CHAPTER 45: Mommy Dearest

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Two days later, you could finally conclude the end of my furious episodes at various strangers who were hell-bent on making me the center of attention at school. As promised, Caleb made sure the story in the media world immediately fizzed out but I knew it would take a long time to get these students to shut their maundering mouths. Despite all this, I walk with Maddie to the field since we have a free session and I'm surprisingly in a good mood for reasons I cannot be able to name.

"So...we have not had a chance to talk about your so-called love life." A Cheshire grin takes over her lips and she wiggles her eyebrows.

"You mean my non-existent love life?"

"Oh come on. Stop being such a grumpy cat. Did you two kiss?" I widen my eyes at that and I could feel the familiar warmth on my cheeks. Between all this, I still had not told Maddie that Caleb and I indeed kissed but that was it. We never even talked about it. I wasn't quite sure where that kiss placed both of us, but I guiltily could say that I enjoyed it a lot.

"As a matter of fact, we did." I look ahead and don on a neutral expression, aware of the fact that Maddie's eyes just turned into saucers.


"You heard me. We kissed."

The deafening silence worries me and I slightly turn my gaze back at her before being engulfed by her tiny body. Sure it is tiny but her sporty attitude and dance background does give her an extra ounce of strength which, suffice to say, knocks the wind out of me.

"Does that mean my best friend finally got a boyfriend?" She squeals and before I could roll my eyes at her reaction, I discern the gleam in her eyes and the blinding grin she has on, so I merely smile at her, shaking my head with amusement.

"No, we are not dating. We haven't actually talked about it. And I prefer it that way." I don't know why I actually said the last part but admittedly, a small part of me is entirely intrigued but afraid of what this could turn out to be. I did not want any complications and till now, I have had enough drama ever since Caleb and Veronica stepped into my life.

"But why-

"Wait." I hold out a hand, distractedly spotting a huddle of boys on the soccer field. I march towards the huddle, noticing everyone from the soccer team listening closely to the distinct voice of Coach Smith. As I neared them, I noticed everyone's shoulders tense and hunched back, my brain jumping to various conclusions. Right in the middle stood Jason and Coach Smith. A hand shoots up at my shoulder and I slightly flinch from all the tension in the air clouding my mind.

"Summer...Coach is uh..." Blake speaks, his eyebrows furrowed and lips tight. Noel gives me a sympathetic look while Shawn places a hand over Aaron's shoulder. My eyes fleet over to the one person that's been in my head for a few days and I don't miss the stoic gaze, the tight jaw or the penetrating glare he was shooting at god knows who. My mind pulls me back to reality and I notice Jason's gaze on the ground, his fists clenched while coach Smith continues to...berate him?

"I trusted you. We all did. You let us down, Jason. I cannot believe my own captain could do that." Coach scoffs and continues glaring at Jason. "So, as of now, you are no longer the captain of the soccer team. You are not part of the team as well."

Jason seems astonishingly unfazed by his words like he is expecting this. His harsh words, although, hit me like a brick and before I realize, I'm in the middle of the huddle. "What the heck, Coach?"

Yup. Crazy sister jumping in the middle too.

"Why would you do this to Jason?" I shout, not caring about the judgy gazes I'm receiving from everyone.

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