New Suit

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I was reading in my room after dinner, when I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in!", Mr.Stark, no, Tony walked in holding my suit.

"I just finished it. Why don't you actually try it on, and I'll get Peter, since he is going to go on patrol soon.", he said walking out.

I tried it on and put on the mask.

"Hello, y/n.", a menacing voice said.

"Hello? Hello?! Whose there?", I said looking around.

"I'm in your suit. My name is Scar.", the voice replied. I calmed down, sitting on the bed.

"Hi, Scar", I said, greeting my new AI.

" Incoming call from Pete. ", Scar said.

"Alright, answer it", I commanded. "Hi, Pete! This suit is so cool!", I said excitedly.

He laughed, "You're right, but you'll get used to it. Does your AI really sound like Scar?", he asked with a hint of jealousy.

" Yes, he does. ", I said smugly. He did his cute little pout.

"Where are you anyway?", I asked.

"I'm in my room, exiting out the window.", he answered.

" Alright, meet you outside. "


I found him on top of the tower. I looked down at our city, with wide eyes.

"It's amazing.", I said.


We were quite for a little. I was probably imagining it, but I think he moved closer towards me, until something went off in our skulls. We looked up at each other at the same time.

"Follow me.", he said, and we swung off in to the sunset.

When we got to the location, we found ourselves at a bank.

Inside, there were a group of about 3 men in black masks. They all had guns. One man had a begun pointed towards the teller. Another, at the people, and the last one was shoving money into some bags.  They made a circle, all facing each other.

" Okay, what's the plan, Pete? ", I asked.

"Since there are 2 of us, why don't we kinda surround them? Like, come on from he sides, and web them up?", he suggested.

"You make that seem a lot easier then it is, but let's try it."

We crept up to where they were standing. A woman saw me, and her eyes widened. I put a hand up to shush her, but it was too late. The robber spotted the woman looking at me, and swung his gun around at me.

"Well there goes are element of surprise.", I said rolling my eyes underneath my mask.

Peter attacked 2 of them at the same time, so I turned my attention to the last one. His gun went off a second later, and I narrowly missed it flipping out of the way.

" Wow, my grandma can shoot better than that! ", I said, taunting the man.

He just growled, and kept on shooting at me. Luckily, my spidey sense helped me out a ton.

"Since when did there become 2 of you annoying spiders?", the guy complained.

"Since now, idiot."

He could tell that he wasn't getting anywhere with trying to shoot me, so he pulled out a switchblade, and charged me.

"Shit! Where were you hiding that! Scar, do you have any webs that can help me out here?"

" How about, taser webs? ", he responded.

"Sure! Sounds good."

" Switching to taser webs. " I shot one out of each wrist, right at his chest. He fell over, convulsing.

"Well, that was easy. Scar, switch to spider web." I shot one in the middle of his body, encasing his whole body.

I ran over to Peter, in time for me to web down the last robber.

"Yeah! High five!", Peter yelled. I laughed and gave him one.

That night we stopped one other robbery, and couple attempted muggings.


When we got home, I went straight to my room, it was 10:30, and tomorrow I have school. I groaned. Ugh, school. I am so not ready for this.

I took a quick shower, and changed into my pjs. I stayed up a little longer watching Netflix.

I tucked myself into the covers, and then screamed. There was a bug on my bed.

I calmed down seeing that it was tiny, then screamed even louder when the big turned into a grown man.

" What are you doing in my room?! ", I said grabbing my suit.

"Calm down, I'm Ant-Man, and your the one who is in my room.", the man, Ant-Man.

"Um, no, I live here. This is my bedroom. You intruded. How did you get in here?", I asked.

Peter and Tony ran in, looking around nervously. They calmed down once they saw Ant-Man.

"Oh, Scott. I see you met y/n.", Tony said.

" You know him/her? ", Scott and I said at the same time.

"Yes, Scott is an Avenger, and y/n lives here and is Spider-Girl. Oh. Yeah, sorry I forgot to tell you that this is y/n's room now, Scott. Well get you another room.", Tony explained.

" You gave my room to someone? Anyway, I came to tell you that me and Cassie moved here so I can be more available for you guys. ", Scott said. "Pleasure to meet you y/n.", he turned to me.

"Ditto.", I said shaking his hand.

" So, me and y/n have to go to school tomorrow, so let's get out of her room. ", Peter spoke up.

"Alright, goodnight y/n.", Tony said walking out.

They finally filed all out, and I laid in bed. It was a very rough night.

It hit me with full force, that my parents were gone. They weren't there to say good night, or give me a kiss. I was thankful that Tony was giving me a place to stay, but what I wouldn't do to see my parents one last time.

I picked up my phone, and scrolled through my camera roll. There were dozens of pictures of me with my mom and dad. We were a very happy family. We went super rich, but we certainly weren't poor.

That night I cried myself to sleep. Hopefully the news didn't say anything about my parents. I wasn't planning on crying in front of my classmates.

So. I saw Endgame on Saturday. I am broken. That's all I'm going to say. Until next time...............

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