Nothing else. We were quiet for a while.

The tension was cut, and we were back to normal, before the bell rang. Yay, first class with Flash.

When Ned, Peter, and I entered the classroom, Flash just smirked at me. Oh, boy this is going to be fun.

The entire class went through smoothly, it was my next class that was the problem. Flash was in this class too(just my luck), but I was by myself.

"Well, look who it is. The orphan.", he taunted. My eyes started burning with tears.

" Aw, is the orphan crying. Do you need your mommy? Oh, wait! You don't have one. ", he laughed.

"Mr. Thompson, please sit down.", the teacher said. Thank you teacher.

It was the worst day ever. Maybe I should of taken up Tony's offer of staying home.

Not only was it the worst day ever, it was the worst week ever. Being taunted by Flash, and getting stabbed in the arm with a knife by mugger, had added up to a terrible week.

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