CHAPTER 6: I'll cut your balls off and staple them to your forehead

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School gym. Hell on earth. Satan's chamber.

Don't think I'm exaggerating my point here – no. No. No. No. A big no.

I mean come on, I don't want to see Mark William's hairy chest neither do I want to see Iris Santiago bawl her eyes out in the girls' locker room over her 'boyfriend' who frankly doesn't give a shit about anything in school. Not even her.

As I continue staring blankly at Iris crying continuously, I think about yesterday's fight with Jason about joining the soccer team. Those who know me, know that I honestly don't give a damn about anything and that I would do whatever I want especially if I'm hell-bent on doing it.

I tie my shoelaces with a determined look on my face – I probably looked like an Olympic contestant ready to high jump – and make my way to Maddie who was already shamelessly staring at a shirtless Aaron.

"Maddie! How many times?" I sigh and bump her shoulder as I walk past her dreaming away to probably fairyland or somewhere.

"Where'd he get those abs from?" Maddie sighs dreamily. Again.

Oh, come on.

"I'm playing soccer, Maddie." I roll my eyes as I say.


That's all I get?

"With the boys' team," I say nonchalantly and continue stretching my arms and legs, bending till my toes in the process. Suddenly I'm knocked over and I not-so-gracefully land on my tummy.

"What the fuck, Maddie?"

"What?! Are you serious?" I see a glaring Maddie with saucer-wide eyes towering above my fallen ass, her hands on her waist.

"Oh come on. Not you too." I mumble to myself as I recall the fight I had with Jason yesterday due to his dumb soccer-jerk ego. I literally had to crawl out of the house today in order to avoid him. I didn't even take my granola bar.

That itself says a lot.

And let's not forget the hundreds of calories my poor body burned when I walked to school.

"What'd you say to me?" Maddie says in an I'm-supposed-to-be-intimidating-so just-get-scared tone and offers her hand for me to take.

"Hey! Gather up! Girls, let the boys play their own games, no need to motivate them..." Coach Kylie shouts on top of her lungs and glared at the girls who already reached the other side of the field like panting dogs for the yummy not yummy shirtless treats.

"I said I'm joining the boys' team... didn't you hear me the first time?" I stand beside Maddie who was staring at me wide-eyed with a wide open mouth as well.

Really didn't expect girls to discriminate themselves.

Despite our school calling itself state-of-the-art and so advanced, I'm still worried about my judgement about it. Not being able to get a girls' football team? Really?

Before I go all women-empowering, I turn to Maddie and sigh.

"Look, you know right that I love playing soccer?"

"More than painting nails? I understand."

"Yes...whatever. Anyways, I've been playing all these years, Maddie. Ever since dad you know... he taught me how to play it and I've been thinking of taking it ahead and playing it in school. With the team. Whether it be with boys or girls." I end my rant and smile thinking of dad running after me shouting out loud for me to run and kick the ball not hold it in the hands and then run.

"Are you sure about this, Summer? You've seen the boys play... I mean, they are so rough." Maddie whispers in concern as her eyes dart from Coach Kylie to me.

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